
しましまのRecSys2019の参加・聴講記録 http://recsys.acm.org/recsys19/
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Annavarjula Vaishnavi @avaishnavi6

Great conclusion to #recsys2019 summer school! Taking home new questions to think about. pic.twitter.com/PinDHMPyPW

2019-09-13 23:22:18
Felice Antonio Merra @merrafelice

I would really like to thank all the organizers of the just ended @ACMRecSys Summer School @alansaid @McWillemsen @toinebogers. I had a lot of Inspiring Lectures that will be fundamental for my PhD! See you in #Copenhagen #RecSys2019 @sisinflab pic.twitter.com/iz91ZJUaZx

2019-09-14 00:03:24
Alain Starke 🦙 @alainstarke

The proceedings of HealthRecSys 2019 are out: ceur-ws.org/Vol-2439/. It includes my short position paper on RecSys challenges in sustainable eating habits, which outlines the work I'll be doing @uib in the coming 12 months: ceur-ws.org/Vol-2439/7-pag… #RecSys2019

2019-09-14 00:18:31
Cataldo Musto @cataldomusto

Thanks to @alansaid and @McWillemsen for inviting us :) It was very nice to have the opportunity of presenting our recent works in the area of #explanation for #recsys. Looking forward to see you at @ACMRecSys 2019 #recsys2019 ❤️ slideshare.net/mobile/Cataldo…

2019-09-14 02:17:09
ACM RecSys @ACMRecSys

After a successful #summerschool, this weekend #recsys2019 will properly start, with the doctoral symposium on Sunday. Safe travels to all of you and we look forward to welcoming you in Copenhagen! pic.twitter.com/Q0ppOhkd03

2019-09-14 12:00:04
Peter Brusilovsky @peterpaws

Some teaser from the program chairs: this is what #RecSys2019 accepted papers focus on most frequently. Come to the conference opening to see more details from @domonkostikk and @peterpaws! pic.twitter.com/MLdknFLCS8

2019-09-15 05:06:39
しましま @shima__shima

今日からデンマークのコペンハーゲンでの RecSys2019 に向けて出発.国際会議 59回目,RecSys 10回目,デンマーク 2回目,コペンハーゲン 2回目.コペンハーゲンは去年の ICML+IJCAI @ストックホルムの前に滞在したばかりだ.

2019-09-15 06:20:03
usaito @usait0


2019-09-15 15:08:50
ACM RecSys @ACMRecSys

And #recsys2019 has officially started! 6 PhD students are presenting their research and getting valuable feedback from their mentors and other attendants during the doctoral symposium. More info: recsys.acm.org/recsys19/docto…

2019-09-15 20:56:44
Hongyi Wen @hongyi_wen

Landed in Copenhagen for #recsys2019! Really excited about it😀 shameless self-ad: I will be presenting our paper on "Leveraging post-click feedback for content recommendations". Join us in paper session 6 on Wednesday! pic.twitter.com/Aa0H4gUpKk

2019-09-15 21:58:36
Markus Schedl @m_schedl

Super-exciting #recsys2019 doctoral symposium. Thanks to all students and mentors! @ngrams pic.twitter.com/v1A12KV0uJ

2019-09-15 22:01:17
Manel Slokom @ManelSlokom

My Third @ACMRecSys 😍 Very excited and looking forward to enjoy it. #recsys2019 pic.twitter.com/xrE2rISJ0m

2019-09-15 22:53:55
Helma Torkamaan @__Helma

#recsys2019 Registration is open right now. Come and register if you are around. @ACMRecSys pic.twitter.com/HEeFO2WK6o

2019-09-15 23:13:39
Cataldo Musto @cataldomusto

Ready for #recsys2019! ❤️ All the Student Volunteers we selected with @__Helma are waiting for you at the desk :) pic.twitter.com/0zCVQ0mDHq

2019-09-16 03:15:55
しましま @shima__shima

コペンハーゲン,涼しいな 去年の7月でチョコがガンガン溶けてしまったのだが,今度は大丈夫そうだ

2019-09-16 04:16:16
しましま @shima__shima


2019-09-16 13:32:52
前へ 1 2 3 ・・ 35 次へ