
連日セールやってるけど、計画倒産は嫌よ 障害が加速する ネットワークがダウン、つらい <- いまここ
Joe Gofton @JoeGofton

@cloudatcost No cpanel access and no server access. What's up guys? The server at panel.cloudatcost.com is taking too long to respond.

2017-01-30 23:54:30
Kirył 🌞 @siakiera

Worst VDS EVER > #cloudatcost . Panel is not accessible. Finish..

2017-01-30 23:48:50
Silverwizard @HippyWizard

@cloudatcost Can't get to panel.cloudatcost.com from my Atria link, a Sentex link, or the link from Vultr in Frankfurt

2017-01-30 23:47:36
Robert Weiss @pwcrack

@cloudatcost Hey! What's up? Can't reach panel or any running servers?

2017-01-30 23:30:10
just4v2ex @just4v2ex

[全球工单系统] CloudAtCost 服务器全断了,后台也打不开了,官网还能打开: ift.tt/TQ93VKhttp://i… 目测要翻车 ift.tt/2jKqZAL

2017-01-30 23:18:12
Bamfrey @awratten1

@cloudatcost looks like a complete network outage... Any update?

2017-01-30 23:04:41
ScianTek @ScianTek

@cloudatcost URGENT the panel is down, multiple severs our down,

2017-01-30 23:02:20
Matt Lavergne @mattlavergne

@cloudatcost can't access panel and one of my server is not answering ... whats going on?

2017-01-30 22:56:12
Oilinki @oilinki

@dj_tev same here. No response at all from @cloudatcost servers

2017-01-30 22:34:16
tom396 @dj_tev

@cloudatcost is there network issues on your end, because i cant access the panel or any boxes I have with you, and its not my end :(

2017-01-30 22:32:03
はやし @haya_action

起動したら思ったら、やはりネットワークがだめなのか #cloudatcost pic.twitter.com/rK5wdP4GUr

2017-01-30 20:06:22
漬物石 @tukemono360

CloudAtCost、インスタンス何回立てなおしてもまったく接続できない(コンパネからNetwork testしてもN/A)のに80%offセールやってるし破滅っぽい。

2017-01-30 18:43:12
morohack ★★★ @moro4hack

@cloudatcost are there any problems? I can not connect to the server

2017-01-30 17:13:23

Server作成時にDC-2選んだらなんかアカンって言われたからDC-3にしてたけど、DC-3は全然繋がらんみたいな情報あったからサーバー再作成してみたら今度はDC-2選べた、Install Pending待ち

2017-01-30 16:53:32
ちかちかちゃん @chankame


2017-01-30 16:35:56

CloudAtCost、ブラウザのConsoleやっても"Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)"やしssh接続も出来へん、そもそもpingすら到達しない、どないなっとんねん

2017-01-30 16:20:55
Ry @RyWells

@cloudatcost keep getting an error when creating a server "DC can't get IP" tried DC 2&3....Nothing....

2017-01-30 12:37:45
Jonathan @BurritolessCode

@CACSupportGuy @cloudatcost Might just restart nothing that I can not redo quickly.

2017-01-30 11:56:08
The Gugi Sumit @djsumdog

@cloudatcost It's been three days and you still haven't answered my ticket (62858748) for my dead server you scam artists.

2017-01-30 09:56:09