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ON POINT: Background to Sri Lanka's Easter Terror Activities bit.ly/2ZtXPsv

2019-04-24 10:05:46
平野耕太 @hiranokohta

#糞議会 「それでは議長、アベンジャーズエンドゲームのネタバレをする奴は半分殺すサノス法案は可決という事でよろしいですね」 「残りの半分はおとがめなしか」 「あ、全員半殺しにするという意味です」 「可決で」

2019-04-28 20:40:23
平野耕太 @hiranokohta

老後の計画は、田舎の廃屋に「OO研究所」とか看板立てて ガラクタ集めて作った巨大な機械風のガラクタを 博士の格好で「これでは奴らに勝てない!これでは奴らに勝てない!」 とか言いながらハンマーで叩き壊している所を 近所の子供に目撃されて変な噂が立ったら勝ち

2019-04-27 18:06:17


*(2018/12/30) 先週金曜日もガザ境界での暴動は続き、久しぶりに1人が死亡。ガザ

*(2018/12/30) ガザからの放火風船は一時下火になっていたが、再び2個の爆発物つ

*(2018/12/30) エジプトのピラミッド近くで、ベトナム人らの乗った観光バスの横で

*(2018/12/30) ハバッド活動家のアルファシ氏が「写真家」として北朝鮮を訪問。許

「日刊 アジアのエネルギー最前線」

◆181230 2019年、中国が世界の「新たな覇者」になると確信する理由
Yahoo!ニュース-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BLQ8Tw
新冷戦」と評されるほど米中の対立が深刻化しているが、すでに「世界の指導者」の交代劇は始まっているのかもしれない。巨大な富と権力によって、世界各地の天然資源や貿易の要衝を掌握する中国の驚くべき手口を、米紙「ニューヨーク・タイムズ」渾身の ...
◆181230 中国と欧州結ぶ専用列車、日通が試運転 価格安定が魅力
朝日新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BNAyGS
日本通運は20日、中国陝西省西安市とドイツ・デュイスブルクを結ぶ専用貸し切り列車を試運転した。中国と欧州を結ぶ国際定期貨物列車「中欧班列」で、中国が推進するシルクロード経済圏構想「一帯一路」の陸上ルートにあたる路線を走る。航空便と海運に ...
◆181230 「中国主席、米国に譲歩しなければ本当に関税爆弾」
Yahoo!ニュース-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BNAyqm
◆181230 China's New Submarine-Launched Nuclear Missile Can Hit the US
The National Interest Online (blog)-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Vhb1ih
The first flight test of the JL-3 missile was conducted in November from Bohai Bay in the Yellow Sea, according to the South China Morning Post , citing an unnamed source. “The new missile has a flight range of about 9,000 kilometers (5,600 ...
◆181230 China Will Still Go Massively Nuclear but Don't Want Western Reactor ...
Next Big Future-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GYWrJp
China was planning to use Westinghouse AP1000 and french EPR (Evolutionary Power Reactor) nuclear reactors. China ... China will not be using oil, gas and coalas its main power because of massive air pollution problems. Air pollution kills ... China will still be doubling its energy production. China already produces about the same amount of electricity as the USA and Europe combined. China will go ...
◆181230 The Real Reason Behind Beijing's War On Pollution
OilPrice.com-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Q863R3
For every dollar the U.S. invested in alternative energy sources in 2017, Chinainvested $3. Also, Chinese firms are ... One of the measures Beijing is aiming for in order to clean the skies over its cities is the gas-for-coal policy. Despite China's ...
◆181230 Xinhua Headlines: China's landmark Yangtze River bridge reopens to ...
Xinhua-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TfUvNC
NANJING, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- China's first domestically-designed modern bridge over the Yangtze, the country's longest river, a national landmark, reopened to road traffic Saturday after a 26-month renovation. As the first double-decked ..
◆181230 Is The Trade War Finally Coming To An End?
OilPrice.com-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GNhjmv
The Trump administration launching the trade war which added more than $200 billion worth of imports from China by the third ... China's import tax on U.S. liquefied natural gas also caused market upheaval in China's growing LNG market.
◆181230 With an eye to power and profit, Beijing is building influence in the Arctic
CNN-49 分前 https://cnn.it/2QbR6NV
Beijing has begun pushing for a greater stake in the region with a view to opening new trade routes, exploring for oil and gas and conducting research on climate change, experts say. Geographically, China is nowhere near the Arctic Circle, ...
◆181230 原油、不足から一転過剰へ 来年も不安定な値動き続く
Yahoo!ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CEOG6Z
今月初めウィーンで協議した石油輸出国機構(OPEC)とロシアなどの産油国は、来年初めから原油生産量を今年10月対比で、OPECが日量80万バレル、非OPECが40万バレル、合計120万バレル削減することを決定した。これらの産油国は、半年前の会合 ...
◆181230 再エネ議連が動いた、バイオマスFIT改正騒動
日経テクノロジーオンライン-18 時間前 https://nkbp.jp/2Q83QoQ
事の発端は、資源エネルギー庁が10月15日に開催した「再生可能エネルギー大量導入・次世代電力ネットワーク小委員会」。エネ庁が突如、バイオマス発電に関する固定価格買取制度(FIT)の見直し案を公表した。しかも、委員会の場での議論はそこそこに、1 ..
◆181230 Green light: India to near clean energy goals in 2019
Financial Express-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RjqS0N
Renewable energy share in total generation mix to cross 10% in FY20, to add 10 GW to generation capacity. ... India's renewable energy (wind and solar) sector's contribution to the overall power generation mix is expected to cross 10% in ... growth as there has been improvement in wind and solar tariffs compared with conventional thermal power tariffs,” Hines said. ... remains exposed to near-term challenges arising from rising interest rates and transmission network availability.
◆181230 How upcoming budget, general elections may decide for India's ...
Financial Express-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LDYYY0
How upcoming budget, general elections may decide for India's renewable energysufficiency dream ... safeguard duty, lack of adequate transmission infrastructure, issues with the existing purchase power agreements (PPAs) and uncertainty ...
◆181230 India reminded to let Pakistani experts inspect hydro projects
Pakistan Today-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AoW4BX
Pakistan has again reminded India to fulfil its commitment made in August 2018 of getting its two hydropower projects at the Chenab Basin 48MW Lower Kalnal and 1,000MW Pakal Dul inspected by the Pakistani experts. “We have once ...
◆181230 No land for wind projects as Solar Corporation of India demands ...
Economic Times-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LCXmO5
The projects were won by companies in Solar Corporation of India's (SECI) auction of 2,000 MW of projects in April this year. ... Power Producers Association (WIPPA) have together written to the minister for new and renewable energy (MNRE) R K ... and not for central projects, whose power can be supplied anywhere in the country through the interstate transmission ... Bank strike on Wednesday, services to be affected ? Why is Patanjali Ayurved so keen to buy oil maker Ruchi Soya ...
◆181230 In Last-Minute Talks, India, Bhutan Finalise Export Tariff for ...
The Wire-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2s05j6U
New Delhi: Till just a few hours before the prime ministers of Bhutan and India were to meet for the first time on Friday, officials from both countries were still parleying to finalise the tariff for the Mangdechhu power project. Speaking to The Wire on Friday evening, Bhutan foreign minister Tandi Dorji said that talks had gone on till the last minute on the export tariff for electricity generation from Mangdechhu.

