
☆CiCi★ @keicc

@fut_gok 了解。I use mobile phone too but can see Japanese.DM means 私信(si xin),I used it before.どうぞよろしく (^_−)−☆

2011-02-07 20:50:58
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

@keicc 好♪I sent you a 私信.Though that is strange question for you,I really wanted to know that.If you're bothered,I want to apologize.m(__)m

2011-02-07 21:02:18
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

(´・ω・) < それにしても、結婚ってだけで、ショック?を受けなくても・・・いきなり嫁候補が現われた感じ?的な?

2011-02-07 21:18:59
☆CiCi★ @keicc

@fut_gok Never mind♪Actually I begin this topic at first.BTW,your English is absolutely good,oh cant believe that as a Japanese.XD

2011-02-07 21:27:24
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

@keicc Your mention makes me the happiest in this world!You're a really great lady.No, I'm a Japanese, probably. XD

2011-02-07 21:36:48
☆CiCi★ @keicc

@fut_gok I am poor at expression too.XD Once I met a Japanese in part-time,he does well in Chinese.orz

2011-02-07 22:34:26
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

@keicc Who is he? Is he your lover?(ひゅ~♪)I begun to study in last fall.So, I'm poor too. 我不知道很多话.(T_T)

2011-02-07 22:51:18
☆CiCi★ @keicc

@fut_gok Oh no just a guest.I did part time job when study in university♪ Wanna learn Japanese coz there is a band in Japan I love♥

2011-02-07 22:58:42
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

@keicc So, the band is w-inds, right?(b´∀`) I don't know them and their songs.

2011-02-07 23:05:18
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

(´・ω・) < アホだなぁ。。。俺。

2011-02-07 23:10:56
☆CiCi★ @keicc

@fut_gok I say yes♪ Already for over 7 years.I'm not surprise that you dont know them.XD What about u, learning Chinese for work?

2011-02-07 23:14:26
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

@keicc That's right. I'd like to learn 汉语 for my work. But...I'm going to work at 台湾. There is not "Pīnyīn" but "Zhùyīn" in TW.

2011-02-07 23:21:42
☆CiCi★ @keicc

@fut_gok Oh would you like to learn "Pīnyīn" more at first?it is the basic way for learning 汉语,the same as 五十音图 for 日文,字母 for 英文。LOL

2011-02-07 23:34:23
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

@keicc Yes!XD But they are difficult for me to pronounce. I think that "e" is a bit hard.饿 and 喝. Not simple. And...陰平,陽平,上聲,去聲 X(

2011-02-07 23:45:06
☆CiCi★ @keicc

@fut_gok In my impression,it's strange for Japanese to read English XD! BTW,when will you go to TAIWAN for work?? lol

2011-02-07 23:55:36
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

@keicc Sorry LOL. Ah...don't be suprised. 我将去台湾明天 ( ̄ー ̄)b

2011-02-08 00:01:05
☆CiCi★ @keicc

正解:我将在明天去台湾。Correction: "when to go" should be in front of "do what". RT @fut_gok: 我将去台湾明天 ( ̄ー ̄)b

2011-02-08 00:08:01
☆CiCi★ @keicc

Plz make another sentence with the way I told you XD RT @fut_gok: @keicc 我将回到日本四月(;_ _)b

2011-02-08 00:10:38
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

@keicc mmm...難しい。でも、谢谢老師♪( ̄▽ ̄)b

2011-02-08 00:11:40
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

@keicc OK. I'll try to tweet. uh.... 我将在四月去日本。这是正确吗?

2011-02-08 00:15:19
☆CiCi★ @keicc

Japanese translate into Chinese:很难。但是。Right?? ;) RT @fut_gok: @keicc mmm...難しい。でも、谢谢老師♪( ̄▽ ̄)b

2011-02-08 00:19:45
☆CiCi★ @keicc

@fut_gok hey you guy good job!!how smart you are♪( ´θ`)ノ你很聪明。正解!!\(*´▽`)/

2011-02-08 00:22:29
Honorary human @GOKKIEisSEIGI

Ah...Sorry.It is Japanese special phrase."でも" means in this case:(I cannot understand it)"But"(you're not blame) RT @keicc 很难。但是。Right?? ;)

2011-02-08 00:27:23