
2011年2月28日に開催された気候変動枠組条約事務局長フィゲレス氏を招いたIGESオープンフォーラム「カンクン合意を経て:低炭素社会構築に向けた課題は?」に関するつぶやきです。 *2011年3月1日17:54に新たなつぶやきを追加しました。 *2011年3月3日22:33に海外メディア報道のつぶやきを追加しました。 *2011年3月5日22.53に、このフォーラムのustreamのURLと国内、海外メディア報道のURLを追加しました。
Yukari TAKAMURA @yukaritaka

昨日2月28日(月)に東京で開催されたIGESオープンフォーラム「カンクン合意を経て」での国連気候変動枠組条約事務局長Cristiana Figueresのスピーチはこちら→ http://bit.ly/hqirPx

2011-03-01 16:48:31
Kimiko Hirata 平田仁子 @kimihirata


2011-02-28 10:05:20
Kimiko Hirata 平田仁子 @kimihirata


2011-02-28 10:53:31
Kimiko Hirata 平田仁子 @kimihirata


2011-02-28 10:41:02
Alex Luta @alexluta

C. Figueres' 5 pillars of Durban COP: fast-track finance, Green Climate Fund, technology mechanism, adaptation framework and MRV/ICA.

2011-02-28 10:44:06
Alex Luta @alexluta

R. Oppenheim (UK embassy in Tokyo): EU and Japan share goal of single binding treaty on climate change.

2011-02-28 10:47:28
Alex Luta @alexluta

Figueres: "I don't believe in the concept of 'allocation of burden', but in the 'allocation of opportunity'." The US has not realized this.

2011-02-28 10:51:22
Alex Luta @alexluta

Figueres: developed countries' argument against mitigation w/o commensurate emerging economy action incomprehensible due to 3 reasons:

2011-02-28 11:11:21
Alex Luta @alexluta

(1) Undeniable historical responsibility in causing the problem, (2) obvious technological ability to address the problem and...

2011-02-28 11:11:49
Alex Luta @alexluta

(3) large scale (and otherwise highly publicized!) domestic political commitments by China, India, Brazil, etc.

2011-02-28 11:12:19
Alex Luta @alexluta

Figueres: Chinese national plan interpretable as legally binding domestic target. No such thing exists in Japan.

2011-02-28 11:16:58
Alex Luta @alexluta

Figueres: Claim that only countries under the Protocol will commit to action "absolute fallacy"...

2011-02-28 11:21:35
Alex Luta @alexluta

...because science showing that days of free riding are over. See commitment of small countries (Costa Rica, Maldives) to carbon neutrality.

2011-02-28 11:24:03
Alex Luta @alexluta

Side note: F. very obviously irritated with Japan-like questions. That KP now only covers x% of global emissions "simplistic thinking".

2011-02-28 11:26:09
Alex Luta @alexluta

F.: That 2nd commitment period would automatically lead to an exemption on action for non-Annex I countries simply not true.

2011-02-28 11:28:08
Alex Luta @alexluta

F: It should be obvious that only countries under the KP have access to its flexibility mechanisms. Badabimsh!

2011-02-28 11:29:27
Alex Luta @alexluta

Awesomeness by Oppenheim: "I would like to know what kind of magic a new forum would bring that the UNFCCC so far has not."

2011-02-28 11:38:39
Alex Luta @alexluta

F poses a series of serious questions on Japanese bilateral mechanisms: (1) what methodology?!

2011-02-28 11:40:45
Alex Luta @alexluta

(2) Fungibility: these offsets exist between two countries, how can they be converted in a wider market? Is 1t carbon the same everywhere?

2011-02-28 11:43:36
Alex Luta @alexluta

(3) How to avoid double counting?

2011-02-28 11:43:57
Alex Luta @alexluta

Side note: Japanese lawyer abuses Q&A to pontificate.

2011-02-28 11:50:31
Alex Luta @alexluta

J lawyer views F's intervention as rather aggressive and cautions that such stance might lead Japan to view the Secretariat as an enemy.

2011-02-28 11:54:52
小西雅子 @mKonnie


2011-02-28 18:19:56
小西雅子 @mKonnie

- ダーバンに向けて宿題5ポイント 1)2012年までの短期資金の透明性、追加性、アロケーションなどを事務局 へ報告 2)グリーン気候基金の設立 3)技術メカニズム 4)適応フレームワーク 5)削減量と資金のMRV

2011-02-28 18:20:18
小西雅子 @mKonnie

ー ダーバンの課題 1)各国の削減約束のレベルを、2度未満に抑えるために必要な量にいかにあげ ていくか 2)次期枠組みの法的な形、KPのCP2と、別の合意が補佐する形か?

2011-02-28 18:20:22