
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

Fukushima Daiichi–Derived Radionuclides in the Ocean: Transport, Fate, and Impacts (Buesseler, et al., 2017) annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.11…

2017-02-18 14:30:28
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

“This represents an additional input of approximately 25% more 137Cs than existed in the North Pacific prior to the FDNPP event (69 PBq)...

2017-02-19 09:04:25
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

“...from nuclear weapons testing. Adding an equal amount of 134Cs would double the radiocesium inventory derived from the FDNPPs in 2011."

2017-02-19 09:04:58
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

"Several of these simulations also predict maximum 137Cs activities of 1–3 Bq m−3 to occur in North American coastal waters in 2015–2017...

2017-02-19 09:20:58
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

...and then to gradually decline to levels of 1 Bq m−3 by 2020. However, as noted above, FDNPP-derived 137Cs activities of 10 Bq m−3 were...

2017-02-19 09:21:38
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

...measured at various locations in the eastern North Pacific in 2015, and no decreasing trend in most regions has been observed.

2017-02-19 09:23:09
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

One of the reasons for higher-than-predicted 137Cs activities may be related to relatively weak mixing and strongly positive temperature...

2017-02-19 09:23:33
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

...anomalies in the eastern North Pacific starting in 2013–2014 caused by an unusual weather pattern that featured...

2017-02-19 09:23:58
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

...abnormally high sea-level pressure over this region."

2017-02-19 09:24:16
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

"Despite these differences between empirical and model results, it is likely that FDNPP-derived 137Cs activities will reach their maximum...

2017-02-19 09:25:06
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

...in 2015–2016, depending on the location, before declining by 2020 to levels of approximately 1–2 Bq m−3 associated with...

2017-02-19 09:25:27
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

... background fallout from nuclear weapons testing.” 北米沿岸の海水中Cs137濃度は2015〜7年に最大の1〜3Bq/m3に達し、2020年には1Bq/m3に戻るだろうとモデリングで予測されていたが、

2017-02-19 09:40:04
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma


2017-02-19 09:40:40
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

(続)海水の気温が異常に上昇していることと関連しているかもしれない。 いずれにせよ、福島事故由来のCs137濃度は、場所によっては2015〜6年に最大に達し、2020年までには核実験由来の1〜2Bq/m3まで減少するだろうと思われる。

2017-02-19 09:43:02
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma


2017-02-19 13:01:45
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

あ、この論文ですね。 「海洋中の福島第一由来の放射性物質:その輸送、結末と影響」 annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.11… まあ、健康影響の部分を書いたのは多分、オレゴン州立大学の方のような気がするので、仕方ないかもしれんけど・・。UNSCEARやICRPを鵜呑み。

2017-02-19 13:03:48


まとめ 福島第一原発事故 汚染水問題関連まとめ一覧 汚染水に関連するまとめを集めました。 4820 pv 77 1 user 2