
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Tokyo:Horrific 'journalism' from D.McNeill.He admitted to me he does not know if Kennedy acct real. @DavidMcNeill3 pic.twitter.com/h13uwBzRN5

2016-04-28 17:47:56


Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

@DavidMcNeill3 Terrible 'journalism', Mr. McNeill. You just told me on phone you did not confirm source or information. Hack job...

2016-04-28 17:49:50
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

@DavidMcNeill3 I called&emailed H.Kennedy various times before calling you. HK does not answer my calls/emails. You admitted not confirming.

2016-04-28 17:52:45
David McNeill @DavidMcNeill3

Lol, Lectured by Michael Yon on journalism. What an honor.

2016-04-28 17:59:33
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

@DavidMcNeill3 McNeill was actually a board member at Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan. Cannot make up this stuff.

2016-04-28 18:03:38
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

You did not confirm a 'source' or the information. You are not a journalist, Sir. Just a guy with a keyboard. twitter.com/DavidMcNeill3/…

2016-04-28 18:04:51
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

McNeill, the time is now: admit to your readers what you admitted to me -- you did not confirm source or info. twitter.com/DavidMcNeill3/…

2016-04-28 18:06:18
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

McNeill -- saddest part: you do not realize what you are doing is wrong. Journalism 101: confirm,confirm, confirm. twitter.com/DavidMcNeill3/…

2016-04-28 18:09:32
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Thank you. That guy McNeill is Irish. In Thailand he would be called 'red farang.' Basically left-wing foreigner. twitter.com/kiyomiaya1/sta…

2016-04-28 18:41:37
Kiyomi @kiyomiaya1

@Michael_Yon Thank you so much, USA. Sorry about JP left wing media. Many people do appreciate US's help. Thank you so much.

2016-04-28 18:34:18
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Hiding behind a baby. You guys all are the same. You betrayed your few readers by not confirming source and info. twitter.com/davidmcneill3/…

2016-04-28 19:36:40
David McNeill @DavidMcNeill3

Could reply to Michael Yon's babble or play with my 3-month old. Tough choice. Enjoy: twitter.com/HisaeKennedy/ twitter.com/Michael_Yon

2016-04-28 19:26:33
Andrzej Kozlowski @akoz33

@HisaeKennedy @Michael_Yon This is a fake account involving criminal impersonation. A complain to Twitter has been made.

2016-04-28 19:36:16


リンク 『メディアの権力』を監視する 反日サイト『ジャパン・フォーカス』の正体 : 『メディアの権力』を監視する ワルシャワ大のアンジェイ・コズロフスキーが、ジャパン・フォーカスこそ慰安婦問題の司令塔だ、というような事を書いていたと思います。 https://t.co/nQSsn9kspf— Hazama Hisatake (@Hazama_Hisatake) 2015年12月24日「this journal as a stronghold of the “party lin 50
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

I called and emailed to Hisae but no answers. We see evidence that this is fraudulent. Twitter ignored my warning. twitter.com/akoz33/status/…

2016-04-28 19:44:51
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Kennedy should sue the account, find out who it is, and take them to court.This is very damaging for her,if not her. twitter.com/akoz33/status/…

2016-04-28 19:46:33
Andrzej Kozlowski @akoz33

@Michael_Yon @HisaeKennedy She only found out today via Facebook Messenger. Has a different Twitter account, nothing to do with this one.

2016-04-28 19:56:02
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

I emailed to her, and called multiple times, and tried to convey through her friends. Extremely damaging for her. twitter.com/akoz33/status/…

2016-04-28 20:03:04
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

If she files a lawsuit against the account, likely she will quickly figure out who it is. We may already know. twitter.com/akoz33/status/…

2016-04-28 20:03:50
Andrzej Kozlowski @akoz33

@Michael_Yon I think she will be reluctant to file a court suit as it is a lot of trouble. Right now she is trying to compl. to Twitter.

2016-04-28 20:07:35
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Tokyo: 'Journalist' blocks me after admitting he used fraudulent source with fraudulent information @DavidMcNeill3 pic.twitter.com/8wcpaNYA3L

2016-04-28 21:15:33
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

@DavidMcNeill3 The fraudulent source that McNeill has been using opened the account only 12 days ago. Is he that easily fooled?

2016-04-28 21:24:51
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

@DavidMcNeill3 @HisaeKennedy Theories that McNeill is the 'Hisae Kennedy' account owner are unsubstantiated. I do not believe without proof.

2016-04-28 21:26:37
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

@DavidMcNeill3 @hisaeKennedy Fraudulent Hisae Ken. acct cited by journalist David McNeill was just suspended.McNeill has much to answer for.

2016-04-28 21:36:00
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

@DavidMcNeill3 McNeill -- Did you have anything to do with setting up this fraudulent account?

2016-04-28 21:36:47