
しましまのRecSys2017の参加・聴講記録 http://recsys.acm.org/recsys17/
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Alessandro Bozzon @aleboz

Concluding with Alejandro Bellogín discussing a study performed over "Decide Madrid" data #CitRec2017 #recsys2017 bit.ly/2eH2XUz pic.twitter.com/vefGZSgbyg

2017-09-01 00:20:11
ACM RecSys @ACMRecSys

It's officially over. You all have been awesome 😊See you next year in Vancouver! Cheers #RecSys2017 #RecSys2018 recsys.acm.org/recsys18/

2017-09-01 02:01:33
sbourke @sbourke

Anyone know any open source CLI to compute ranking metrics which doesn't have a ton of dependencies ? #recsys2017

2017-09-01 02:44:52
しましま @shima__shima

今日は一日 Responsible Recommendation (FATREC2017) に参加. グループ間の推定値や誤差の公平性の他,推薦の割り当ての公平性,理由付けなど対象はかなり広かった.

2017-09-01 04:47:28
Alejandro Bellogin @abellogin

Slides of my #rectemp workshop presentation on revisiting KNN and incorporating time slideshare.net/abellogin/revi… #recsys2017

2017-09-01 06:54:13
Benedikt Loepp @BenediktLoepp

Interactive Systems group picture at #RecSys2017. Looking forward to repeat next year in Vancouver. @__Helma @cmbarbu @donkers_tim pic.twitter.com/kVVDo5yLdJ

2017-09-01 07:44:20
しましま @shima__shima

RecSys2017のチュートリアルは全部スライドが配布されたようだ recsys.acm.org/recsys17/tutor…

2017-09-01 14:12:48
Alan Said @alansaid

Of the 9 @ACMRecSys I’ve been to, #recsys2017 is at the top. Great program, great venue. Thanks @fmr59 & @crmpla67 for putting it together!

2017-09-01 18:53:29
Alan Said @alansaid

Slides from our (@abellogin and me) tutorial on #recsys replication at the @ACMRecSys Summer School j.mp/2iLTRKC #RecSys2017 pic.twitter.com/oyUHJihbRl

2017-09-01 19:20:17
Cindy Lamm @almightyData

@totopampin @ACMRecSys Will your first action be tweeting links of where to find slides of the awesome presentations of #recsys2017?

2017-09-01 20:36:48
Sandra G-Esparza @sandrewge

Slides from my presentation "Building search and discovery services for news and marketplaces" #RecSys2017 #LSRS slideshare.net/SandraGarcia89…

2017-09-01 21:53:37
Fair Recommendation @FAccTRec

@fatconference #recsys2017 #fatrec authors, this could be a good place for expanded versions of your papers! twitter.com/fatconference/…

2017-09-02 03:50:36
ACM FAccT @FAccTConference

Call for Papers for FAT* now up; abstract registration Sep. 29, full papers due Oct. 6. Authors, start your editors! fatconference.org/2018/cfp.html

2017-09-02 03:49:17
M. Larson @ngrams

Towards Minimal Necessary Data for #recsys: @fatrecsys 2017 workshop position paper, now as screencast #recsys2017 youtu.be/UZdfGYU41kQ

2017-09-02 06:58:20
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