#uiewamt 2011/6/28 7:00 までのまとめ

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Healthware Group @healthware_intl

#UIEWAMT About to hear about data visualizations in action with Kate Brigham from PatientsLikeMe

2011-06-28 05:55:47

We are inundated by screens now, thats not going to change. Dont sweat it, accept, understand and just rock it! #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:53:39
Jess D @chesterrant

The theme this year (at this stop at least) seems to be around data visualization, Definitely something I'm struggling with @ work. #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:44:31
Jess D @chesterrant

Final @webapptour break of the day for Mpls. Last speaker: @kbrigham on PatientsLikeMe: Adventures with Data Visualizations. #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:43:20
Dawn Barber @Dawn_Barber

#uiewamt @globalmoxie Great talk. Appreciate it, inspirational. 'inventing the future together.

2011-06-28 05:41:20

"We are inundated by screens right now; Thats not going to change. Dont sweat it. Accept, understand, and rock it" @globalmoxie #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:38:02
Robert Bastian @RobertBastian

Josh Clark on native vs web mobile apps - props to Phonegap, the kickass browser that should ship with devices #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:36:33
Jess D @chesterrant

Every app should be a flexible content reader. The content is what matters and the app, wherever it resides, should be agnostic. #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:36:06
Dawn Barber @Dawn_Barber

#uiewamt Josh Clark, smart! Talks abt looking at common goals...flexible content for the mobile now.

2011-06-28 05:35:41
Jess D @chesterrant

So, the champ of the cage match? The API. FTW #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:34:33

::dingding::: The API wins for Mobile interfaces. #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:34:00
Jess D @chesterrant

Mindset: I'm bored. I have lots of time and attention to give, so give me something interesting or useful. #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:30:42
Jess D @chesterrant

Mindsets: I'm local. Give me contextual information based on where I'm at. #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:29:52
Jess D @chesterrant

Mindsets: I'm multitasking. Little time, looking for efficiency and primary recurring tasks. #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:29:31

"Microtasking" is my new favorite word. Thans @globalmoxie #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:29:28
Jess D @chesterrant

Don't arbitrarily give less; these apps should in fact do more and make use of native things like GPS. #uiewamt @globalmoxie

2011-06-28 05:28:11
Healthware Group @healthware_intl

#UIEWAMT @globalmoxie: Mobile website is cost of entry. Build it first. Then, target flagship app for best customers & their mobile culture

2011-06-28 05:27:54
Fitzgerald Steele @fjsteele

Anyone else notice #uiewamt speakers slowing down to give tweetable soundbites? Is that a thing presenters do on purpose these days?

2011-06-28 05:27:41

Using small screen isnt the same as wanting to do less. Do more. They have superpowers @globalmoxie #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:27:23
Noah Iliinsky vis.social/@noahi @noahi

The visualization & analytics tool I mentioned is @tableau. Try it out ASAP, especially if you use excel regularly. #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:26:56
Jess D @chesterrant

Myth of the single type of mobile user: impatient and on the go. Not always the case. Often a captive audience (on couch, bus). #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:26:45

"Mobile isnt just on the go, Its on the couch" @globalmoxie #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:26:44
Fitzgerald Steele @fjsteele

Dude...I was just thinking that #uiewamt would be better with mexican wrestler action figures. And then @globalmoxie delivers!

2011-06-28 05:25:01

Mobile should not be a "light" version of the desktop site #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:24:41
Jess D @chesterrant

Trouble w/ hybrid is still that it won't look like a native app unless you put a lot of work into skinning for platform. #uiewamt

2011-06-28 05:22:51
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