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#mysqlconf の保守。
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Birds of a Feather (BoF) Networking sessions tonight 7-11pm; sign up boards are in Ballroom A-D Foyer #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 08:30:03
kate matsudaira @katemats

data is always moving - setup your architecture to take advantage of that (ephemeral <-> authoritative) @waltjones #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 08:37:01
Sebastien Dejean @thebuddychrist

Currently viewing the mysql and linux tuning talk... too many details missing from this talk #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 08:41:19
Sebastien Dejean @thebuddychrist

I see lots of notes being taken in M$ Word... really?! #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 08:45:05
kate matsudaira @katemats

w/ denormalized data - having a unique identifier can help identify related data (no joins allowed) - also for re-normalization #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 08:48:03
Andy S. Parsons @andyparsons

In Tom Hanlon's Intro to HBase session at #mysqlconf Refreshing to get out of tablethink for a spell here!

2011-04-13 08:48:30
My housemate says @myhousematesays

Nothing like leaving a presentation and hearing "so what was the point of his talk" #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 09:05:40
Suzanne Axtell @SuzAxtell

Lkg fwd to lunching w/ women in DBs on Weds @ #MySQLConf. We'll also meet up in the white sofa lounge in the Expo Hall during the PM break.

2011-04-13 09:07:23
Razvan Musaloiu-E. @razvanm

Last round to talks for tonight: MySQL and SSD: Usage Patterns with Vadim Tkachenko from Percona. #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 09:12:30
Will Gunty @jericon

MySQL and SSD: Usage Patterns - Talk at #MySQLConf

2011-04-13 09:15:25
Jay Janssen @jayjanssen

my summary of #mysqlconf talk on replication drift: check out mk-table-checksum from #maatkit (read the doc carefully before you use it)

2011-04-13 09:15:37
SF MySQL Meetup @sfmysql

Took a little break from sessions. Back in a security session (securich) w/mysqlpreacher #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 09:15:45
erin o'neill @eonarts

Took a little break from sessions. Back in a security session (securich) w/mysqlpreacher #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 09:15:45
Daniel Salinas @imsplitbit

I am at the MongoDB presentation at #mysqlconf. It is web scale

2011-04-13 09:16:26
Colin Charles @bytebot

O'Reilly MySQL Conference Community Awards 2011 winners list http://j.mp/g10bUq #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 09:25:49
SF MySQL Meetup @sfmysql

Really? I'm all abt vi RT @thebuddychrist: I see lots of notes being taken in M$ Word... really?! #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 09:26:42
erin o'neill @eonarts

Really? I'm all abt vi RT @thebuddychrist: I see lots of notes being taken in M$ Word... really?! #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 09:26:42
erin o'neill @eonarts

@LusciousPear Was at the MongoDb booth at #mysqlconf & you were mentioned! pls wear yr velvet jacket when you stop by! :)

2011-04-13 09:28:31
Jay Janssen @jayjanssen

wish I had some boxes with 120G RAM and loaded with SSDs #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 09:34:40
SF MySQL Meetup @sfmysql

security = pain & why most don't bother but a little goes a long way. interesting tool for complex mysql security needs.securich #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 09:34:44
erin o'neill @eonarts

security = pain & why most don't bother but a little goes a long way. interesting tool for complex mysql security needs.securich #mysqlconf

2011-04-13 09:34:44
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