◆181231 中国が米国に譲歩の動き 国内には強気の姿勢崩さず
産経ニュース-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QVhm4t
貿易戦争の「一時休戦」を決めた米中首脳会談からまもなく1カ月がたつが、その間に中国による譲歩の動きが目立つ。 ... 景気悪化を懸念する習近平指導部としてはトランプ政権との全面対立を避けたいのが本音だが、米国への譲歩は国内から「弱腰」と批判 ...
◆181231 「一帯一路」追従に反発 貧困国で汚職疑惑 有権者に反中感情の火種 (1/3 ...
SankeiBiz-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Rru8qM
ニューデリーを最近訪れたモルディブ当局者が口にしたのは、国内総生産(GDP)の20%近くに相当するあまりにも大きな対中債務と説明不可能な前政権の「一帯一路」偏重に対する不満だ。中国の習近平国家主席が肝煎りで進める巨大経済圏構想を重視する ...
◆181231 中国無人探査機、月の裏側着陸へ軌道進入に成功
読売新聞-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Q9woOQ
【北京=中川孝之】中国国営新華社通信は30日、世界で初めて月の裏側への着陸を目指す無人探査機「 嫦娥 ( じょうが ) 4号」が30日、予定していた月面軌道への進入に成功したと報じた。1月にも着陸を試みる模様だが、報道は着陸時期には触れていない。
◆181231 As China option fades, Bill Gates urges US to take the lead in nuclear ...
GeekWire-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2F0qE99
As China option fades, Bill Gates urges U.S. to take the lead in nuclear power, for the good of the planet. by Alan Boyle on ... TerraPower, a venture co-founded by Bill Gates, conducts nuclear energy research at a 10,000-square-foot laboratory in Bellevue, Wash. ... Gates said power planners should take advantage of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power “wherever it makes sense.” “But solar and ... “Besides, electricity accounts for only 25 percent of all emissions.
◆181231 New Chinese Solar Plant Undercuts Cost Of Coal Power
Forbes-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rZutmf
Two 500MW solar power plants were connected to the grid in China on Saturday with one of them boasting a very ... That is less than the 0.325 yuan benchmark price for coal power in the country, according to the Chinese state news outlet Xinhua. ... National Energy Administration (NEA), the government body responsible for developing and delivering energy policy. ... reach levels this low offering utility firms added economic incentive to decarbonize the country's electricity network.
◆181231 Why Nobody In Renewable Energy Had A Better 2018 Than First Solar
Forbes-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GOE35T
It was overhauling its manufacturing facilities, juggling inventory, wary of the impact of Trump's planned trade duties on all imports of solar panels and facing even stiffer competition from China. As the months rolled on and 2018 arrived, things ...
◆181231 丸紅、再エネ容量2倍計画 脱・石炭火力、新規開発取り組まず (1/2ページ)
SankeiBiz-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2BKFL24
総合商社の丸紅は、二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量の多い石炭火力発電事業への新規の取り組みをやめ、再生可能エネルギーやガスなどを重視する方針だ。2023年までに、再生可能エネルギーによる発電容量を現状の2倍となる約200万キロワットまで ...
◆181231 商用原子力施設の廃炉に12兆円以上 全73施設試算
中日新聞-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RjXqYs
国内にある原発や核燃料サイクル工場など主な商業用原子力関連の全七十三施設を廃止した場合、費用が少なくとも計十二兆八千億円に上ることが分かった。電力十一社を含む民間事業者計十九社が公表した「廃止措置実施方針」の見積額を共同通信が ...
◆181231 九電、来月2日も出力制御検討 再生可能エネルギー事業者に
北海道新聞-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VjYHxG
九州電力は30日、太陽光発電や風力発電の再生可能エネルギー事業者に、一時的な発電停止を求める出力制御を来年1月2日に指示する可能性があると明らかにした。来年元日の実施を検討していることを既に公表しており、年明けに2日連続で行う可能性 ...
◆181231 北海道の電力逼迫を救う「変換器」、来年3月稼働へ
ニュースイッチ Newswitch-2018/12/29 https://bit.ly/2LEhzmC
北海道と本州を結ぶ送電線「北本連系線」が9月の北海道地震以降、注目を集めている。北海道電力の火力発電所が被災し、道内の電力需給が逼迫(ひっぱく)した際には60万キロワットを送電し、電力供給を支えた。こうした中、新しい北本連系線が2019年3 ..
◆181231 米の電力卸市場でレドックスフロー電池を運用、NEDOと住友電工
日経テクノロジーオンライン-22 時間前 https://nkbp.jp/2SyblHS
新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)と住友電気工業は12月18日、「レドックスフロー電池」を米国カリフォルニア州の電力卸売市場に接続し、最も収益が見込まれる運用手法を検証する実証運転を開始すると発表した。 米国内の電力卸市場で ..
◆181231 Indonesia: Coal production expected to exceed this year's target
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2EYc0PC
Indonesian coal production reached 456 million tons up to Thursday or 94.02 percent of this year's total target of 485 million tons, according to Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry data. The ministry's spokesperson, Agung Pribadi, ...
◆181231 Green Light: India To Near Clean Energy Goals In 2019
EnergyInfraPost-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ajqupa
India's renewable energy (wind and solar) sector's contribution to the overall powergeneration mix is expected to cross 10% in FY20 as the country will add 10 giga-watt (GW) generation capacity during the period. In the preceding three years, ...
◆181231 '15000 tonnes of uranium needed to achieve supply security of fuel for ...
Economic Times-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2EYAWq7
NEW DELHI: A stockpile of 15,000 tonnes of uranium is required for achieving supply security of fuel for nuclear plants in the country, the Department of Atomic Energy(DAE), which manages atomic energy installations, has told a ..
◆181231 Elections, dollar strength and oil price to determine rupee direction
Economic Times-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2EWUBqn
New Delhi: The US dollar strength, oil prices and next year's general elections will determine the rupee's direction in the near-term, with fundamentals being supportive for the domestic currency over the next 6-12 months, says a report by ...
◆181231 Reliance, BP get key ship on KG-D6 for expediting gas output
Economic Times-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Vhxlbv
Reliance has till date made 19 oil and gas discoveries in the Krishna Godavari basin. Of these, D26 or MA - the only oil discovery in the block was the first field to begin production (in September 2008). D1 and D3 fields went on stream in April ...

◆190101 豪州ダーウィン、米海兵隊拠点を中国に99年貸与 現地と中央に温度差
産経ニュース-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2StXz93
米海兵隊が駐留するオーストラリア北部ダーウィンの港湾管理権が2015年10月、中国企業「嵐橋集団(ランドブリッジ)」に渡ってから3年が過ぎた。港の99 ... しかし、豪州首都から約3000キロ離れた現地では中国の投資を歓迎する空気が強く、中央との温度差を感じさせた。(ダーウィン ... ロッブ氏は別の中国人企業家からも多額の献金を受け、現在は中国の巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」への参加を促す団体の幹部を務めている
◆190101 中国、海洋覇権へ「列島線」突破狙う 米国、海軍力増強で対応
Yahoo!ニュース-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Rlge9K
中国の習近平指導部は「海洋強国」を標榜し、拡張主義的な動きを強めている。 ... 巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」には、中東やアフリカからの資源輸送路を海と陸で確保する目的がある。 ... その上で、米艦船を西太平洋に前方展開して南・東シナ海でのプレゼンスを向上させ、米海軍が太平洋やインド洋、南シナ海などで柔軟に作戦行動を行えるように ...
◆190101 CPTPPが正式に発効、中国ネット「中国の発展はそんなにも恐れられている ...
ニフティニュース-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CH6qP4
これに対し、中国のネットユーザーから「中国のこの発展スピードは、確かに他国を焦らせる」「中国の発展はそんなにも恐れられているのか。かつてのいじめられっ子が実力を持つようになれば、確かに脅威になるな」「これは大きな経済圏だ!四捨五入すれば ...
◆190101 China's Big Push for Solar Energy
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Qfe0E3
First, China's commitment to the Paris Declaration has led to major policy changes in its renewable energy sector. ... Increased use of clean energy would reduce its dependence on oil imports, which is making China increasingly ... 50 GW of solar power capacity, up from 35GW in 2016, which also exceeded the combined capacity additions of coal, gas and ... To address this issue, China has pushed for ultra-high voltage transmission lines that are capable of transporting electricity.
◆190101 World's first EPR enters into commercial operation at China's Taishan ...
Green Car Congress (blog)-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2R5u1BR
Unit 1 of the Taishan nuclear power plant has become the world's first EPR a third-generation pressurized water ... to have taken place between China and France (China General Nuclear PowerGroup (CGN) and EDF) in the energy sector.
◆190101 1st unit synchronization of China Power Hub Generation Co achieved
Daily Times-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TnKbmZ
China Power Hub Generation Company (Pvt.) Ltd. (CPHGC) achieved yet another very important milestone when Unit 1 of the ... The Plant has now started supplying electricity to the Pakistan National Grid on pre-commissioning trial basis. ... under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor and is also the first overseas thermal powerproject developed by SPIC under the ... reduced coal consumption and has lower carbon emissions thus improving its economical, energy-conserving and ...
◆190101 What Bangladesh PM Hasina's victory means for the India-China ...
South China Morning Post-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CINLCA
What Bangladesh PM Hasina's victory means for the India-China power play in South Asia. The Awami League party led by Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina predictably won the national election by a huge majority, but now she must ...
◆190101 The Guardian view on US-China antagonism
The Guardian-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2rXPQEC
However it plays out in the long run, there is trouble ahead and not only for the US and China. ... Some fear that in the longer run a hot war is not out of the question, perhaps with growing tensions over maritime power in the Pacific leading to ...
◆190101 China's Railgun Has Reportedly Gone to Sea
Popular Mechanics-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2s1gVqf
According to a new report, China may have beaten the U.S. to mounting a railgun on a ship. A naval vessel called the Haiyangshan, carrying what appears to be a railgun on the bow, allegedly left the confines of the Yangtze River and is being tested on ... The three ships, Zumwalt, Monsoor, and Johnson can each generate 78 megawatts of electricity to power directed energy weapons, railguns included.
◆190101 Impact of US-China trade dispute on oil is starting to fade
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QeHmlX
It was expected that, during that window, China would resume US oil imports, but the overall outlook for trade flow between the two in 2019 remains ... According to Chinese customs data, China's crude oilimports hit a record 9.65 million barrels a day in October. ... So far, the International Energy Agency has taken advantage of the escalation in US-China trade tensions to adversely impact the global ...
◆190101 NY商品 原油が小幅続伸、米中交渉の進展に期待 年間では3年ぶり下落
日本経済新聞-4 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2GLA7mc
◆190101 2019年、気候変動問題に「希望」はあるのか?
朝日新聞社-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QYcI5E
海外でも、カリフォルニアの山火事をはじめとして、多くの記録的な自然災害が発生し、気候変動対策の議論に影響を与えたとみられる。国内の報道でも異常気象が注目を集めたが、筆者の印象では、その文脈は概ね「防災」に留まった。昨年法制化された「気候 ..
◆190101 NY原油、年間24%下落 経済減速や供給過剰懸念で
47NEWS-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CIAD0e
【ニューヨーク共同】週明け12月31日のニューヨーク原油先物相場は、指標の米国産標準油種(WTI)の2月渡しが前週末比0.08ドル高の1バレル=45.41ドルで取引を終えた。年間では、世界経済の減速 ... 記事全文を読む ...
◆190101 インド、中国を手本に大気汚染対策 LNGへの切り替え推進
SankeiBiz-33 分前 https://bit.ly/2ApXlJb
LNG船保有会社の米ガスログのポール・ウォーガン最高経営責任者(CEO)は昨年12月にロンドンで開かれた産業カンファレンスで、「これまでは、世界で最も汚染の進んだ50都市のうち30都市が中国の都市だったが、現在そのほとんどがインドの都市になっ ..

