Tour of Oman 2011 @tourofoman2011 TEXT LIVE! DAY1

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@QuickStepTeam thanks, watch this space for updates!

2011-02-15 13:29:35
Tour de Rijke @TourdeRijke

@tourofoman2011 Good luck with the organization of the race the oncoming days !! Have a safe ride !

2011-02-15 05:28:11

@TourdeRijke thanks for your best wishes, the next six days promises to be outstanding.

2011-02-15 13:27:11 @velowire_com

@tourofoman2011 will you post a daily video summary of each of the stages? Would love to embed it on

2011-02-15 06:42:01

@thover we are aiming to post daily video summaries at the end of each day. Thanks so much for your interest. #TourOfOman promises to excite

2011-02-15 13:32:20

Teams prepare for todays #TourOfOman. Racing starts this afternoon.

2011-02-15 13:51:29

Team FDJ prepares for #TourOfOman at race headquarters.

2011-02-15 14:04:30

Race starts in Sawadee today at 12:30. Finishes in Seeb at 16:15. Routemap on

2011-02-15 15:01:29

Video of #TourOfOman preparations at race HQ this morning.

2011-02-15 15:24:38

The Race will Start in Sawadee, 500 metres past the Sawadee Beach Resort. Start time, 12:30

2011-02-15 16:57:34

Teams prepare at the start of the race

2011-02-15 17:01:59

Local Omanis perform a transitional ceremony at the #TourOfOman starting line.

2011-02-15 17:12:43

We are at the starting line. The excitement is palpable.

2011-02-15 17:31:10

Finish location is 6.5 kms from Naseen Garden in Seeb. Time, 4pm. Go 2 garden, follow signs 2 finish. Arrive early to avoid road closures.

2011-02-15 17:59:30
Jens Hagström @jenscer

@tourofoman2011 Second year now with no TV or online video-coverage.You are missing a huge opportunity.Makes your race not very interesting.

2011-02-15 17:54:40

@jenscer We understand ur frustration. We will do our best to update through twitter, facebook and upload video highlights at

2011-02-15 18:02:56
Jens Hagström @jenscer

@tourofoman2011 And you're doing a fine job in that respect. But, the fact remains, without live video it's a non-event.

2011-02-15 18:05:24

@tourofoman2011 will there be live updates of what's happening in the race on twitter/website??

2011-02-15 16:35:58

@leelalei we will do our best for live twitter updates.

2011-02-15 18:04:29
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