Youtubeで無関係な動画に権利主張する業者と、それを止めようとする人達 : ラマーズPと外国人フォロワー

こ~りん @kourin


2020-06-11 10:48:29
こ~りん @kourin


2020-06-11 12:53:21

Merryweather Media @Merryweatherey

@lamazeP こんにちは! 日本語が下手でごめんなさい。 あなたのボーカロイドの歌のパロディーを作りました。 「LATINAUTOR」という名前のエンティティによって所有権が主張されています。 この会社はあなたと関係がありますか?…

2020-06-11 09:31:21
Merryweather Media @Merryweatherey

Some company named "LatinAutor" is going around putting copyright claims on Japanese vocaloid songs. They claimed my parody video of Fukkireta, which is a classic vocaloid song made by @lamazeP. I wouldn't mind sharing revenue with the creator, but not some random company.

2020-06-11 09:59:40
monster @whenmotion

@Merryweatherey @lamazeP This is a common problem on youtube. They claim to steal money

2020-06-11 10:00:25
✨Smermo✨ @OuterEpoch

@Merryweatherey @lamazeP LatinAutor has claimed a lot of people's video's before.

2020-06-11 10:00:29
FreyR ⵣ @FYamaku

@Merryweatherey @lamazeP That’s how YouTube’s copyright system works, a random person can take all the revenue without any issue.

2020-06-11 10:00:29
bugpizza @bugpizzalt

@Merryweatherey @lamazeP The broken and bulshit copyright system on YouTube strikes again

2020-06-11 10:00:43
Jester The Wolf @SCWProductions1

@Merryweatherey @lamazeP Are the songs already copyrighted by the music artist?

2020-06-11 10:01:05
Ryoto 🖤🌹 @ryoto_dawn1

@Merryweatherey @lamazeP Youtube really needs to fix their copyright system. it is just that bad

2020-06-11 10:01:13
Maui @Glitchy_Maui

@Merryweatherey @lamazeP I’m not sure but I think those are same one who, copyright claim, get this a “phone dial-up” sound by some who use it

2020-06-11 10:01:50
Bern: Lovecraftian Demon Vtuber Cat @MunBreaker

@Merryweatherey @lamazeP LatinAutor has also been known to hit people who play Final Fantasy VII music. Even from Square Enix's own videos.

2020-06-11 10:02:14
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