◆190101 India exempts rupee payments for Iran oil from hefty taxes
Economic Times-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QeHNg5
The finance ministry has exempted rupee payments made to the National Iranian OilCo (NIOC) for crude oil imports from a ... Iran will be able to use the rupee funds for a range of expenses - including imports from India, the cost of its missions in the ... That means it does not apply to imports of other commodities, such as fertiliser, liquefied petroleum gas and wax. ... introduced the sanctions aimed at crippling Iran's oil revenue-dependent economy because of its nuclear and ballistic ...
◆190101 India's coal production has grown 10 per cent to 433 MT in current ...
ETEnergyworld.com-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CJZH7f
New Delhi: India's domestic coal production grew 9.8 per cent to 433 Million Tonne (MT) in the first eight months (April to November 2018) of the current financial year as compared to 394 MT produced in the same period last fiscal.
◆190101 India's diesel demand to double by 2029-30: Dharmendra Pradhan
Economic Times-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2s2dMqf
NEW DELHI: India's diesel demand is likely to double to 163 million tonne (MT) in 12 years as consumption rises in the ... as per the International Energy Agency's World Energy Outlook 2018, the country's oil demand is projected to jump by 61 per ... demand, the government has taken several steps to enhance exploration and production of oil and gas in the country. ... and exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbons such as shale oil/gas and coal bed methane have been permitted.
◆190101 India and the Evolving Geopolitics of the Middle East
The Diplomat-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2F2MTLs
Some of the changes in the Middle East brought countries closer to India, reciprocating the Link West policy, but fluctuating regional stability has been a concern for New Delhi. ... In 2013 India had already become the third largest energyconsumer in the world. ... As per a report by Indiaspend, more than 63 percent of India's oil imports are from the oil rich powers of the region, and the ... One of the most important pillars for India's great power aspiration is widened strategic influence.
◆190101 Ophir Energy gets takeover interest from Indonesia's Medco Energi
Reuters-5 時間前 https://reut.rs/2SvfEn5
(Reuters) - Britain's Ophir Energy said on Monday it is in discussions for a possible all-cash takeover offer with a unit of Indonesia's Medco Energi Internasional Tbk PT (MEDC.JK). Ophir, an upstream oil and gas exploration and production ...
◆190101 Missing deadlines derail India's nuclear programme
Daily Pioneer-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2F2nJNd
The 500 MW Fast Breeder Reactor coming up at Kalpakkam, which was expected to generate power in 2010 failed ... The Indian nuclear energy programme itself is in crisis with the two modern hi-tech 1000 MW reactors at Kudankulam in ...

◆190105 中国、「すべての爆弾の母」を実験 国営メディア
AFPBB News-33 分前 https://bit.ly/2GW6KxI
【1月5日 AFP】中国国営メディアは、非核兵器として最強の威力を持つ爆弾、通称「すべての爆弾の母(Mother Of All Bombs、MOAB)」の「中国版」の実験が行われたと伝えた。MOABは米国でアフガニスタンが使った兵器の呼称。 国営兵器メーカー「中国兵器 ...
◆190105 米中、軍事緊張拡大も 中国は圧力警戒 習近平氏「軍事闘争準備を」
産経ニュース-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Tvuha9
【北京=西見由章】昨年末のマティス米国防長官の辞任を受け、トランプ米政権が軍事的な対中圧力を強化するとの警戒感が中国メディアの間で広がっている。人民解放軍に強硬な態度をとるよう促す声まで出ており、南シナ海や台湾周辺で今後、両軍の緊張が ..
◆190105 アップル・ショックの教訓──国家戦略「中国製造2025」は反日デモから ...
Yahoo!ニュース-10 分前 https://bit.ly/2H4yAYO
国家戦略「中国製造2025」を習近平に決意させたのは、2012年の反日デモにおける日本製品不買運動だった。 ... 中国大陸におけるiPhone離れが大きな原因だが、特にアメリカがHuawei(華為技術)を制裁の対象にしていることにより、中国の若者がHuaweiを ...
◆190105 中国での身柄拘束、スパイ容疑とそれ以外では扱いに雲泥の差
ハーバー・ビジネス・オンライン-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RyNtq7
12月21日にロイターが配信した記事を読んで背筋が凍った。その理由は、中国でスパイ容疑により拘束されているカナダ人たちの扱いが今から3年ほど前に聞いた話とほぼ同じだったからだ。(参照:毎日聴取、夜間消灯できず=中国で拘束中のカナダ人? ..
◆190105 中国は「月の裏側」の着陸探査で世界をリードする
WIRED.jp-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TuB2sz
世界で初めて月の裏側への着陸を目指していた中国の無人月探査機「嫦娥4号」が、着陸に成功したと発表された。これから探査ミッションが本格化することになるが、中国の最終的な目標は、将来の有人宇宙探査に利用する月面基地の建設にある。まだ知られ ...
◆190105 中国「背伸び消費」曲がり角
日本経済新聞-4 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2GTIFHW
【北京=原田逸策、大連=原島大介】中国の個人消費が振るわない。米アップルの業績下方修正の主因となったスマートフォン(スマホ)だけでなく、自動車販売も大幅な減少が続く。中国当局が景気対策で家計に借金をさせ、マンションなど資産価格高騰が演出 ...
◆190105 中国、預金準備率引き下げと減税を実施へ
東洋経済オンライン-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GVILPe
北京 4日 ロイター] - 中国の李克強首相は4日、市中銀行の預金準備率の引き下げや減税、手数料削減を行う考えを示した。 ... 中国政府の公式サイトに掲載された声明によると、李首相は、小規模な民間企業を支援する目的の預金準備率の引き下げを行うと ...
◆190105 Oil Rises On Hopes Of A US-China Trade Deal
OilPrice.com-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GUx4bj
The trade war between Washington and Beijing was one of the biggest reasons for heightened uncertainty around oil prices as China is one of the world's top importers of the commodity and any sign that demand for it might waver immediately .
◆190105 China tested its most powerful non-nuclear weapon
defence-blog.com (press release) (blog)-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2C1E5Br
China has tested the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in its arsenal, Chinese state media reported on 4 January. ... Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB,) which was first to dubbed the “Mother of All Bombs” because of its acronym and power.
◆190105 Oil, LNG trade at stake in US-China talks resuming Monday
S&P Global Platts-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CQzfJ2
Washington Trade talks resuming Monday between the US and China could signal whether crude and LNG flows will pick up between the two countries this year or stay mired in the trade dispute.
◆190105 Nuclear Power Trial in China Will 'Not Proceed'
Caixin Global-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QrJEi5
A nuclear energy development program between China and a U.S. company has become the latest casualty of the Trump administration's hostility toward Beijing over technology and trade. The project involving the American company ...
◆190105 US Officials View China As America's Primary Long-Term Threat To ...
NPR-14 時間前 https://n.pr/2Fb7AFh
U.S. Officials View China As America's Primary Long-Term Threat To Power ... into Russian election interference gets a lot of attention, but U.S. Justice Department and other security officials say the real espionage threat comes from China.

