
しましまのRecSys2018の参加・聴講記録 http://recsys.acm.org/recsys18/
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Sole Pera @DrCh0le

Our last diet-coke-infused #recsys2018 Wednesday planning meeting... next Wednesday the conference will be in full swing! See you there! pic.twitter.com/UjQtWRPUox

2018-09-27 05:59:19
Gabriel Moreira @gspmoreira

The preliminary experiments using this implementation of the CHAMELEON on a Globo.com news dataset will be presented next week with Felipe Ferreira at the #dlrs2018 - Deep Learning for Recommender Systems workshop, in #recsys2018 recsys.acm.org/recsys18/dlrs/

2018-09-27 22:45:36
Ching-Wei Chen @cweichen

The list of accepted papers and program of the @recsyschallenge 2018 Workshop have just been announced! Come learn about the top approaches to Automatic Music Playlist Continuation at our Workshop on Oct 7th recsyschallenge.com/2018/ #RecSys2018 #RecSys #RecSysChallenge

2018-09-28 01:14:30
Massimo Quadrana @mxqdr

Some news for everyone planning to attend our tutorial on Sequence-Aware Recommenders next week at #Recsys2018 (you should, trust me!😉) We have just uploaded the instructions for the hands-on session, check them here: github.com/mquad/sars_tut… @crmpla67 @ACMRecSys

2018-09-28 01:23:30
Michael Ekstrand @mdekstrand

Heads-up: #recsys2018 is next week, so I will be in conference mode. That usually means substantially higher Twitter volume, although this year my tweeting may be somewhat different. Mute the hashtag if it gets too noisy in here.

2018-09-28 23:47:30
ACM RecSys @ACMRecSys

Our timeline is looking busier and busier! we are looking forward seeing you next week. Remember to follow us and to use #RecSys2018 in your tweets

2018-09-29 01:45:02
Sole Pera @DrCh0le

We changed meeting spaces, but the planning is still ongoing--now from @parqvancouverbc Looking forward to seeing everybody at #recsys2018 ! pic.twitter.com/PcqENVI3c7

2018-09-30 02:17:00
Alan Said @alansaid

Any other #recsys2018 folks on flight AC9101 out of FRA on Monday?

2018-09-30 06:45:33
イヴ(かよしい) @eve_yk

明日から10/9まで、Recsys2018に参加するためカナダに行ってきます。海外初出張で緊張半分楽しみ半分😂 勉強してきます!

2018-09-30 17:07:09
Mohamed Sordo @neomoha

Looking at the #recsys2010 venue right now, before heading to Vancouver for #recsys2018 pic.twitter.com/XvRTgszqUe

2018-10-01 02:56:03
しましま @shima__shima

今日からカナダのバンクーバーでのRecSys2018に向けて出発.国際会議 55回目,RecSys 9回目,カナダ 4回目,バンクーバー 2回目.前のバンクーバはICDM2011のとき.

2018-10-01 09:07:11
しましま @shima__shima

今年は推薦の公平性のワークショップの運営にかかわった piret.gitlab.io/fatrec2018/ 小さいワークショップでも国際となるとなかなか大変だ.どれくらいの人が参加してくれるかなぁ〜

2018-10-01 09:08:38
Elena Sacchi @sacchi_el

Travelling to Vancouver with @contentwisetv team (even if we are all on different planes 😅) for @ACMRecSys! I'm really looking forward to meet the great people of the #recsys community! #RecSys2018 pic.twitter.com/AvgpkIFsFO

2018-10-01 20:57:20
myui @myui

flying to Montreal 🇨🇦 for #recsys2018 we 'll have a demo session of @ApacheHivemall

2018-10-02 04:31:06
Daniel Kershaw 🏳️‍🌈🤓 @danjamker

20hrs of travelling, checked into hotel, unpacked, and ready for #recsys2018 tomorrow. Though the view from my hotel room has much to be admired. pic.twitter.com/n9NlPFieMT

2018-10-02 09:06:20
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