
リンク cat /var/log/life Turning a MacBook into a Touchscreen with $1 of Hardware We turned a MacBook into a touchscreen using only $1 of hardware and a little bit of computer vision. 44 users 630
𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒏 さんと他254人があなたのポストをいいねしました @makotofalcon

MacBookのカメラにミラーつけて、ディスプレイ前の映像を撮ってあとは画像認識でMacBookをタッチスクリーンにしちゃう子頭いい!精度は知らんけど Turning a MacBook into a Touchscreen with $1 of Hardware buff.ly/2IovN8A

2018-04-05 22:24:34
sironekotoro💙💛 @sironekotoro

なるほど、正面のカメラを反射させてか■Turning a MacBook into a Touchscreen with $1 of Hardware · cat /var/log/life anishathalye.com/2018/04/03/mac…

2018-04-06 11:53:46
Takahiro Poly Horikawa 堀川隆弘 @thorikawa

どんなに安いセンサー探してもさすがに$1は無理やろって思ったけど、ミラーでディスプレイ付近の映像をフロントカメラに反射させて解析するとか天才過ぎる。 "Turning a MacBook into a Touchscreen with $1 of Hardware · cat /var/log/life" anishathalye.com/2018/04/03/mac…

2018-04-05 18:42:16
H. NOMATA @hiromichinomata

webcamで画像処理。ディスプレイに反射した指と実際の指との距離を測ることでタッチ判定 / “Turning a MacBook into a Touchscreen with $1 of Hardware · cat /va…” htn.to/9mUpHN

2018-04-05 23:46:23
こめ @come25136

NowBrowsing: Turning a MacBook into a Touchscreen with $1 of Hardware · cat /var/log/life: anishathalye.com/2018/04/03/mac… なんだこれ頭良すぎる

2018-04-06 01:13:02
carrion_crow @carrion_crow

タッチスクリーンの説明画面にミケランジェロの天地創造、というセンスが良いw / “Turning a MacBook into a Touchscreen with $1 of Hardware · cat /var/log/l…” htn.to/74FfLp

2018-04-06 06:21:05
Gizmodo @Gizmodo

This clever MacBook touchscreen hack works surprisingly well considering it costs $1 gizmo.do/cWY2vwK pic.twitter.com/Vt2Z15aE2O

2018-04-06 00:21:13
リンク Gizmodo Turn Your Macbook Into a Touchscreen With This Clever $1 Hack To date, Apple’s mostly useless Touch Bar is the closest the company has ever come to selling a touchscreen Mac. But if you’ve got a spare dollar in your wallet, you could upgrade your MacBook with touchscreen-like functionality all by yourself using this 289
ワタナベショータ @shotaw

Macをタッチスクリーンにするソフト(と1$未満で揃うちょっとした装置) いっつもこれしたいって思ってたやつだ anishathalye.com/2018/04/03/mac…

2018-04-06 13:17:47
モラルモラトリアム @moraltorium

1ドルでMacBookがタッチスクリーンになるやと、これはやるしかない anishathalye.com/2018/04/03/mac…

2018-04-06 14:28:28


Linux.EXE @Linux_EXE

@anishathalye @antimatter15 @biject @logan_engstrom How long ago did you start working on this? I remember a similar project a good two+ years ago, or maybe it was more rudimentary than this.

2018-04-06 06:14:28
Kevin Kwok @antimatter15

@Linux_EXE @anishathalye @biject @logan_engstrom The first prototype of ShinyTouch was when I was in 8th grade almost 9 years ago. @biject had the idea to use a mirror to adapt it to laptops 3 years ago, and we built this current version for Greylock Hackfest about 1.5 years ago.

2018-04-06 06:20:27
Guillermo Webster @biject

I made macbook into a touchscreen w/ $1 of hardware a bit ago with @anishathalye @antimatter15 and @logan_engstrom and it's on Gizmodo right now: gizmodo.com/this-clever-ma…. The (very hacky) code is here: github.com/bijection/sist…

2018-04-06 02:27:47
リンク GitHub bijection/sistine sistine - Turn a MacBook into a Touchscreen with $1 of Hardware