
WWW2011のWorkshop Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2011)のハッシュタグまとめ http://events.linkeddata.org/ldow2011/
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Erik Wilde @dret

#ldow2011 @ivan_herman "defining a good vocabulary is not easy." that's still an understatement, but amen anyway.

2011-03-29 20:42:16
Erik Wilde @dret

maybe the real problem is not how to define/find vocabularies, but how to understand them and verify that they are what you need. #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:43:40
Dr. Milan Stankovic @milstan

Interesting to follow #ldow2011 on twitter. Thank you all for reporting ;)

2011-03-29 20:48:36
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

2. Ontology and voc. ”我々はGoogleやYahoo!の影響を避けられない。GRがいい例。” ”信頼できるvoc. siteがあればもっと普及するのでは" "dataが先じゃなくてAppが先。じゃないと誰もデータをつくらない” #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:50:20
Raphaël Troncy @rtroncy

@ivan_herman leading the discussion: ontology and vocabulary deployment. Related work from #mondeca, LOV: http://bit.ly/gJPAtp #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:51:26
Erik Wilde @dret

#ldow2011 @ivan_herman pointing to the ugly truth of how hard vocabulary matching is beyond the trivial cases of straightforward mappings.

2011-03-29 20:51:45
Hugh Glaser @hughglaser

#ldow2011 Ivan: mapping of vocabs is important. Agreed, A service to do it once it is discovered: we use http://www.rkbexplorer.com/mapping/

2011-03-29 20:57:13
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

3. Studying the WoD. LDはどんなネットワークなの?サイズとかだけではなく、provenance & trust, Privacy, Data portability, Importance of Data authority,などが重要 #ldow2011

2011-03-29 20:59:00
Kingsley Uyi Idehen @kidehen

#ldow2011 presenters, remember that #slideshare accepts #PDF uploads. Once you upload your preso it gets into the #LOD cloud.

2011-03-29 21:05:56
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

"provenace とかTrustとかはコミュニティで研究されているが、それは他方でより複雑化で困るという人もいる。RDFaですらそう" "sophicated vs. understandable" #ldow2011

2011-03-29 21:11:22
Raphaël Troncy @rtroncy

@timberners_lee wondering if he should not push again #tabulator as a open source project #ldow2011 #www2011

2011-03-29 21:12:49
Erik Wilde @dret

#ldow2011 @timberners_lee wants to see better instant gratification when putting data on the web. this is what made HTML so successful.

2011-03-29 21:13:22
Erik Wilde @dret

#ldow2011 comment: "can we please stop counting triples and boast about the numbers? and maybe come up with something meaningful?" +1

2011-03-29 21:18:34
Hideaki Takeda @takechan2000

TBLが締め。key ring?をプレゼントで投げる。LD Magは投げるまねをして、発表者にあげる。以上でおしまい。 #ldow2011

2011-03-29 21:23:29
Kingsley Uyi Idehen @kidehen

@tomayac @dret @vrandezo there's a reason why Triple counts are important. Why not ask the question first? #LinkedData #ldow2011

2011-03-29 21:26:20
Raphaël Troncy @rtroncy

+1 Never have so many useful discussions! RT @hughglaser: Best #ldow2011 ever, I think

2011-03-29 21:35:21
Olaf Hartig @olafhartig

Best #ldow2011 workshop ever, It was great to experience the enthusiasm and energy in our community once more! #www2011

2011-03-29 21:52:43
Erik Wilde @dret

@rtroncy well, pretty much nobody else was twittering about #ldow2011. i suspect because twitter has no support for tweeting in triples.

2011-03-29 22:25:48
Michael Hausenblas @mhausenblas

@dret thanks a lot for your live-tweeting re #LDOW2011 - very much appreciated!

2011-03-29 22:33:12
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