
しましまのKDD2016の参加・聴講記録 http://www.kdd.org/kdd2017/
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超循環評価器 @hagino3000

交絡因子の影響を軽減した介入効果推定? 実データでの実験の1つはWe Chatでの広告配信結果。 / “Estimating Treatment Effect in the Wild via Differentiated Co…” htn.to/r7Njgx

2017-08-17 23:43:59
Alexandra Olteanu @o_saja

#kdd2017 charming small concert in the park near the venue -- nice way to end the conference pic.twitter.com/8XH36qe2Y6

2017-08-18 00:40:32
Alexandra Olteanu @o_saja

#kdd2017 charming small concert in the park near the venue -- nice way to end the conference pic.twitter.com/8XH36qe2Y6

2017-08-18 00:40:32
Aleksandar Bojchevski @abojchevski

#KDD2017 is officially closed. Great conference. Halifax was lovely too, see you all next year in London.

2017-08-18 00:51:36
Dirk Van den Poel @dirkvandenpoel

Congrats to the organizers for a great #KDD2017 conference in Halifax, NS, Canada! See you next year in London. #datamining #DataScience #AI pic.twitter.com/hPnMyoaoFB

2017-08-18 01:09:57
Dirk Van den Poel @dirkvandenpoel

Congrats to the organizers for a great #KDD2017 conference in Halifax, NS, Canada! See you next year in London. #datamining #DataScience #AI pic.twitter.com/hPnMyoaoFB

2017-08-18 01:09:57
JR New @jrnewww

Can't not get some donair poutine before leaving! Thanks for the amazing food Halifax! #kdd2017 pic.twitter.com/0i2EAkpCz6

2017-08-18 01:24:06
JR New @jrnewww

Can't not get some donair poutine before leaving! Thanks for the amazing food Halifax! #kdd2017 pic.twitter.com/0i2EAkpCz6

2017-08-18 01:24:06
しましま @shima__shima

基調講演3 Renée J. Miller さん.データベースの人らしい. データ統合ということで,いろいろな情報源からデータを集めてきて,仮のビューを作って利用者に見せるという操作のようだ.join が必要になるが,キーに曖昧性があったりとかいうのが問題になるということらしい.

2017-08-18 01:28:12
しましま @shima__shima

クロージングで,最終的に参加者は 1675 人.来年の KDD2018 はロンドンで 2018.8.19-23 開催. pic.twitter.com/H6zF8E1Myc

2017-08-18 01:29:27
Sheamus McG @sheamusmcgov

Chatted with @ArnoCandel @ #kdd2017 and got a sneak peak at the new @h2oai coming soon. The auto feature engineering process rocks! pic.twitter.com/67UMLFwezb

2017-08-18 11:42:46
Open Data Science @_odsc

@sheamusmcgov just back from #kdd2017,23 years on and never gets old!.Fantastic lineup and a great crowd. Congrats to all the organizers pic.twitter.com/hrtbszmDZp

2017-08-18 12:01:27
前へ 1 ・・ 11 12