
WWW2011のWorkshop Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2011)のハッシュタグまとめ http://events.linkeddata.org/ldow2011/
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Kerstin Forsberg @kerfors

Looking forward to catch up with #ldow2011 #www2011 tweets later on this week

2011-03-29 19:28:20
Thomas Steiner @tomayac

[Twitter Swarm NLP extension] Seems like the Node.js server’s back (all in room same IP). Plus I’ve fixed the “no popup.html” bug. #LDOW2011

2011-03-29 19:41:07
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

午後5件目 Re-using Cool URIs: Entity Reconciliation Against LOD Hubs ( Fadi Maali #ldow2011

2011-03-29 19:48:50
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

LOD Hub: みんながリンクしたがるLOD、DBpedia, BBC Music ... Gov. Dataなら politiciaon/Comapanies/Schools/Admistrative Area/Motoways/Gov. Dept. など #ldow2011

2011-03-29 19:49:20
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

どうやってそういう関連するデータセットを探すが課題(前の論文と目的は同じ)。 方法:SPARQL, SPARQL+fulltext search, Silk Server, SW search engine #ldow2011

2011-03-29 19:49:38
Erik Wilde @dret

final #ldow2011 paper: Open eBusiness Ontology Usage (Jamshaid Ashraf, Richard Cyganiak, Sean O'Riain, Maja Hadzic) http://bit.ly/ehmofC

2011-03-29 19:52:57
Raphaël Troncy @rtroncy

#goodrelations study by @cygri : who is publishing GR data? What's in the data? What can you do with it? Can we reason over it? #ldow2011

2011-03-29 19:57:37
Erik Wilde @dret

interesting study by @cygri how GoodRelations is combined with other vocabularies, such as vCard or DC. #ldow2011

2011-03-29 19:59:57
Myriam @iammyr

Privacy Preference Ontology: http://slidesha.re/eGRoRQ #ldow2011 #www2011 #ppo with congrats by TBL!!! well done @owensacco

2011-03-29 20:07:09
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

最後の発表。 Open eBusiness Ontology Usage: Investigating Community Implementation of GoodRelations ( Jamshaid Ashraf #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:10:50
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

すでにつかえるメタデータ->GoodRelations: これでタグ付けすればGoogleのsnipetにそれが表示される。 GoodRelationsデータの調査(誰が、どんな)とその活用(推論とか) #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:11:37
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

誰が?:Best Buy, Overstock.com O'reilyとか E-Commerce CMS 一緒に使われる語彙:vCard, dcterms, dc, Foaf, の順 #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:12:16
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

例1:会社を探す。住所は100%ある。例2:オファーを探す。例3:特定の商品を探す。 わかったこと:少数の語彙がよく使われる。商品のモデルは不足。#ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:13:52
Daniel Koller @dakoller

@iammyr nice concept, are there any implementations ahead for e.g. common rdf stores/#semanticweb apps? #linkeddata #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:13:59
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

あとの1時間は4つのグループに分かれて議論。1. App ARchitecture 2. Ontology and Voc Developmt, 3. Studying WoD 4. Is LD over-engineered or complicated? #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:17:21
Erik Wilde @dret

#ldow2011 @ivan_herman says: "the community has not completely accepted the fact that both data and reasoning will always be incomplete."

2011-03-29 20:22:00
Nigel Shadbolt @Nigel_Shadbolt

There isn't one architecture and we need to remain inclusive #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:24:11
Raphaël Troncy @rtroncy

"FOAF is the perfect dataset to explore link traversal but cannot conclude on other structured data" -- @olafhartig #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:26:55
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

別れて議論じゃなくて、4人の主要な人がサマライズをするということだったのか。TBL: App. Arch. は過去を忘れていろいろ考慮にいれろ(それ以外はよくわかりませんでした)。 #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:29:42
Olaf Hartig @olafhartig

My article that conceptually compares architectures "Database Perspective on Consuming LinkedData on the Web" http://is.gd/tahqye #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:30:45
Hannes M​ühleisen @hfmuehleisen

Tim Berners-Lee: "When you're crawling [Linked Data], please set the User Agent and the Referer header [...]" - thanks! #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:30:59
Nigel Shadbolt @Nigel_Shadbolt

@timberners_lee "A large number of sites using a small amount of ontology" that's a good sign a la GoodRelations #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:32:17
Kingsley Uyi Idehen @kidehen

@timberners_lee - "A large number of sites using a small amount of ontology" that's a good sign a la #GoodRelations #ldow2011 #linkeddata

2011-03-29 20:35:43
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