◆190105 「電気料金が安くなる」契約切り替えでトラブル急増 国民生活センター
ハザードラボ-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SCNZRk
今より電気料金が安くなる」という勧誘を電話で受けたことはないだろうか?電力の小売自由化から2年9カ月たった現在、大手電力会社を名乗る業者や、契約しているところとは別の会社から受けた電話で、契約したつもりはないのに電力会社が勝手に ...
◆190105 電力も水道も、インフラ危機がリアルになってきた
日経xTECH-14 時間前 https://nkbp.jp/2RB0yiU
あけましておめでとうございます。日経エネルギーNext編集長の山根です。2019年もどうぞよろしくお願いします。 ついに平成の時代も残すところわずかとなりました。エネルギー業界は、大きな節目となった「3.11」から今年で9年目、そして電力全面自由化から4 ...
◆190105 無尽蔵エネルギーの追求 トヨタやグーグルも
日本経済新聞-9 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2LPIL1Q
資源の制約からいかに抜け出すか。それはエネルギーを手がける企業以外にとっても他人事ではない。トヨタ自動車や米グーグルは究極の無尽蔵エネルギーである太陽の力に着目し研究開発を進めている。 1センチ角のチップを水に入れて強い光を当てた途 ...

◆190105 India to bring 21 more reactors online by 2031
World Nuclear News-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LRcZSh
India currently expects to bring 21 new nuclear power reactors with a combined generating capacity of 15,700 MWe into operation by 2031, the country's minister of state for the Department of Atomic Energy and the Prime Minister's Office told ...
◆190105 India Lawmakers' Panel Seeks Gas Subsidy to Revive Power Plants
Livemint-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AusJGu
India needs to resume subsidies on imported natural gas to help revive power plants that have been stranded for want ... so-called Power System Development Fund or from the environment tax on coal, the Standing Committee on Energy ... Several of these plants were built on expectations of a boom in supplies from Reliance Industries Ltd.'s KG-D6 oil and gas block. ... The plants aren't able to run entirely on imported gas, as higher costs lead to tariffs that are far higher than thermal ..
◆190105 IEA sees India coal imports rising til 2023; Here is what it says
Financial Express-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2F916Xh
The International Energy Agency (EIA) said inadequate rise in coal production on the back of higher demand growth in India would push imports higher till 2023. India's import of thermal coal mainly used in electricity generation is seen to ...
◆190105 Vietnam eyes green power, not to sacrifice environment for growth
VnExpress International-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Cc2Rzd
Environment-friendly coal- and gas-fueled and renewable power plants would make up the mix, Deputy Prime ... in a meeting with the state-run Vietnam Electricity(EVN), the country's largest power producer and monopoly distributor. While Vietnam faces "obvious risks of an energy shortage in the coming years ... it will not sacrifice the environment ... The country faces difficulty in increasing power generation since it has decided to put nuclear power on hold, many coal-fired plants are ...
◆190105 Thailand Braces for Storm Pabuk; Oil & Gas, Tourism Industries ...
Insurance Journal-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Raib9x
Thailand's south is bracing for the country's most powerful tropical storm in decades, which is expected to disrupt oil and gas production and force thousands of international tourists to flee its beaches and islands. Widespread rainfall with ...

◆190106 中国・習主席「軍事闘争の準備を着実に」 米国を牽制
朝日新聞-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FbcxwJ
中国の習近平(シーチンピン)国家主席は4日の中央軍事委員会の会議で演説し、「我が国は発展の重要なチャンスを迎えているが、 ... 中国の専門家らの間では今後、「核心的利益」である台湾や南シナ海などの問題でも衝突するのではないかとの見通しが ...
◆190106 宣伝、観光、不法移民......ロシアで高まる中国警戒論
Newsweekjapan-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GUqGkj
名門大学には孔子学院が常駐し、観光地には中国語の警告文──ロシア訪問で感じた極東発「中ロ激突」の予兆>. 18年12月初め、厳冬のロシアを訪問した。厳寒の下、中国に対する警戒感が立ち込めているのを肌で実感する旅でもあった。
◆190106 「中国が港奪う」=債務急増に危機感?ケニア
時事通信-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Ax44AR
しかし、巨額の対中債務を抱える国の一つであるケニアでは「中国に最大の港が奪われる」という危機感が高まっている。 ... 昨年9月、習近平国家主席は北京にアフリカ53カ国の首脳らを招き、3年間で600億ドル(約6兆5000億円)の支援を約束した。
◆190106 Oil rises to $57 on OPEC cuts, China-US trade talks
The Nation-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GW1VV5
LONDON - Oil rose to around $57 a barrel on Friday after China said it would hold trade talks with the United States and a ... China's services sector extended its solid expansion in December, a private survey showed on Friday, bucking a trend of ... The Reuters survey on Thursday found OPEC supply fell by 460,000 bpd in December, following assessments by Bloomberg and JBC Energy also showing a sizeable decline. ... Powerminister apologizes for frequent load shedding.
◆190106 Canadians accused of breaking Chinese law that gives authorities ...
CBC.ca-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LQOzbD
The two Canadian citizens detained in China following the Vancouver arrest of a top Chinese technology company executive are being held under an "all-encompassing" law with a broad definition of national security violations. It's been ...
◆190106 'Mother of all bombs': China tests its most powerful non-nuclear ...
Daily Pakistan-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CQk7vg
BEIJING China has tested its most powerful non-nuclear weapon, dubbed the “Mother Of All Bombs” by official media in a ... the “Mother of All Bombs” due to its huge destructive potential that is claimed to be only second to nuclear weapons, the daily said. ... of All Bombs” which is both bigger and thermobaric, meaning it uses gas to create a huge fireball rather than a shockwave. ... Dawood distances himself from business ventures as Mohmand dam ground breaking set for Jan 13 ...
◆190106 The Yangtze River Economic Belt: A helpful pattern for China's overall ...
CGTN (press release)-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2FfRHMC
Editor's note: The article is based on an interview with Shen Yiyang, a senior energyconsultant of Asian Development Bank (ADB). The article reflects the expert's opinion, and not necessarily the views of CGTN. It's the third year since the ...
◆190106 The week in energy: A look ahead to 2019
Financial Times-9 時間前 https://on.ft.com/2scLDx2
China, which accounts for about half of the world's coal consumption, has been at the heart of global demand reductions as a ... With global oil and gas consumption continuing to grow, flat coal use implies that total world greenhouse gas ... The decline in the costs of electricity from renewable sources has not always been smooth. The database kept by Irena, the International Renewable Energy Agency, shows that the global average cost of power from onshore wind levelled off in ..

