『日赤「宇崎ちゃん」献血PRポスターは"過度に性的”か 騒動に火をつけた米国人男性に聞いてみた』と文春オンライン/『ジェイ・アレンさんって検索しても話題になってないんだけど…?』とネットユーザの声

この「米国人男性(というかUnseen Japanのアカウント)」は、太田啓子弁護士の過去のツイートに含まれていた英文ツイートのようです。 https://togetter.com/li/1419326 しかし国内での経緯を見る限り「議論に火をつけた」というよりは単に「せいぜい太田弁護士の用いた種火になっただけ」という印象ですが、いかがでしょうか。 リアルライブの2019年10月16日の記事の触れ方くらいが適切な温度感という感じがします。 https://news.nifty.com/article/entame/showbizd/12184-51397/
Unseen Japan @UnseenJapanSite

So this has happened before: @katepanda2 sent me this link about how the city of Minokamo re-designed a campaign poster collaboration with the anime Nourin after a poster featuring character Yoshida Kochou drew backlash from Japanese women. nlab.itmedia.co.jp/nl/spv/1512/08…

2019-10-15 09:04:03
On Takahashi (高橋温) @OnTakahashi

@UnseenJapanSite @JRCS_PR Hmm I usually agree with most of what @UnseenJapanSite says. But using anime characters for causes and so on in is a very Japanese thing. I of course do see the feminism angle, but the intention behind using these characters isn't usually sexual but for awareness.

2019-10-15 12:34:32
On Takahashi (高橋温) @OnTakahashi

@UnseenJapanSite @JRCS_PR I'm Japanese so maybe the way I see it is different. But incorporating anime characters into companies etc is the current trend in Japan with varying results. Coming from the Chubu region, the impact that Aoshima Megu has had is insane. pic.twitter.com/12twjcBa4U

2019-10-15 12:36:43
🔔♪♬SASHA♬♪ 🔔 SashaLalaBelle on Bluesky! @SashaLalaBelle

@OnTakahashi @UnseenJapanSite @JRCS_PR The main difference, imo, is that this isn't just an anime mascot. This is a character from an ecchi manga, whose main character traits are "is boisterous" and "has big breasts." If it were any other anime character, I'd say I'd agree that it's nbd.

2019-10-15 12:39:30
🔔♪♬SASHA♬♪ 🔔 SashaLalaBelle on Bluesky! @SashaLalaBelle

@OnTakahashi @UnseenJapanSite @JRCS_PR For instance, if it were Miku, it would be nbd. Hell, if it were the red blood cell from Cells at Work, it'd be thematically appropriate too! It's just disappointing and, imo, pretty inappropriate. Not something that kills me, but disappointing nonetheless.

2019-10-15 12:45:30
シャキーンʕ `•ᴥ•´ʔノ @fspls

@sachimcbelle @UnseenJapanSite @OnTakahashi @JRCS_PR this was good too twitter.com/kenketsu_frien… 血を……捧げよ!

2019-10-15 12:57:22
京都府赤十字血液センター(公式) @kenketsu_friend

【YouTuber「赤月ゆに」コラボ】 9月21日(土)から、金髪美少女吸血鬼YouTuber「赤月ゆに」(@AkatsukiUNI)とのコラボキャンペーンを開催します 🧛‍♀️🦇❣️ 詳しくはこちら⬇️ bs.jrc.or.jp/kk/kyoto/2019/… #京都献血 pic.twitter.com/q71hutrrUE

2019-09-09 09:30:53
赤月ゆに 🦇 @AkatsukiUNI


2019-10-15 14:08:33
