2020.3.14(日本時間) 【WHO記者会見】COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund 【悲報】WHOは寄付をすれば名指しで褒めてくれる組織と判明

おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO 「5000人が命を落とした、悲劇的なマイルストーン」 twitter.com/who/status/123…

2020-03-14 01:36:37
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"More than 132,000 cases of #COVID19 have now been reported to WHO, from 123 countries and territories. 5,000 people have lost their lives, a tragic milestone"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-14 00:56:23
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO 「検査だけではなく。 感染経路をたどるだけではなく。 隔離だけではなく。 社会的距離を取るだけではなく。 全てやるのです。」 おおぅ…日本は検査も、感染経路トレースも、隔離も、社会的距離も、ほとんどやっていませんね… twitter.com/who/status/123…

2020-03-14 01:41:16
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Our message to countries continues to be: you must take a comprehensive approach. Not testing alone. Not contact tracing alone. Not quarantine alone. Not social distancing alone. Do it all"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-14 00:58:12
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO 「大流行している他の国を見て、『私たちには起こらない』と考える国は、致命的な間違いを犯している。それは誰にでも起こりうる」 twitter.com/who/status/123…

2020-03-14 01:43:31
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Any country that looks at the experience of other countries with large epidemics and thinks “that won’t happen to us” is making a deadly mistake. It can happen to anyone"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-14 00:58:39
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO 「中国🇨🇳と韓国🇰🇷とシンガポール🇸🇬は、 積極的な検査と、濃厚接触者のトレース、社会的距離を測り、コミュニティの動員を組み合わせることで、予防できることを明確に示しています」 うん、知ってる。 そしてドイツなど他国がその知見を生かし始めてることも。 WHOは今回、後手後手の報告だな… twitter.com/who/status/123…

2020-03-14 01:48:54
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"The experience of 🇨🇳, 🇰🇷, 🇸🇬 and others clearly demonstrates that aggressive testing and contact tracing, combined with social distancing measures and community mobilization, can prevent #COVID19 infections and save lives"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-14 00:58:51
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

あら、WHOから日本は名指し!しかも、@AbeShinzo とメンションされてる! 安部晋三率いる日本政府のアプローチ、クラスター調査が、削減の 重要なステップと証明してるんですって、 あら名指しでおべんちゃら、先日の寄付が効果あったのかな twitter.com/who/status/123…

2020-03-14 02:01:50
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"#Japan is also demonstrating that a whole-of-government approach led by Prime Minister @AbeShinzo himself, supported by in-depth investigation of clusters, is a critical step in reducing #COVID19 transmission"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-14 01:00:07
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

「WHOの戦略的準備と対応計画を支援してくれたすべての国に感謝します。 日本は今週は1億5500万米ドルを寄付しました」 「今週は」というところがポイントですね、だって日本がWHOに貢いでいるのは今回だけじゃ無いからね!! すみません、貢ぐ前に、国内の新型コロナ対策の予算を積んでください。 twitter.com/who/status/123…

2020-03-14 02:06:48
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Until now, we have been relying mainly on governments to support the #COVID19 response. We thank all those countries who have supported WHO’s Strategic Preparedness and Response plan, including #Japan which this week contributed 155 million U.S. dollars"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-14 01:07:39
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

今日、COVID19の連帯基金を発表する、ということは、WHOから事前に情報が来てた。(会見後に情報解禁)(embargoと言います) けど、こんなに日本持ち上げ会見だとは思わなかった! まぁ基金に寄付してね、という会見だから、WHOに貢ぎまくる日本は良い例にはなるよね、ていうかどこもまず国内でしょうよ。 twitter.com/who/status/123…

2020-03-14 02:12:28
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"To give to the #COVID19 Solidarity Response Fund, go to who.int, and look for the orange “Donate” button at the top of the page"-@DrTedros #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/Vv0SYlGVXp

2020-03-14 01:09:01
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

【悲報】 WHOは寄付をすれば名指しで褒めてくれる組織と判明。 日本よりはるかに感染防止対策をしている中国、韓国、シンガポールのことは讃えながらも国旗の絵文字のみ。 AbeShinzoとか呟くより、韓国の検査システムやシンガポールの感染ツリーに言及する方がよっぽど良いでしょうに! pic.twitter.com/sSZCMZvA5n

2020-03-14 03:19:33


Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus @DrTedros

There are several measures you can take to protect yourself from #COVID19. One of the most important ones is regular & safe hand hygiene. Here are the steps recommended by @WHO 👇 Show the 🌍 where and how you wash your hands. Join the WHO #SafeHands challenge! pic.twitter.com/5ElZyiyZun

2020-03-13 19:32:08
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"#Japan is also demonstrating that a whole-of-government approach led by Prime Minister @AbeShinzo himself, supported by in-depth investigation of clusters, is a critical step in reducing #COVID19 transmission"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-14 01:00:07
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"WHO has clear advice for governments, businesses and individuals. First, prepare and be ready. Every person must know the signs and symptoms of #COVID19 and how to protect themselves and others"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-14 01:00:41
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Every #healthworker should be able to recognize #COVID19, provide care and know what to do with their patients. Every health facility should be ready to cope with large numbers of patients, and ensure the safety of staff and patients"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-14 01:01:13
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Second, detect, protect and treat. You can’t fight a virus if you don’t know where it is. Find, isolate, test and treat every case, to break the chains of #COVID19 transmission. Every case we find and treat limits the expansion of the disease"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-14 01:01:40
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Third, reduce #COVID19 transmission. Do not just let this fire burn. Isolate the sick & quarantine their contacts. Measures that increase social distancing may help reduce transmission. These measures should be based on local context & risk assessment & time-limited-@DrTedros

2020-03-14 01:02:47
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Even if you cannot stop #COVID19 transmission, you can slow it down and save lives"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-14 01:03:07
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"And fourth, innovate and learn. This is a new virus and a new situation. We’re all learning and we must all find new ways to prevent infections, save lives, and minimize impact. All countries have lessons to share"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-14 01:03:32
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"There are simple, effective things we can all do to reduce the risk of infection for ourselves & those around us. Clean your hands regularly with an alcohol-based rub or soap and water"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus twitter.com/DrTedros/statu…

2020-03-14 01:05:18
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Cover your mouth & nose with your elbow if you cough or sneeze. Stay home if you’re sick. Avoid unnecessary travel & large social gatherings. Comply with the advice of your local / national health authority. Find & share reliable information"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-14 01:05:18
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"And finally you can give. Together with the @unfoundation and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, WHO is today launching the #COVID19 Solidarity Response fund, to enable individuals and organizations to contribute"-@DrTedros #coronavirus covid19responsefund.org pic.twitter.com/3cR3f7fe6H

2020-03-14 01:06:58
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Until now, we have been relying mainly on governments to support the #COVID19 response. We thank all those countries who have supported WHO’s Strategic Preparedness and Response plan, including #Japan which this week contributed 155 million U.S. dollars"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-14 01:07:39