◆190107 中国の技術盗用防止へホワイトハウスに組織設置、上院で超党派法案
ロイター-7 分前 https://bit.ly/2AwFikw
ワシントン 4日 ロイター] - 米上院情報特別委員会のマーク・ワーナー副委員長(民主党)とマルコ・ルビオ委員(共和党)は4日、国家ぐるみの技術盗用の阻止や米国の重要なサプライチェーンの防衛を目的とした組織をホワイトハウスに設置する超党派の法案を ...
◆190107 中国沿岸で発見「1000年前の巨大津波」の痕跡。再発すれば世界経済は ...
BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2SHI3q8
偶然ながら同日朝、中国では地震について非常に気になる研究結果が発表されていた。南シナ海に面する広東省で、およそ1000年前に大津波が発生し、沿岸が壊滅的な被害を受けていたというものだ。 中国における自然科学・ハイテク研究の最高機関、中国 ...
◆190107 ついにイタリアも陥落? 中国の「一帯一路」が欧州を侵食する理由
livedoor-44 分前 https://bit.ly/2sfDV4U
週刊プレイボーイ』で「挑発的ニッポン革命計画」を連載中の国際ジャーナリスト、モーリー・ロバートソンが、欧州に攻勢をかける中国と、その中国に接近するイタリアの思惑について分析する。 * * *. ユーラシア大陸を横断し、東アフリカまで及ぶ経済圏構想「 ...
◆190107 [FT]中国、世界一になれぬ理由
日本経済新聞-7 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2Vw5x3i
近年の状況から未来を推し量ってはならない。確かにここ40年の中国の成長には目を見張る。西側諸国は冷戦には勝利したが力を失い、自由民主主義の理念も揺らいでいる。とはいえ、中国が数十年内に世界の覇権を握ると結論付けていいか。筆者はそうは ..
◆190107 中国版「最強の非核爆弾」…軍施設を完全破壊も
読売新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RBu6g7
【広州=角谷志保美】中国メディアは、米国の大規模爆風爆弾「MOAB」に相当する威力のある爆弾の実験映像が初めて公開されたと報じた。MOABは核兵器を除く通常兵器で最大の威力があるとされる。中国には、軍事力で米国への対抗姿勢を強調する狙い ...
◆190107 トランプが中国に仕掛けた逆転劇、世界は一気に反中に傾いた
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CT8P9D
「2018年最大の事件を挙げろ」と質問され、「米中戦争勃発」を挙げる人は多いだろう。それは「貿易戦争」から始まり、「覇権争奪戦」に転化していった。トランプ政権の米国は当初、腰が定まらず、結果的に世界を敵に回すような行動をしていた。しかし、「中国 ...
◆190107 未来は中国のものだとは限らない
JBpress-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AvOg1m
中国はこの40年間で、文字通り目を見張る発展を遂げてきた。その一方で、冷戦に勝利した後の ... 我々はこれを踏まえ、今後数十年間は専制的な中国が世界を支配する大国になるのは確実だと結論づけるべきなのだろうか。 筆者の答えは「ノー」だ。未来が ...
◆190107 月裏側の探査はほんの始まり 中国が宇宙にかける野望
CNN.co.jp-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CSAfwa
中国神話の月の女神「嫦娥」が飼っていたウサギにちなんで名付けられた探査車「玉兎2号」は、月の裏側から画像などのデータ ... 習近平(シーチンピン)国家主席は13年、有人宇宙船「神舟10号」の乗組員との交信の中で、「宇宙への夢は中国をより偉大にする ...
◆190107 Oil rises on proposed US-China trade talks
Nine-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H0I3QG
Oil has risen nearly two per cent after proposed trade talks between the United States and China eased some fears about a ... Prices pared gains on Friday after data from the US Energy Information Administration showed a sharp increase in ...
◆190107 Power politics always drives space conquest. China's coup is no ...
The Guardian-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AAS80W
China, a latecomer to the space race, is now beginning to threaten the supremacy of America and Russia. Almost every report on Chang'e-4's mission declared it a “propaganda coup” for China. That it certainly is and one that Beijing will fully ...
◆190107 Oil, LNG Trade at Stake in US-China Talks
Financial Tribune-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AyhvAx
The US trade representative announced Friday that top energy and agriculture officials would be part of the US ... The US sent 200 million cubic meters of LNG to China in October, compared with a 2018 monthly peak of 480 mcm in April and ...
◆190107 China's Navy Railgun Is Out for Sea Trials. Here's Why It's a Threat to ...
The National Interest Online (blog)-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2C1boVo
Railguns, which have een in development in various countries for decades, require a lot of electrical power. ... China's railgun first appeared in January 2018 in a photo of the Chinese navy Type 072 landing vessel Haiyang Shan while the ship reportedly was at a facility in Wuhan on the Yangtze River. ... Now the American fleet is setting aside space and power for a railgun or another energy weapon, such as a large laser, in the design of a new class of warship it's planning to build ...
◆190107 7 key issues to determine success of US-China trade talks
Herald-Mail Media-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Feg3GD
Energy: The trade deal disrupted what should be a sweet deal for the two countries: The U.S. is becoming a major oil and natural gas exporter while China has emerged as the world's biggest buyer of both. While lifting China's retaliatory tariff ...
◆190107 Saudi oil will grease China's currency ambitions
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LSHdEu
Saudi Arabia can help it go further by agreeing to price and sell some of its $30 billion in annual oil exports to the ... Russia, under pressure from U.S. sanctions, has said it will price some gas in the currency, and could do more in oil too.
◆190107 Should South Korea Participate in China's Belt and Road?
The National Interest Online (blog)-15 分前 https://bit.ly/2VyrSNL
If South Korea can connect with North Korea through China's OBOR, then Seoul can overcome these contradictions and fulfill the ... Moon is planning to replace South Korean nuclear and coal power plants with natural gas and renewable energy. ... To use North Korea's train system, South Korea has to rebuild the North's current rail infrastructure, which uses more electricity than North Korea generates.

◆190107 地域分散型エネルギーと地産地消(2) 電力の「鎖国」は非効率
日本経済新聞-7 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2LTmMHo
筆者が地方自治体や住民から話を聞いた限りでは、エネルギーの地産地消とは「既存の電力システムに頼らないこと」と思っている人がかなり多いようです。 大規模電力システムと完全に分離した電力利用の形態は孤立系統やオフグリッドと呼ばれますが、これ ...
◆190107 電気・ガス、2月に全社値上げ…資源価格上昇
読売新聞-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RaWLJv
◆190107 日本の石油元売り、アジア進出の成否
ニュースイッチ Newswitch-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LUHXJc
原油相場が約1年半ぶりの安値水準となっている。昨秋の米国によるイラン制裁第2弾で、日本など8カ国・地域の原油取引について180日間の適用除外が認められて需給逼迫(ひっぱく)懸念が後退。米中貿易摩擦に伴う世界経済の先行き不透明感から需要 ...
◆190107 原子力発電、採算合わず“儲からないビジネス”に…欧米メーカーはすでに ...
Business Journal-2019/01/05 https://bit.ly/2Rh8RkB
トルコに対しては外交的にも特別待遇が実施された。政府は2013年5月にトルコと原子力協定を結んだが、これはトルコに対して原子力発電所の関連資材や技術を輸出するためのものである。この交渉は原発の受注とセットで進められたが、締結された文書に ...
◆190107 岐路に立つ大型石炭火力/首都圏向け、開発か撤退か進む選別
電気新聞-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Vw6x7y
◆190107 フィリピン、巨大ダム湖で太陽光発電 官民共同事業 年初の稼働目指す
SankeiBiz-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LVRH5V
操業が可能であることが確認できれば、フィリピン最大のダムがあるマガット湖での太陽光パネル設置面積を増やしていく。最終的には、マガット湖の全面積4500ヘクタールのうち200ヘクタールに太陽光パネルを設置し、発電容量20万キロワットの大規模太陽 ...

◆190107 PTC India begins process to find investor for wind energy business
Livemint-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H79Tei
Photo:Bloomberg. Mumbai: PTC India Ltd has initiated a formal process to find a strategic investor for its wind power business, two people aware of the development said, adding the country's largest electricity trader has already reached out to various investors. ... India's renewable energy sector has seen several mergers and acquisitions in the last few years. ... This includes 60GW from wind power, 100GW from solar power, 10GW from biomass and 5GW from small hydro projects.
◆190107 Vietnam's energy powerhouse to list with billion-dollar market cap
VnExpress International-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CSAZRX
PV Power, the country's second largest power producer, will list on the Ho Chi Minh bourse this month with a market ... State-owned oil and gas giant PetroVietnam remains PV Power's largest stakeholder, with 79.94 percent of its charter ... It also imports and distributes coal and operates five electricity plants. It is the second largest power producer in the country after national utility Vietnam Electricity.
◆190107 Oil Country Tubular Goods Market in Indonesia 2019-2023| Rise in ...
Business Wire (press release)-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LVHiHg
@Technavio forecasts the oil country tubular goods market in Indonesia to grow at a CAGR of over 4% by 2023. ... The oil and gas E&P activities in the country were slow, and no new blocks were awarded in the bid rounds in 2016, owing to the ... on oil and gas, “In 2017, Oil and gas accounted for over 50% of the total primary energy consumption in Indonesia. ... In 2016, Indonesia was the third-largest net importer of oilproducts and the tenth-largest in terms of electricity, globally.”.
◆190107 Electricity sharing norms: India, Nepal take welcome small steps, but ...
DailyO-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2C44u1z
Electricity sharing norms: India, Nepal take welcome small steps, but the sector needs a giant leap ... While the energy sector remains a prominent enabler of India-Nepal trade ties, the establishments on both sides often do not give it its due. ... The second pressing concern continues to be the waste of power transmission. ... As a majority of power plants in Nepal are run-of-the-river type, they generate a large amount of electricityduring the monsoon the surplus coincides with a ...
◆190107 Government to launch delayed second round of oil block auction on ...
Economic Times-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QvkhMl
After months of delay, India will Monday launch the second auction of 14 blocks for prospecting of oil and gas in an attempt ... 2018 with as many as 11 blocks measuring 21,507 sq km and five coal-bed methane (CBM) blocks being sought for.

