
Archon.exe Is Really Tired  @ArchonOf

@LilithLovett @Actually_Tina She admits she did this when she was a teen and dozens of others are chiming in too. Guess they believe they're screwing over the corps by stealing like they're somehow Robin Hood for art.

2020-04-09 07:43:37




Christina | Chef Princess @FourEcchiTasty

Enough has been said about the new "New Guy" comic but I wanted to touch on my favourite thing about the comic where she thinks simply calling the shop "Dick Art Materials" makes everything she does okay. But... do they make art materials for dicks? Are they for drawing dicks? pic.twitter.com/swKnycHHoR

2020-04-09 13:48:18

New Guyの作者について色々と言われてるけど、個人的には店を「チ◯ポ(アホ)アートマテリアル」と名付ければ何でもやっても良いと思っている所が好きね。


Christina | Chef Princess @FourEcchiTasty

twitter.com/RainbowSquidIn… Apparently it's even worse than simply saying the people you're stealing from are dicks... someone else brought it up to.

2020-04-09 13:57:55
Hi, I Only Use This Sometimes- Squid @RainbowSquidInk

The store she is referencing is Dick Blicks which lowers their prices as far as the brands allow. She stole from a store that essentially sells brand names at a discount. The have their own account here FFS twitter.com/FourEcchiTasty…

2020-04-09 13:50:59


🦑🎃A Spoopy Squid that Scared the Unspoopable🎃🦑 @RainbowSquidInk

The store she is referencing is Dick Blicks which lowers their prices as far as the brands allow. She stole from a store that essentially sells brand names at a discount. The have their own account here FFS twitter.com/FourEcchiTasty…

2020-04-09 13:50:59

このコミックで引用されている店はDick Blicksで、ブランドが許す限り安く売っている。つまり、こいつはブランド製品を割引で売ってる店から盗んだってことだ。ツイッターアカウントまで持ってんだぞ、まったく・・・

セリエマ🔞 @seri3ma

@RainbowSquidInk @LunarArchivist I thought "Dick" was used as insult to the company or something like that.

2020-04-10 12:12:19


いや、実際に実在する店だ。フルネームはDick BlickだがBlickとして知れ渡っている。

Lunar Archivist @LunarArchivist

@seri3ma @RainbowSquidInk Hmm...would it be awful if someone told @Blick_Art that @SweetBeans99 has essentially confessed to shoplifting from them as a teenager and suggested that they keep an eye out for her in the future? 🤔 pic.twitter.com/06jI3eZ8ZF

2020-04-10 12:22:00


FlappyBat🦇 @NospheraMtu02

@SweetBeans99 Here, let me complete this for you... You’re very welcome wolf Tina Otto from @Zenox1987 pic.twitter.com/gy44vxaixh

2020-04-09 17:50:59
josselin gautier @josselingautier

@SweetBeans99 Nevermind, i found this one with a way better ending 🤣 pic.twitter.com/QJLIccOrpG

2020-04-09 23:46:48
Nerd Wonder @YourNerdWonder

If you steal, you'll end up with the worst deal pic.twitter.com/KDII9OQJlK

2020-04-10 08:27:18