
ジュース池肉林 @tinjegwan

@rits_inmu 淫夢 is popular in China too.But there are also many homoかキ in China.

2016-05-04 16:45:45
立命館大学淫夢同好会【衣笠支部】 @rits_inmu

@saimanisfj1 I heard in China cant use net freely so it can't be helped,its life.Please spread 淫夢 to your friends!!Its kind of fate,I think

2016-05-04 16:54:29
ジュース池肉林 @tinjegwan

@rits_inmu Alright! In fact,I must use VPN to login Twitter.

2016-05-04 16:58:42
立命館大学淫夢同好会【衣笠支部】 @rits_inmu

@saimanisfj1 really!?Chinas net security is much crazy than I thought.I think its hard to touch 淫夢 but please work hard n struggle!

2016-05-04 17:04:46
ジュース池肉林 @tinjegwan

@rits_inmu I hear about 毛沢東 is an dictator and I hear that he had made lots of social movement to kill lots of people.

2016-05-04 16:40:10
立命館大学淫夢同好会【衣笠支部】 @rits_inmu

@saimanisfj1 I think its a true fact in part but.....aren't you living in China?Are you OK to criticize him?Im very worry

2016-05-04 16:44:15
ジュース池肉林 @tinjegwan

@rits_inmu I dare not criticize him in Chinese network because policeman may arrest me according to my 激寒 words.

2016-05-04 16:49:05
立命館大学淫夢同好会【衣笠支部】 @rits_inmu

@saimanisfj1 Oh..please be careful Polices are watching you like 野獣先輩 watching 遠野.And if they came..its assfuck time pic.twitter.com/U0PxgK4HfE

2016-05-04 16:57:33