◆190109 極貧人口増加、アフリカで米国が中国に挑む
Viewpoint-51 分前 https://bit.ly/2Qx7MQi
飢えてガリガリのナイジェリアの子供たちの写真。一昨年のGDP(国内総生産)が約3760億でアフリカ を誇る経済・産油大国の子供とは思えない。 国際貧困モニター研究機関「世界貧困時計」によれば、ナイジェリアは昨年、極貧人口(1日1・90 以下で .
◆190109 iPhone売上減少、中国での「非公式ボイコット」が一因か
Yahoo!ニュース-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H1Nz5v
先日、アップルがiPhoneの中華圏での大幅な売上減少を報告しましたが、その一因が中国での「非公式のボイコット(不買運動)」の可能性があるとのアナリスト ... さらに同報告では、今春までに貿易戦争が中国よりもアメリカ経済に大きな影響をもたらすと予測。
◆190109 「イノベーション大国」中国との違いは 李智慧氏に聞く
朝日新聞-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Qv15y1
◆190109 [FT]中国、新規鉄道建設1250億ドルの景気刺激策
日本経済新聞-1 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2C82Pbr
中国の公式発表によると、中国国家発展改革委員会は12月5日以降、8つの都市と地域で合計8600億元(1250億ドル)規模にのぼる都市鉄道整備事業を認可した。 1月7日には米中両国による直接の貿易交渉が始まった。ドナルド・トランプ大統領と習近平(シ ...

◆190110 中国が年始からチラ見せた「台湾攻撃」の意図
東洋経済オンライン-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2skzhCY
2019年最初の週に、中国が月の裏側に宇宙探査機を到達させたニュースが大きく見出しを飾る中で、中国軍の公式新聞は元日の社説で、今年は「戦争の準備」が最優先事項となるだろうと読者たちに告げた。その翌日に習近平国家主席が、最も紛争のおそれ ...
◆190110 海洋における「中国の影響力」の高まり
WEDGE Infinity-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M5VygY
いずれにせよ、一帯一路が2019年における米中対立の主戦場になり、東南アジア政策を中心とする今後のわが国の対外路線にも大きくかかわってくることは間違いないだろう。 ... 習近平国家主席は政権が発足して1年ほどが過ぎた2013年9月、訪問先のカザフスタンにおいて中国を起点にカザフスタン、キルギスタン、タジキスタン、イラン、トルコ、ウクライナ、ロシア、ポーランド、ドイツ、オランダなどを結んだ経済協力機構を構築し、
◆190110 もはやドロ船。中国から米はおろか自国企業も逃げ出し始めた
まぐまぐニュース!-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M1Lt4x
米中経済戦争は両国及び周辺の企業連携も事実上断絶させ、経済レポートでも被害拡大の様子が数値で示されているようです。今回の無料メルマガ『ロシア政治経済ジャーナル』では著者で国際関係ジャーナリストの北野幸伯さんが、経済研究所や調査会社の ...
◆190110 中国の宇宙開発 国際社会の懸念を払拭せよ
読売新聞-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RiY6hC
中国は他国に先行して月探査を進め、資源獲得などで影響力を強める狙いがあるのだろう。 習近平政権は「宇宙強国」の実現を目標に掲げる。国の発展計画「中国製造2025」でも、宇宙開発を重点分野に位置づけ、米国の優位に挑もうとしている。 米国の全 ...
◆190110 中国が「一帯一路」見返りに1MDB救済提案 極秘会合の議事録が示す ...
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QC8TOu
中国の最高指導部は2016年、数十億ドルの汚職疑惑の渦中にあったマレーシア政府系ファンド「1MDB」の救済に手を貸すことを提案していた。これまで未公開だった一連の会合議事録をウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル(WSJ)が確認した。 議事録によると、 ...
◆190110 China's Gas Pivot Is Starting To Pay Off
OilPrice.com-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RfO7tn
By 2020, per government mandate, the country's energy mix has to include at least 10 percent gas, with further earmarks by ... China's increased gas usage is already revolutionizing global LNG markets and could be one of the driving forces ...
◆190110 China to build 6GW of pumped hydro storage in bid to slash solar and ...
PV-Tech-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CXGOxu
Wasted electricity from solar projects in the country's northwest has often been in double-figure percentages. National rates of PV ... Tags: china, pv power plants, curtailment, grid curtailment, pumped hydro, energy storage, china state grid ...
◆190110 How China hopes to play a leading role in developing next-generation ...
South China Morning Post-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QBDfRd
China is pushing ahead with ambitious plans for its nuclear industry, which include plans to develop cleaner and safer ... reactors which could generate less radioactive waste and help reduce the reliance on fossil fuels to reduce the world's energy needs by 2020. ... of a few other models” and “is putting a lot of resources” into developing fourth-generation nuclear power. ... China, the world's largest electricity consumer, has already built 45 uranium-powered reactors, but these only ...
◆190110 GLOBAL MARKETS-Hopes for US-China trade talks boost stocks, oil
Reuters-8 時間前 https://reut.rs/2ACPmsj
NEW YORK, Jan 9 (Reuters) - Stocks around the world extended recent gains and oil prices jumped on Wednesday on optimism ... on issues including purchases of U.S. farm and energy commodities and increased access to China's markets.
◆190110 China-US trade hopes lift stocks as oil prices surge
INQUIRER.net-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CeiUfw
NEW YORK, United States Global stocks pushed higher Wednesday on renewed optimism over talks to resolve the China-US trade war, while oil prices surged after Saudi Arabia confirmed it was on track to trim crude exports. Europe's ...
◆190110 UPDATE 1-China says Turkmenistan gas supply has returned to ...
Reuters-14 時間前 https://reut.rs/2SNnrg4
(Adds PetroChina comment starting in 5th paragraph). BEIJING, Jan 9 (Reuters) - Natural gas supplies to China from Turkmenistan's state-owned energy major Konzern were expected to return to planned levels from Jan. 8, after a supply ...
◆190110 China's Three Gorges rules out new domestic hydro projects
Nikkei Asian Review-17 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2AGt2On
The 22.5-gigawatt (GW) Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze river was completed in 2012 after a dam-building boom ... CTGC, parent of listed China Yangtze PowerCorp, has since completed other giant dams on the Yangtze upstream and its total ... at an industry meeting in Beijing on Tuesday that hydropower must still play a vital role in China's clean energy goals. ... said new rules had raised costs and eroded investment incentives, and transmission capacity was also insufficient.
◆190110 Oil Surges 5% on Saudi Support, US-China Talks
Wall Steet Journal-4 時間前 https://on.wsj.com/2RJCNFq
U.S. oil prices technically entered a bull market Wednesday, surging to a nearly four-week high as the Saudis cheerleaded for higher prices and the U.S. and Chinaappeared to make progress toward resolving their trade dispute. Investors ...
◆190110 Fourth Chinese AP1000 enters commercial operation
World Nuclear News-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Cej1Yu
Unit 2 of the Haiyang nuclear power plant in China's Shandong province has completed 168 hours of full-power continuous operation and is now deemed to be in commercial operation. It becomes the fourth AP1000 unit in China to reach the ..
◆190110 1万台規模の蓄電池を“秒単位”で一括制御、再エネの出力変動対策に
ITmedia-54 分前 https://bit.ly/2CZGIWa
関西電力、エリーパワーおよび三社電機製作所の3社は2018年12月、需要家が保有する家庭用蓄電池および産業用蓄電池をエネルギーリソースとして活用し、電力系統における周期の短い負荷変動に合わせて即時充放電させる実証試験に取り組むと発表した ...
◆190110 NY商品、原油1カ月ぶり50ドル台回復 米中貿易協議の進展で
日本経済新聞-4 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2ABJmQs
【NQNニューヨーク=戸部実華】9日のニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)で原油先物相場は8日続伸した。WTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)で期近の2月物は前日比2.58ドル高の1バレル52.36ドルで取引を終えた。50ドル台回復は1カ月 ..
◆190110 サウジが石油埋蔵量を上方修正、アラムコIPO控え?監査結果初公表
ブルームバーグ-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CadjXV
サウジアラビアは石油埋蔵量を推計2685億バレルと、従来の2663億バレルから小幅に上方修正した。約40年前にエネルギー産業を国有化した同国が埋蔵量について監査結果を公表するのは初めて。 今回の監査は、ダラスのコンサルティング会社ドゴリエ& ...
◆190110 NY商品、原油1カ月ぶりに50ドル台回復 米中貿易協議の進展で
日本経済新聞-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TzBDt2
【NQNニューヨーク=戸部実華】9日のニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)で原油先物相場は8日続伸した。WTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)で期近の2月物は前日比2.58ドル高の1バレル52.36ドルで取引を終えた。50ドル台回復は1カ月 ...
◆190110 LNG基地 増設検討
日本経済新聞-1 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2VGEceM
西部ガスは9日、グループ会社が運営する北九州市の液化天然ガス(LNG)受け入れ基地「ひびきLNG基地」でタンクの増設を検討すると発表した。西部ガスは増設したタンクを活用し、ロシア企業のアジア向けLNG輸送にあたって基地での積み替えや一時保管を ...
◆190110 トランプは石炭の雇用を取り戻せない 嘘に気づき始めた労働者たち
Newsweekjapan-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VJHrT1
トランプは我々の票が欲しいだけで嘘をついている、と元炭鉱労働者は言う>. アメリカの2人の元炭鉱労働者がCNNの取材に答え、石炭産業を復活させると公約したドナルド・トランプ米大統領の力量に疑問を呈した。 元炭鉱労働者で現在は石炭コンサルタント ...
◆190110 再エネ導入、民間連携に補助金/経産省、原子力立地地域の支援拡充
電気新聞-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RhtLQz
経済産業省は、2019年度から原子力発電所の立地・隣接自治体が行う再生可能エネルギー発電設備の整備や事前調査への支援を手厚くする。これまで自治体のみが対象だった補助事業のスキームを改め、民間企業と連携した取り組みにまで広げる。補助金 ...

