
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame


<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

In Japan,liberal is not necessarily anti-anime.For example,Edano,the leader of the largest opposition party ,once stopped passing the law defining some anime as illegal.He has the box of LoveLive!Sunshine!! pic.twitter.com/OyrFVjmCYf

2020-03-10 20:31:15
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

Another example,politician Yabuhara and Koizumi. They used to defend earnestly uzaki-chan poster and LoveLive!Sunshine!! collaboration on twitter. They are member of left-side party.They are liberal. Both pro-anime left and right politician have been helping us. pic.twitter.com/dJLDvWRI1y

2020-03-10 20:43:48
小泉しゅうすけ🌰(寒川町議会議員@立憲民主党) @KoizumiSamukawa

前に献血で貰ったクリアファイルが出てきたので投稿。二年前くらいかな?ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!とのコラボです。よく見ると例の沼津のおいしいミカンとのコラボと同じような表現がされていますけど、『女性差別だ』とか『公共の場に出すな』とか聞いたことがないですね。なんででしょうね。 pic.twitter.com/3u43zW3u4K

2020-03-06 12:09:02
やぶはら太郎🐹武蔵野市議(りっけん) @t_yabuhara

Facebookの思い出から懐かしい写真が出てきました。初めて作った自作の痛板です。手先が不器用なので苦労しました。 #痛板 #灼眼のシャナ pic.twitter.com/8yxSS1x4Qm

2020-02-28 09:37:24
Osaka;Sewers @osaka_sewers

@rayforcegame Anno said it best. Politicians who want to censor anime can be found on either side, so it really isn't about "right" vs. "left", it's more like "delusion" vs. "reason". pic.twitter.com/opjmB9kXQc

2020-03-10 23:50:58
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

@osaka_sewers Yes.That's right. We have been fighting against both left and right anti-anime politician. And at the same time,both left and right pro-anime politician have been helping us.

2020-03-11 02:21:59
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

@YouSeemSerene_ @BepDelta Sadly,SJW-like people also exist in Japan too. But as far as I know,they are not so strong as Western. Because pro-anime "right" and "left" politisian,lawyer,feminist etc exist in Japan. One exaple. twitter.com/rayforcegame/s…

2020-03-11 04:08:04
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

twitter.com/rayforcegame/s… @phenixsaber 頑張って英語で「リベラルの枝野さん、一部アニメ違法化を止めてくれたけど?」って書いたら、海外の人大騒ぎしだした。(当社比) これを見るにつけて、鳳 明日香さん、前に言っていたけれども、宣伝不足によって失ったこと大きかったんだろうなぁ、と。

2020-03-11 04:45:03
鳳 明日香 @phenixsaber

@rayforcegame まあ、表現規制反対と言うイシュー自体が国内外問わず重視されない傾向が長期間続きましたからそれもあると思います。日本においては山田太郎氏の躍進でやっと他の政治イシュー同様、政治討論に上げられるようになり、海外も最近になって可視化ですから。

2020-03-11 08:18:55
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

twitter.com/rayforcegame/s… 日本のアニメ・漫画規制事情の事を頑張って英語で少し書いたら、一日でフォロワー倍増ってなんだよ! 気楽に日本語でつぶやいても、フォロワーの半分にしか理解されない!?なんじゃそりゃ! 英語書くの得意じゃ無いのに自分を追い込みすぎた!(約半分にしか届かない慟哭)

2020-03-11 18:49:07
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

Next, I want to introduce “right"side politician, yamada. He also stopped the law banning part of anime. Yamada stopped 2013 version law. Picture is yamada the salesperson in Comike! I heard that his daughter is a cosplayer. So he desperately want to protect Otaku culture. pic.twitter.com/uMvzIN8H7W

2020-03-11 19:39:43
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

Anime fan also want to support Otaku culture and Yamada. In 2019 ,over half a million people vote for him. He is fighting against regulation in the ruling party. He now want to stop game-playtime regulation. Both pro-anime left and right politician have been helping us. pic.twitter.com/YrwVFnRCAM

2020-03-11 19:49:50
Forkstadt @Forkstaf

@rayforcegame Thank god that sane people still exist.

2020-03-11 20:36:51
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

I think Yamada is "rather conservative"politician.Due to relatively moderate political ideology, he gained widespread support. And because of his vote count, otaku have begun to be recognized in Japan as political forces.

2020-03-11 22:53:10
Panzer III's Husbando @Shadow_Kurossu

@rayforcegame Thank you for this chunk of knowledge. Never occurred to me that there's indeed otaku politicians. I thought it was just Yamada

2020-03-11 23:02:39
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

@Shadow_Kurossu Actually,I want to introduce more! more! politician!! Such as Ogino,Honda,Kazata,Kurishita,Yoshida,Matushita etc..... Because of their effort, we still enjoy Otaku life!!

2020-03-11 23:38:06