What were you doing in 2001?

An RT thread initiated by @mike_acton
David Evans @daredevildave

@mike_acton In 2001 we ported Smugglers Run to the GBA twice: this was the 2nd attempt. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skolKnbf1Ag

2011-04-21 15:37:26
Eric Smolikowski @esmolikowski

@mike_acton In 2001, I was working on an engine that end up shipping this http://bit.ly/fNo4f6 and http://bit.ly/fY93gU amongst 4 games

2011-04-21 14:02:51

@mike_acton In 2001, I was writing HTML @ day http://goo.gl/Qxsr6 and sharpening C++ @ night http://codepad.org/TuRkXZWD

2011-04-21 13:57:54
Raphael van Lierop | Exploring Apocalypses @RaphLife

@mike_acton in 2001 I was 'Americanizing' the Japanese import 'Fatal Frame', and working on pitch docs for a project for Namco that died.

2011-04-21 13:35:07
Mike Acton @mike_acton

@simonFerrari Heh, I really appreciate that you didn't share a picture or video for that particular 2001 story!

2011-04-21 13:34:47
James Kay @JCBKay

@mike_acton In 2001 I had JUST moved to Japan and was probably working at Taito for a bit.

2011-04-21 13:33:34
Nick LaLone @Nick_Lalone

@mike_acton In 2001, I was getting out of the pen and paper industry, trying to get into college, and dealing with an insane relationship!

2011-04-21 13:29:49

@mike_acton in 2001, getting a 3d engine demo ready as a resume... And then breaking into the industry a year later :)

2011-04-21 13:29:09
Matthewせいじ @matthewseiji

First major commercial game I worked on. http://bit.ly/hDxmFC via @mike_acton for 2001 nostalgia (& paging @suparnagalaxy for that intro)

2011-04-21 13:27:25
Alexis De Girolami @VernaVenisa

@mike_acton In 2001 I was 13 and trying to think of the best way to explain to my parents that I wanted to be a game developer, not a vet.

2011-04-21 13:11:10
Jeremy Dale SF FanExpo AA211 @valleydweller

@mike_acton What actually made me respond to the 2001 thread was seeing the cloth sim in the first video you linked ;)

2011-04-21 13:09:07
Oscillator @autoephemeral

@mike_acton in 2001 I was working on this cancelled project at Black Isle: http://t.co/0PppYvm

2011-04-21 13:05:40
Alexis De Girolami @VernaVenisa

@mike_acton In 2001 I was trying to think of the best way to explain to my parents that I wanted to be a game developer, not a vet.

2011-04-21 12:59:42
Max Dyckhoff @maxdyckhoff

@mike_acton Me, since 2001: Master's degree, three companies, four AAA games, two countries (UK->US), four cities and a baby. :)

2011-04-21 12:56:50
Eric Neustadter (e) @thevowel

@mike_acton In 2001 I was bringing up the first lab for early builds of Xbox LIVE. We hadn't even shipped the Xbox yet... gah, I'm old.

2011-04-21 12:50:14
Kenn Hoekstra @kennhoekstra

@mike_acton I was working at Raven on Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix and Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast in 2001. Newly married, too...

2011-04-21 12:44:10
Simon Ferrari @simonFerrari

@mike_acton In 2001 I was a junior in high school primarily working on losing my virginity.

2011-04-21 12:41:20
Awais Ahmed @mozidesigner

@mike_acton in 2001 I was making levels using unreal tech as a hobby. Over time a hobby became a career!

2011-04-21 12:09:59
Chris Lentini @synulation

@mike_acton In 2001 I was an impoverished high school student just beginning to program. It sure paid off. :-)

2011-04-21 11:56:16
Pat LaBine @dethmuffin

@mike_acton In 2001, I was teaching gamedev classes... @nuclearfossil was my boss!

2011-04-21 11:56:04
Jeremy Dale SF FanExpo AA211 @valleydweller

In 2001 I was working on Superman: The Man of Steel for the original Xbox. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtEQDjH9BHg @mike_acton

2011-04-21 11:54:07
Jameson Durall @JamesonDurall

@mike_acton in 2001 I had just graduated from Full Sail and was working at my first Game Design job. I still keep in touch with those guys.

2011-04-21 11:48:08
Kenn Hoekstra @kennhoekstra

@mike_acton Are you surveying game developers to find out what they were doing in 2001?

2011-04-21 11:47:26
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