◆190110 India's renewable energy capacity addition to grow 50% this year on ...
ETEnergyworld.com-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2H2o2ta
New Delhi: India's total addition of new renewable energy generation capacity, including both solar and wind resources, is likely to grow by 50 per cent to 15,860 megawatt (Mw) in 2019 mainly on the back of improved tender activity.
◆190110 India should keep election politics out of energy policy
Nikkei Asian Review-20 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2sl4OVc
The 30% slide in international crude oil prices from four-year highs notched in early October could well benefit the chances ... a boost in production and consumption of biofuels, ambitious plans to raise renewable energy's share in the power sector and lift electric vehicle sales targets. ... gas (LPG) while ensuring that the cooking fuel remains affordable and is made accessible to the poorest households.
◆190110 India begins settling Iran oil debt after US sanctions
PRESSTV-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AFOHGy
Indian refiners have begun clearing their oil debt to Iran under a new payment mechanism which they put in place after the US reimposed sanctions on the Islamic Republic. The development comes after the Indian government intervened ...
◆190110 India's plans for a natural gas trading hub in limbo
Creamer Media's Mining Weekly-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2CmrpFN
KOLKATA (miningweekly.com) - Having missed the December deadline to establish a national gas trading hub, India is unlikely to push ahead with its plans in the immediate future without solving the vexed issue of unbundling operations of ...
◆190110 Indonesia sets lower coal production target to help stabilize global price
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TFaXHw
The government has lowered its coal production target for this year to 480 million tons in an effort to stabilize the global coal price, an official has said. Last year's target was 485 million tons, 25 percent of which was allocated to the domestic ...
◆190110 Vinacomin asked to ensure coal supply, enhance quality
Viet Nam News-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Rk5eKn
H? N?I Deputy Prime Minister Tr?nh ??nh D?ng asked the Vi?t Nam National Coal Mineral Industries Holding Corporation ... D?ng said that coal demand was increasing, especially for power generation, which was estimated at 58 million tonnes this year, ... “Vinacomin must strive to ensure enough coal supply for socio-economic development,” D?ng said. ... Vinacomin's electricity output totalled 9.4 billion kWh, accounting for nearly 5 per cent of the country's total electricity output...
◆190110 Thailand's offshore oil and gas operations resume after tropical storm
S&P Global Platts-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2RAjpun
Singapore Thailand's offshore oil and gas operations have returned to normal this week after they were suspended due to Tropical Storm Pabuk hitting the region over the weekend.

◆190429 地対艦ミサイル射程、2倍へ改良 尖閣・宮古、対中抑止
産経ニュース-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V3SnxK
防衛省は、南西地域に配備する陸上自衛隊の地対艦誘導ミサイル(SSM)を改良し、射程を現在の約2倍に延伸する検討に入った。艦艇の能力増強を図る中国軍への対処能力と抑止力を高める狙いがある。改良した同型のミサイルを海上 ...

◆190429 「宮古島 地対艦ミサイル」のストーリーの画像(朝日新聞)
進むミサイル長射程化、中国に対抗 専守防衛と整合性は
朝日新聞-2019/04/08 https://bit.ly/2PBLded
いずれも射程は百数十キロだが、地対艦ミサイル(12式地対艦誘導弾)は改良し、300キロ程度まで射程を伸ばす。 ... 訓示で宮古島を「我が国防衛の最前線」と訴え、中国についても「軍事力を広範かつ急速に強化しつつ、我が国周辺の海 ...

◆190429 東欧・バルカンで各国攻防=一帯一路の要所、首脳会議相次ぐ
時事通信-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DCvdUC
特にこのルートの途上にあるセルビアは、首都ベオグラードからブダペストまでの鉄道路線整備で巨額融資を受けることに合意するなど、中国と急接近。ブチッチ大統領は25日から北京で開かれた一帯一路の国際会議で習近平国家主席と会談し「西側からは ...

◆190429 [社説]一帯一路は国際基準順守を
日本経済新聞-15 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2DCOYvk
中国が広域経済圏構想「一帯一路」の軌道修正を迫られている。習近平国家主席は北京で開いた2回目の一帯一路首脳会議で相手国の財政的な持続可能性にも配慮する姿勢を見せた。中国は、事業実施にあたり国際基準を順守する方向へ明確にカジを切る ...

◆190429 トランプの原油政策が中国を「バブル膨張」へ追いやっている可能性
現代ビジネス-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V27Izb
中国の経済・財政悪化とともに、一帯一路戦略がかえって中国の首を絞めるかもしれないという微妙な位置づけになってきている。 中国の全人代(全国人民代表大会)が3月に開催されたが、世界が注目している中国経済の不安を払拭することは出来なかっ た。

◆190427 「借金漬け外交」批判浴びる中国 一帯一路戦略立て直し
朝日新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IZt5d5
中国の習近平(シーチンピン)指導部が掲げる巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」の国際フォーラムが開幕した。2年ぶり2回目で、前回を超える150余りの国と90余りの国際機関が参加。「借金漬け外交」といった国際社会の批判を踏まえ、中国は透明性の向上を ...

◆190429 China's quest for clean, limitless energy heats up
The Japan Times-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IXGaUl
China is also aiming to build a separate fusion reactor that could begin generating commercially viable fusion power by ... massive amounts of energy the opposite of the fission process used in atomic weapons and nuclear power plants, ...

◆190429 China promotes 'green' belt and road, but pressured over coal ...
Asia Pacific Report-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VvD9kS
However, China's energy investments abroad it is a major investment and aid donor in the Pacific continue to favour ... More than 30 heads of state were due at the summit, including from countries with shared coal, oil and gas interests such as ... in renewable energy, and a lot of investments in infrastructure that respect the future,” he said, as reported by Xinhua. ... the Indonesian government for seeking investment in four coal power plants instead of cleaner hydroelectric projects.

◆190429 India, China set to form a working group on energy
Livemint-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PBAJvi
The two nations wield enormous buying power on the global energy stage with China and India being the world's second and fourth largest importers of ... China and India are the world's second and third largest oil importers as well, respectively. ... We have decided to set up a joint working group on the oil and gas sector.

◆190429 New missile gap leaves US scrambling to counter China, in shift that ...
The Japan Times-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GH8Yh7
China's military is now making giant strides toward replacing the United States as the supreme power in Asia. ... Under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a Cold War-era agreement aimed at reducing the threat of nuclear conflict, ...

◆190429 New START talks cannot include China
Global Times-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vx87tX
Nuclear power is still the most fundamental strategic tool. China's strategic nuclear power remains at the lowest level possible to maintain the country's national security. Once weakened, the country's strategic security will be undermined.

