「鬼滅の刃」主人公、竈門 炭治郎(かまど たんじろう)の耳飾りは旭日旗であるという主張

旭日旗とか日本の旗をRSFlagっていうんですね。初めて知りました ※注意:まとめたツイートの量が大量であまりまとまってません。またほとんどが英語で未翻訳です。もしかしたら関係のないツイートを拾ってる可能性もあります。 時間があったら翻訳の方も手をつけていきたいと思いますのでそれまでは各自で翻訳をお願いします。
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‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

@TheWindragon24 youre an entitled asshole. "look im so cool for not caring about peoples fight for justice! im so tough and Not Triggered." literally please fuck off

2019-09-09 13:06:31
✨🍓 Dottie 💌✨ @daughtii

@insatiablejudge YIKES when I saw the discourse I was like........ Wait Isn't judge asian—

2019-09-09 13:32:36
Ernest Molina @RyukyuCajun

@insatiablejudge And at the same time Korea and China both have a laundry list of issues that should be addressed both past and present. americans and Japanese don’t beat each other over the head over Pearl Harbor or Hiroshima/Nagasaki do they?

2019-09-09 13:37:13
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

@RyukyuCajun japan and the US dont beat each other over it because japan's stance is "we dont need an apology". please look that up, oml.. just because two countries are fine and dandy without proper apology, doesnt mean other countries who are justified in their desire for it, are invalid?

2019-09-09 13:42:08
Motion7 @Motion_seven

@insatiablejudge "Korean American" is still white. But you're also Korean it's what we call being a "mixed race"

2019-09-09 13:42:41
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

@Motion_seven you are not a clown, but you are quite literally the entire fuckinf circus. please get ready for your performances.

2019-09-09 13:44:26
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

@melancholicMuun people see an opinion they dont agree with an be like .. is dem whites again!!1!!

2019-09-09 13:46:20
Cheeeze @Nephi691

@insatiablejudge @bbderio1 @TheWindragon24 Imagine acting like such a child and insulting a person for just playing a mobile game.

2019-09-09 14:53:21
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

@counting_a @Scootxr2 @Nephi691 @bbderio1 @TheWindragon24 bruh u the one replying, i just block lil pests like u to ~Curate My Online Exoerience~ stay mad.

2019-09-09 15:04:25
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

look, if youre like, even a little civil with me i will work with and talk to you. i appreciate seeing every perspective since im still learning and trying to form my own opinions. even if you dont agree, i can respect the notion, unless youre telling me some racist bs

2019-09-09 15:50:50
Lev @MalakaihDamron

@insatiablejudge I mean I get what you were going for by the fact that they are quite similar but it's painting the wrong idea of making the artist seem like they were intentionally trying to signify the rising sun. Which could lead to the artist behind kny to be harassed

2019-09-09 16:11:13
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

@MalakaihDamron fuck man, thats really not what i was going for, like at all. i was already aware of the historical context of the earrings and ive watched the anime. the anime is great and im 98% sure the mangaka used the design with ill will. i just want awareness of the designs controversy.

2019-09-09 16:14:32
Lev @MalakaihDamron

@insatiablejudge Please dont take this ill spirited as well. I just think before you make these posts include as much context and state that these are your own feelings or maybe just ask people to use this design as to avoid anything traumatic.

2019-09-09 16:16:02
Lev @MalakaihDamron

@insatiablejudge Also quick note. Did you mean to say they meant it with ill will or was that an accident?

2019-09-09 16:24:13
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

@MalakaihDamron I MEANT TO SAY without ill will! my bad, ill need reply to myself to edit, thanks for pointing that out

2019-09-09 16:25:23
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

@MalakaihDamron *** the mangaka used the design WITHOUT ill will. mb its 3 am

2019-09-09 16:25:51
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