TWICEの"慰安婦支援Tシャツ"着用やGAMAROチキンのCMメイキングについて注目する人もいる中、 が小野寺まさる元議員のツイートを取り上げ記事化:"A Japanese politician attacks TWICE for Dahyun's comfort women shirt "

allkpopは、 K-POPを専門に取り扱うのネットメディアのようです。 反日?カンダニエルやオンソンウ、ヒョンビンも私服で着るブランドMARYMONDとは
. @icydim

@AspirinYoongs @allkpop Yea seems like that, I support Jimin too. Japanese politicians have a weird addiction with idols

2018-11-16 08:06:13
j_mikey @jedidejahethel

@allkpop Well, im not a fan of Twice but I have feeling that the politician use the political tense between japan-south korea these days to gain some recognition for himself or gaining trust from those who anti-korean idols in japan.

2018-11-16 07:33:32
ty @itjihyo_

@answerofIDOL @yourHope_myHope @allkpop Right like they must be bored I feel bad for them because right now Dahyun is #6 trending in Japan on Twitter but many JONCES are defending her but these politicians get outta hand

2018-11-16 07:34:14
LM🖤❤ MAMAMOO❖⁴ @idontlikeu2019

@CallKamyha @allkpop The sad thing is that most of the younger generation don't even learn about it in their history classes. There's a video on YT and most of the japanese ppl on there said they didn't have a problem with koreans but it's mostly politicians

2018-11-16 07:43:01

@_Twiceland_1 @answerofIDOL @yourHope_myHope @allkpop I really hope they don’t make a big mess out of this. Some japanese try to deny the existence of comfort women, invalidating their stories by calling the prostitutes. They are trying to hide their dirty history and get defensive towards anyone who tries to show the truth

2018-11-16 07:46:48
Joycee⁷🃏⟭⟬ 🐨🐹🐭🐿️🐥🐯🐰 ⟬⟭ @MiniMiniJoycee

@Itz_JustMe @moonchild722 @allkpop Because Japan never accepted that the Comfort Women issue is true. Comfort Women until to this day and age never receive any apologies from Japan government. They are still fighting for this.

2018-11-16 07:47:20
RMonology @AspirinYoongs

@prytalone @allkpop I support Dayhun and literally every artist who might get dragged into this political mess. At this rate I think Japan is coming for a full Hallyu ban.

2018-11-16 08:09:10
Hiroko Máire(小林マレ浩子) @hmkobayashi1

@sumingalaxy @Itz_JustMe @moonchild722 @allkpop it’s not just the government it’s the people too . Most Japanese peoples attitude about Koreans is really scary.

2018-11-16 09:14:33
wendi 🕊️ @moonchild722

@hmkobayashi1 @sumingalaxy @Itz_JustMe @allkpop So true, a lot of people want to brush under the rug terrible things that their countries have done or still do. I think it’s important for citizens of all countries to speak up & out & remember that we can remember these victims of violence & make sure it never happens again

2018-11-16 09:18:41
wendi 🕊️ @moonchild722

@hmkobayashi1 @sumingalaxy @Itz_JustMe @allkpop Help give them a them by listening to those who have suffered. Hear their stories. Tell them we see you, we hear you, embrace them

2018-11-16 09:22:08
Hiroko Máire(小林マレ浩子) @hmkobayashi1

@moonchild722 @sumingalaxy @Itz_JustMe @allkpop The thing about all this is that like the people that are upset about the shirt are saying that’s because Japanese people are sensitive to certain topics but at the same time they have shrines dedicated to “heroes” that happened to be criminals

2018-11-16 09:33:58


小野寺まさる @onoderamasaru


小野寺まさる @onoderamasaru


2018-11-14 15:12:22
小野寺まさる @onoderamasaru


2018-11-15 08:42:42
みるる @miruru136

@onoderamasaru TWICEが着用したシャツのマリーモンドは日韓合意を潰すための「正義・記憶財団」の設立基金を売り上げから寄付してます 詐欺師の売春婦のために日本はずっと貶められてきました そんな人達を支援する人は日本の紅白にはふさわしくありません……

2018-11-15 13:38:24

小野寺まさるっていう元議員?の人にグチグチ言っとるONCEなんなん? 言わせておけばいいし、それにわざわざ突っかかっていくことも無くない?しかもそれが筋通ってないことばっかりで。 ただ文句言いたいとかいうONCEマジでやめて欲しいわ。

2018-11-15 20:53:20


2018-11-15 20:53:21
rin @XJmp5

小野寺まさるっていう元議員、言ってることまともだと思うんだけどなんでそんなに炎上するん? 日韓問題の慰安婦について関わるものを着ちゃったんだから配慮に欠けるって叩かれるの仕方なくない? しかもそれが団体に寄付されてるんでしょ?尚更ダメじゃん

2018-11-15 18:56:21


音楽ナタリー @natalie_mu

「日本レコード大賞」候補にTWICEやDA PUMP、最優秀アルバム賞は米津玄師…

2018-11-16 00:01:33

TWICE JAPAN 3rd SINGLE『Wake Me Up』が「第60回 輝く!日本レコード大賞」優秀作品賞を受賞致しました!本当にありがとうございます! #TWICE #WakeMeUp

2018-11-16 00:00:38
吉田康一郎 @yoshidakoichir1

やはり出た。NHKさん、紅白出場取り止めを求めます。 【速報】紅白出場のTWICE、笑顔で原爆キノコ雲MV発覚。…

2018-11-15 18:33:44