#sagecon Sage Commons Congress 2011 day 2

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Matthew Todd @MatToddChem

Don't get the problem with hypothesis-driven science in Aled Edwards' talk at #sagecon.

2011-04-16 21:12:20
Karen Herzog @sophiasgarden

RT @8iterations: Current med research: Hunter-gatherer model closed. Crowd + Cloud = future Experts + Citizens http://bit.ly/ee22e6 #sagecon

2011-04-16 22:15:02
⓪ Grⓐhⓐm Steel 🔬🎓 @McDawg

I can haz 100 mins to finish painting before #sagecon starts again. #wecandothis

2011-04-16 22:21:53
Karen Herzog @sophiasgarden

Taping into human need to contribute to greater good is powerful incentive for scientists to collaborate w/ fellow researchers. #sagecon

2011-04-16 22:45:03
CⓐmeronNeylon @CameronNeylon

Catching up on some of the talks from #sagecon yesterday. Can anyone point me to online video of Liz Lyon's talk?

2011-04-16 22:50:44
Karen Herzog @karenherzog

ya love more RT @bigs: 'If ya share, ya learn more' --Aled Edwards on opening pre-competitive science to solve dismal drug pipeline #sagecon

2011-04-16 23:05:03
Matthew Todd @MatToddChem

sagecite uses DOIs for citing datasets #sagecon Don't you have to pay for each DOI?

2011-04-16 23:05:30
Karen Herzog @sophiasgarden

Social innovation needs to be built into DNA of scientific research business models. A systems design challenge. #sagecon

2011-04-16 23:10:02
Karen Herzog @sophiasgarden

Intrinsic to our being RT @bigs: Pt Peter Kapitein: it is all about emotion. Love is the ultimate motivation. #sagecon

2011-04-16 23:20:02
Karen Herzog @karenherzog

Imagining the future of citizen science akin to @slowmoney & @slowfood—a global network of local projects #sagecon

2011-04-16 23:50:02
Greg Biggers @bigs

@karenherzog Yes. Completes the circle. Ya love more. #sagecon

2011-04-16 23:59:07
Karen Herzog @sophiasgarden

Imperative for systemic change RT @gabiobank: "patients, citizens, physicians- working together" Stephen Friend #sagecon

2011-04-17 00:05:02
Todd Smith @finchtalk

#sagecon Alyssa Goodman, how astronomers share data. Astronomy data are essentially valueless. No privacy, no money limitations.

2011-04-17 00:05:08
Brandon Allgood @allg00d

Alyssa Goodman talking about big data in astronomy and what we can learn from astronomers. #sagecon

2011-04-17 00:05:59
Andy Oram @praxagora

Was off the Internet for 18 hours--now hooked in at #sagecon http://sagecongress.org/

2011-04-17 00:07:15
Dan Housman @danhousman

MyADS notification service from astronomy should be looked at as model for #ProfilesRNS for email re:pubs of interest. #sagecon

2011-04-17 00:11:09
Monica Duke @mbonett

@MatToddChem yes DOIs have payment model (free to us for proj purposes) cost-models and when to use DOI or other id is a project Q #sagecon

2011-04-17 00:13:13
Dan Housman @danhousman

Can #tranSMART do what SAMP does in astronomy? Ultimately this international alignment is important to reduce dupe of effort. #sagecon

2011-04-17 00:13:49
Dan Housman @danhousman

Faceted heatmap on articles on the sky. Would be interesting for the genome and beyond. #profilesRNS meets #tranSMART w/viz #sagecon

2011-04-17 00:18:33
Monica Duke @mbonett

@CameronNeylon Not sure if webcast available already - will ask. Could send you slides? #sagecon

2011-04-17 00:18:45
Brandon Allgood @allg00d

Astronomers have a heat map on the sky based on density of papers about objects in that area of the sky. #sagecon

2011-04-17 00:19:01
Nick Anderson @nick_r_anderson

#sagecon big astronomy thinks big life science has data figured out? everybody is still overspecialized

2011-04-17 00:19:01
Sage Bionetworks @Sagebio

@CameronNeylon full set of #sagecon presentations and videos will be available at sagecongress.org and fora.tv shortly

2011-04-17 00:19:09
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