Biocuration 2019 4/10 0:39以降のみ。

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Dr. Sue Bello @drsbello

Prediction, the site is going to find a bunch of emails in their inbox when they get home as the audience checks their entries and sends in updates #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 17:58:17
Int Soc Biocuration @biocurator

Congrats Dr Anne Morgat @ISBSIB for the 2019 Biocuration Career Award! Anne has worked for >15yrs on resources for enzymes/metabolic pathways incl. @rhea_db & @uniprot, and collects her award at #biocuration2019 this am before speaking on 'Biology and chemistry-no hard borders'

2019-04-10 17:58:23
Sarah Reiff @sbreiff

More educational resources needed for FAIRification, both for scientists developing data management plans and for grant reviewers critiquing data sharing plans #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 17:58:24
Dr. Sue Bello @drsbello

Anne Morgat: From pharmacist to biocurator - has anyone ever tried to collect the various circuitous paths we took to find biocuration? #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 18:02:17
Small Cat @SMaLLCaT4Sci

Designing drug design programs in the 90's must have tricky... Computational power then was a fraction of what we can do now #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 18:04:06
patrickruch @patrickruch

Thank you to #biocuration2019 to bring the licensing topic on the radar ! We, at @ISBSIB are annotating articles using curated data contents to allow navigating from DB to papers and vice versa... How to handle the (possibly) conflicting paper/db licensing model ?

2019-04-10 18:04:08
Dr. Sue Bello @drsbello

@marc_rr It was an excellent plan on their part to get us to do this, which we should try to do more regularly #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 18:04:09
Marc RobinsonRechavi @marc_rr

Path of a biocurator: Anne Morgat started as a pharmacist, found this boring, moved to computational chemistry in pharma industry, then organized bioinformatics when it became cool. “Spent a lot of time printing SwissProt entries.” ... #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 18:06:06
Small Cat @SMaLLCaT4Sci

Modeling metabolic pathways is not that easy, and there are different view points #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 18:08:26
Marc RobinsonRechavi @marc_rr

Then Anne moved to @Inria Grenoble with Rechenmann, Viari, Sagot for modeling of metabolic pathways. “They knew nothing of biology” 😀 In 2000: collaboration with @calipho2 on HAMAP #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 18:10:40
FAIRsharing @FAIRsharing_org

@drsbello We're looking forward to them! We curate every record working WITH the community. Please check for any databases or standards you work on and help us keep our metadata up to date and accurate #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 18:11:17
Chris Mungall @chrismungall

#biocuration2019 Anne Morgat giving history of HAMAP rule-based system, originally for prokaryotes now all organisms.

2019-04-10 18:11:31
Marc RobinsonRechavi @marc_rr

@Inria @calipho2 In 2004, Anne joined @calipho2 @ISBSIB SwissProt @uniprot to develop UniPathway. Biocuration and pathway modeling at the service of biology. #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 18:12:56
Chris Mungall @chrismungall

#biocuration2019 AM: showing Unipathway bacterial metabolic pathway annotation system (sadly Unipathway is no longer supported, but we are hoping to revive it as part of @news4go )

2019-04-10 18:14:01
Jerven Bolleman @jervenbolleman

My colleague Anne Morgat now working with @rhea_db and @uniprot to improve the connections between protein and chemical knowledge. #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 18:14:40
Marc RobinsonRechavi @marc_rr

Rhea “ expert curated resource of biochemical reactions designed for the annotation of enzymes and genome-scale metabolic networks and models” is now 10 years old #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 18:15:50
Small Cat @SMaLLCaT4Sci

Would be great! Shame when to much time and effort went into a database, and then it dies out... What's their licence btw #datalic19 #openscience #biocuration2019 ?…

2019-04-10 18:16:32
Chris Mungall @chrismungall

#biocuration2019 AM: history of @rhea_db seeded from parsing of IntEnz. @rhea_db is now 10 years old, now at 10k reactions, congratulations on excellent work Anne and others!

2019-04-10 18:16:37
Varsha Khodiyar, Ph.D @varsha_khodiyar

FYI #biocuration2019 attendees managing data repositories - published today @ScientificData…. Giving data users clear guidance on data citation will help them to cite your repository properly, which will help demonstrate the value of your work to funders

2019-04-10 18:16:42
Small Cat @SMaLLCaT4Sci

Btw Kegg is not a free database, they have a restrictive licence! #datalic19 #biocuration2019

2019-04-10 18:17:28
Chris Mungall @chrismungall

#biocuration2019 AM: @rhea_db now integrated into @uniprot - enzyme annotation now done to Rhea rather than EC

2019-04-10 18:19:07
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