YokosoNews Breaking 3

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Edu Lartzanguren @edulartzanguren

Hirugarren erreaktorearen hormigoizko eraikina lehertzea litekeena dela uste du Gobernuak ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:19:31

Japanese Government CONFIRMS 40 trainees from China unaccounted for in quake ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:20:06
cajunbrain @cajunbrain

no way sea water works but people tend to believe their overlords in times of crisis.. ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:20:21

Katz LOVE YOU ! my heart is with Nippon! ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:20:44
rerere284 @rerere284

Aysha Kahn has been the same link for a while now :o ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:21:02
b wada @imbroglio1

japan could start calling in the debt that the u.s. owes ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:21:05
Fradiamante @Fradiamante

News in Italy report that trains missing have been found and that people are ok ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:21:06
Spacemania @Spacemania

Just want to let you know that the HF Hockey community of N.America thanks you ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:21:20

instead of bothering Katz lets help him ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:21:26
Jill Hammons @Jillyrabbit

there only so much one guy can do...thanks Katz! ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:21:46
AJ @isturma

Katz, for a smile, look at the US Marines arriving for Operation Tomodachi http://t.co/7LYgH4r ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:21:57
cajunbrain @cajunbrain

we're gonna have to borrow money from japan to help them recover.. so twisted ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:22:04
Spacemania @Spacemania

We feel that your doing a better job at this than CNN right now. Keep up the good work! ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:22:07

toyota, honda, nissan, sony all shut down till further notice ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:22:14
cajunbrain @cajunbrain

richie, i agree.. all backup mechanisms failed so they have no choice. false hope IMO ( #YokosoNews live at http://ustre.am/fkaU)

2011-03-13 16:23:13
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