◆190429 US sanctions on Iran, Venezuela set up crunch for heavier oil
Reuters-2 時間前 https://reut.rs/2GLn4xJ
LONDON (Reuters) - Tighter U.S. sanctions on Iranian oil planned for May are adding to a wealth of factors curbing global supply of ... This month Iraq's SOMO sold 2 million barrels of Basra Heavy crude to China's Unipec at a premium of over $2 a barrel to its official ... be loath to sanction Chinese companies importing Iranian crude which are at the same time key buyers of U.S. oil and liquid natural gas.

◆190429 Documents Show Indonesia Released Banned N. Korean Coal
Voice of America-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2We8tS7
VOA's Indonesian service contributed to this report, which originated in VOA's Korean service. Indonesia has released seized North Korean coal in apparent violation of U.N. sanctions, posing a challenge to U.S.-led international efforts to ...

◆190429 Two geothermal service contracts of Basic Energy terminated in the ...
ThinkGeoEnergy-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZHBS9p
The Philippines Department of Energy has terminated two geothermal service contracts by Basic Energy. The company has filed for reconsideration for the two contracts of East Mankayan and West Bulusan.

◆190429 Solar Philippines opens 150-MW plant in Tarlac
manilastandard.net-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VvDsw2
Renewable energy developer Solar Philippines said over the weekend its 150-megawatt Tarlac solar power project started ... These plant outages are also expected to push up electricity rates. ... the solar project would be “the first in the Philippines at a lower cost than coal, the first with battery storage for 24-hour power, ...

◆190429 Angat Dam dips below critical level
Philippine Star-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZGtffp
MANILA, Philippines The water level in Angat Dam, Metro Manila's water source, has dipped to critical as El Ni?o continues to persist in the country. The latest update from state weather bureau Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and ...

◆190429 Indonesia's March palm output, exports seen higher
The Star Online-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DB1prC
JAKARTA: Indonesia's palm oil output in March likely rose from a month earlier, while inventories were seen lower on the ... Domestic consumption of palm oil likely increased to 1.51 million tonnes last month from 1.26 million tonnes a month ...

◆190429 AC Energy, BIM launch 330-MW solar farm
The Manila Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IMTwn2
NINH THUAN PROVINCE, VIETNAM: Ayala-led AC Energy Inc. and its Vietnamese partner BIM Group inaugurated ... s power arm is expected to generate 545 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of renewable energy (RE) from the farm ... Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, Ninth Thuan Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Duc Thanh, Ninh ... AC Energy has over $1 billion of invested and committed equity in renewable and thermal energy in the Philippines and across the region.

◆190429 Penalties for erring power plant operators sought
Philippine Star-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VCDNga
MANILA, Philippines Operators of power plants that conk out, especially when they are most needed, should have ... power from the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) when supply from power plants is short, Gatchalian said. ... is focusing on at least six operators of power plants, including the Pagbilao plant; South Luzon Thermal Energy Corp.; ... Water in the Angat Dam dipped to 179.97 meters, below the 180-meter minimum operating water level early Sunday morning.

◆190427 Blockchain is bringing together largest bank and oil sector in Thailand
Cryptopolitan-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PubCuo
The chief of Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) of Thailand and the national oil company recently executed a fruitful trial of employing Blockchain technology in their transnational business disbursements. The bank has lately publicized the fruitful ...

◆190429 AC Energy begins solar operation in Vietnam
INQUIRER.net-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2V2rR7X
Energy (Oil, Electricity, Coal) ... NINH THUAN, VIETNAM The Ayala group's AC Energy and its Vietnamese partner BIM Group have switched on their ... the BIM\AC Renewables joint venture is expected to generate at least 545 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy yearly. ... He added that the power complex was now delivering electricity to Vietnam's national grid and would produce about 600 ...

◆190429 Growing environmental awareness in Vietnam
Asia Times-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2DGpUDM
Too many Vietnamese continue to litter in public and waste electricity, though most wear protective masks while riding their ... The development of renewable energy, however, has lagged behind that of other Southeast Asian nations because of low ... While laudable efforts are now under way to increase investment in renewables, particularly solar, Vietnam continues to favor coal-fired power plants.

◆190429 The Chinese mega-dam in Myanmar that is hampering the peace ...
ASEAN TODAY-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VF6DNj
The government of Myanmar is working to restart the controversial Myitsone dam project in Kachin State. ... Myitsone is a Chinese-backed dam proposed for the Irrawaddy River that was suspended in September 2011 due to popular opposition. ... Though only 44% of people in Myanmar have access to electricity, 90% of the electricity produced by the dam would be ... The Tatmadaw has worked with the developer of the dam, China Power Investment Corporation (CPIC), to secure the ...

◆190429 Cambodia charges 3 Chinese with money laundering
CityNews Calgary-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2vtBhdM
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia A Cambodian court on Sunday charged three Chinese nationals with money laundering after the men were ... CALGARY As an expected 10-20 centimetres of snow falls in Calgary, the city is dealing with a number of traffic and power issues. ... The electricity company says the power could continue to come and go through the evening as a result of the winter storm. To see ...

◆190429 Cambodia morning news for April 29
AEC News Today-59 分前 https://bit.ly/2UKhgtE
The Mekong River Commission yesterday announced new efforts to address natural disasters in the region, including a decision to upgrade and rename the Regional Flood Management and Mitigation Centre to the Regional Flood and ...

◆190429 Lawyer: US man had Myanmar's permission to grow cannabis
The Japan News-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2GR4CFt
The Associated Press YANGON (AP) The arrest of an American man in Myanmar for growing 20 acres of cannabis plants ... 5,200 seedlings, 380 kilograms of marijuana seeds, 1,804 grams of marijuana oil, and chemicals and equipment for ...

◆190429 Would a nuclear war erupt over South China Sea dispute?
gulfnews.com-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VCElTg
Claimant states are interested in retaining or acquiring the rights to fishing areas, the strategic control of important shipping lanes and the exploration and potential exploitation of crude oil and natural gas in the seabed of various parts of the ...

◆190427 81st joint patrol on Mekong River concludes
Xinhua-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2L446YI
KUNMING, April 26 (Xinhua) -- The 81st Mekong River joint patrol led by China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand ... River in China, is a vital waterway for cross-border shipping among China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

◆190429 India to install 54.7 GW wind energy capacity by 2022
REVE (press release)-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2UKhmBw
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Wind Energy, Fitch SolutionsIndia is likely to install 54.7 GW of wind capacity ... which includes 100 GW from solar, 60 GW from wind, 10 GW from bio-power and 5 GW from small hydro-power. “We remain cautious on India meeting its ambitious 2022 targets for wind power capacity growth, as land acquisition ... “In addition, should the facility not be able to sell electricity, the project's loan interest could start to pile up and alter project economics.

◆190429 High crude oil prices just one worry for India; let's not ignore the other ...
Livemint-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2IMdpuz
MUMBAI: For a country that imports the lion's share of its oil requirements, high prices are never good news. So, when Brent crude prices rose to over $75 a barrel, there was some worry on the Street. NSE's volatility index (India VIX), often ...

◆190429 India, China set to form a working group on energy
Livemint-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PBAJvi
The two nations wield enormous buying power on the global energy stage with China and India being the world's second and fourth ... China and India are the world's second and third largest oil importers as well, respectively. ... India imports more than 80% of its oil requirements and around 18% of the natural gas it needs.

◆190429 Coal India's supply to power sector up 7.4% at 488 million tonne in FY19
Business Today-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2PDskrl
Share. Home ? SECTORS ? Energy. Story ... Public sector mining giant Coal India Ltd supplied 488 million tonne (MT) of fuel to the power sector in the 2018-19 fiscal, registering ... The world's largest coal miner had dispatched 454.2 MT of coal to the power sector in 2017-18, as per the latest ... The minister had also claimed that none of the thermal power plants have reported any loss of generation due to ...

◆190429 Military movement under Brahmaputra on drawing board
Economic Times-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VvEgky
NEW DELHI: The government is exploring the option of constructing a strategic tunnel under the Brahmaputra river in ... of the Brahmaputra near Tezpur in Assam, connecting north and south banks of the river, top government officials said.

◆190427 At $44 bn foreign interest, oil could be India's next geopolitical currency
Business Standard-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Dz0BTU
Saudi Arabia's Aramco last week made headlines for reportedly being in discussions to pick a stake in Reliance Industries' core business. The deal, if successful, may take overall foreign interest in Indian's oil and related assets to $44.46 ...

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