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2011 Galaxy Community Conference #usegalaxy

前へ 1 ・・ 25 26
Peter Cock @pjacock

Currently wrapping b2g4pipe aka "Blast2Go for pipelines" to use in Galaxy workflows #usegalaxy http://blast2go.org http://geneontology.org

2011-05-27 02:04:13
Peter Cock @pjacock

http://galaxy.psu.edu/gcc2011/Key_Dates.html says all #usegalaxy conference material will be available on the web on (or by?) 15 June

2011-05-27 03:25:01
Nick Loman @pathogenomenick

RT @aunderwo: #usegalaxy The open ended nature of paying for EC2 services makes running galaxy on the cloud problematic for our finance people :(

2011-05-27 06:08:54
Peter Cock @pjacock

Did someone setup a webpage to capture the #usegalaxy tweets during recent Galaxy Community Conference? Can the URL be put on website please

2011-05-27 17:28:13
Peter Cock @pjacock

Agreement from @a_bossers and others on dev mailing list that fixing #usegalaxy issue 325 should be a top priority http://bit.ly/lOTF6P :)

2011-05-27 17:32:53
VIB Technology Training @VIBTechTraining

The Galaxy community conference in The Netherlands was awesome! Thank to all the speakers for the interesting talks! #usegalaxy

2011-05-27 17:47:38
Marco Kotrotsos @The_Netherlands

RT @bitsatvib: The Galaxy community conference in The Netherlands was awesome! Thank to all the speakers for the interesting talks! #usegalaxy

2011-05-27 17:48:29
Peter Cock @pjacock

@32nm Currently http://togetter.com seems to be down, but I'll try and check it again later for archived #usegalaxy tweets. Thanks!

2011-05-27 19:05:49
Biopython Project @Biopython

RT @pjacock: @Biopython Darn - just realised I forgot to say in my #usegalaxy conference talk yesterday that I use #Biopython in some of my Galaxy tools.

2011-05-27 21:44:00
Peter Cock @pjacock

@kpaszkiewicz Got b2g4pipe doing NCBI BLAST XML to 3 column tabular (*.annot in Blast2GO) in #usegalaxy - currently looking at local B2G DB

2011-05-27 22:18:07
Peter Cock @pjacock

@32nm http://togetter.com is up again and http://togetter.com/li/140056 has all the #usegalaxy tweets from the conference - thank you!

2011-05-27 22:21:05
Peter Cock @pjacock

@SirYoplait About this existing job splitting functionality in Galaxy - if it isn't documented it might as well not exist *grin* #usegalaxy

2011-05-27 22:28:11
Peter Cock @pjacock

@SirYoplait If you could write up some basic docs beyond enable use_tasked_jobs in universe.ini, I'll try it out next week. TIA. #usegalaxy

2011-05-27 22:31:00
前へ 1 ・・ 25 26