横浜ベイスターズのClayton Hamiltonだけど質問ある?

Twitterを使いこなし、広報部長の名を(一部で)ほしいままにするハミルトン投手。 質問あったら答えるよ、という彼のつぶやきに、多くのリプライが寄せられました。
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Stuart Graham @sturev

@HamiltonClayton do you still watch mlb? Any young pitchers you have been really impressed by? Cheers, stuart

2011-06-20 21:56:03

@sturev Haven't watched much MLB, but I hear the kid Pineda is pretty impressive

2011-06-20 21:58:52

@grass_saikyo My current favorite tv shows are How I met your mother, camelot and madmen

2011-06-20 21:59:46

@oha_d You can mail an envelope with something you want signed and another envelope with postage on it to the team office,they give it to me

2011-06-20 22:01:54
ぽぷまん @mytrevortime

@HamiltonClayton Have you been doing batting practice? I'd like to see your first career hit!

2011-06-20 21:59:46

@mytrevortime We do take a good bit of batting practice, and I would love to get my first career hit as well!

2011-06-20 22:02:33
さこ @steeeeebie

@HamiltonClayton Where is your favorite place in America?

2011-06-20 22:00:30

@steeeeebie Favorite place in America is definitely 100% PITTSBURGH!

2011-06-20 22:03:13

@yms15gyan Nippon Ham also has a great lineup and is a very tough team to beat

2011-06-20 22:03:41
Nick Witschey @PirateFanNick

@HamiltonClayton any luck with a pic of the ball yet? I know weird right? Interested to see the difference between US Rawlings and there

2011-06-20 22:05:33

@PirateFanNick I actually have the gameball from my first Win on May 23rd against the Fighters... let me see if I can post it

2011-06-20 22:10:21
yukä @24__yk

@HamiltonClayton Please tell us how to manage your physical condition. This time I have always suffered from fever

2011-06-20 22:08:55

@syrupdrop I drink lots of water to stay hydrated, and I also try to eat as much fruit as possible!

2011-06-20 22:11:20

@HamiltonClayton Can the change-up be thrown out?

2011-06-20 22:09:50

@tatsu_yb I have thrown out my change-up as it wasn't very good, I have been working on a forkball...

2011-06-20 22:11:47

Thanks for all the questions and your support, have a great day and keep following!

2011-06-20 22:04:21
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