
庇を貸して母屋を取られる。 追放せねば、逆にこっちが追放される。 それが、海外のポリコレの教訓だった。



@RageGoldenEagle True, but then again if they had listened to you and circled the wagons the current SJW iconoclasm would never have happened. With that, the drought of good content wouldn't have swept across all forms of media paving the way for the rise of Indies and of course, Blade Devil.

2020-05-03 03:18:43

たしかに。だがお前の言うことを聞いて撃退していたら、今起きているポリコレによる偶像破壊活動は起きていなかったであろう。その偶像破壊活動がなければ良質なインディーズが出てくることはなかっただろう。そう、君のBlade Devilも。

Qwaserzero @Qwaserzero1

@RageGoldenEagle I think after 2014-2015 everything kind of went downhill exponentially faster than usual.

2020-05-03 05:38:26


khytomer_v2.0 @khytomer_

@RageGoldenEagle @comicswelove Disagree. It's unfair to expect regular folk who just want to enjoy their hobbies to expect to understand that they are in the midst of a war. And we would still be in this mess right now, no matter how vehemently we warned them.

2020-05-03 05:39:29


Raging Golden Eagle @RageGoldenEagle

@khytomer_ @comicswelove The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. They deserve to lose it if they are not willing to do what it takes to keep it.

2020-05-03 05:41:08


Existential Dredd @thisdarkfuture

@RageGoldenEagle Yeah exactly. Can't but help think of GamerGate; it became a joke as soon as people decided to listen to the Ethics cucks, and ignore the real source of all the bullshit that started and enabled it.

2020-05-03 05:52:42


Del0Nova @Del0Nova

@RageGoldenEagle People need to learn that you can't compromise with social justice commies. They don't care if you call out their hypocrisy and double standars, they will always lie, cheat and steal to get what they want.

2020-05-03 02:56:14
