
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

#WomeninSTEM get a lot of “Reply Guys” who repeat the same unhelpful comments. @shrewshrew and I (a woman & a man in science) have attempted to catalog those replies, to save us all the trouble of writing new responses every time. presenting THE NINE TYPES OF REPLY GUYS (1/n) pic.twitter.com/0ewNRJloLu

2018-09-04 03:39:01
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

We will post one Reply Guy a day, and we welcome your thoughts and feedback. Starting with a very nice fella, full of helpful advice, with one big problem: Reply Guy #1. THE LIFE COACH pic.twitter.com/FZHMowViR5

2018-09-04 03:44:30
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

People who get annoying replies can tag the dude with the appropriate Reply Guy from this thread, and save themselves a pointless debate. That’s the idea anyway. And some guys seem to take it to heart when you point out that they’re being a cliché. #MeTooSTEM #MeTooPhD pic.twitter.com/Sq6KXsQsGl

2018-09-04 04:12:30
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

introducing Reply Guy #2: THE TONE POLICE Whatever issues you are discussing, he knows that your attitude is the real problem here! #civility #9ReplyGuys pic.twitter.com/GThXnqCzPa

2018-09-05 03:59:59
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

Reply Guy #3: THE GASLIGHTER What’s the big deal anyway? #9ReplyGuys #gaslighting [tagging my co-author @shrewshrew] pic.twitter.com/oWnLTmwvgu

2018-09-06 01:15:20
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

Reply Guy #4: COOKIE MANSTER He’s such a nice guy. (He might actually be a nice guy, which makes it hard to call this out. So here’s a tweet to help.) #9ReplyGuys [tagging co-author @shrewshrew] pic.twitter.com/DwVG1jBGV8

2018-09-07 04:04:47
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

Reply Guy #5: HIMPATHY (coined by @kate_manne) He's worried that with all this talk about #MeToo we're losing sight of the real victims: him and his friends. #9ReplyGuys #himpathy #dudeprocess [tagging my co-author @shrewshrew] pic.twitter.com/3TtZ7VqF0a

2018-09-08 03:16:14
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

Reply guys don’t take the weekend off, so neither do we! Reply Guy #6: SEA LION Hey, he’s just asking questions. #9ReplyGuys #sealioning [tagging my co-author @shrewshrew] pic.twitter.com/uBg8xsmvQK

2018-09-09 05:27:58
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

Here's an earlier tweet about the origins of the term #sealioning. Reply guys: please don't @ me about how the term is offensive because the fictional woman in the comic strip is prejudiced against aquatic mammals. [This really happened.] #irrelevant twitter.com/sbarolo/status…

2018-09-09 05:31:59
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

@SpoutsofFacts @shrewshrew That’s a great guess but (🚨spolier alert🚨) #sealioning is a term we didn’t make up. It describes a certain infuriating type of trolling and I believe it was inspired by this @wondermarkfeed comic: pic.twitter.com/dvziHMiy9q

2018-09-04 10:07:09
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

Reply Guy #7: THE MANSPLAINER The internet is about sharing information, whether you want it or not. #9ReplyGuys #mansplaining 🚨 Some of you are following me but not my co-author @shrewshrew, and I’m telling you, it’s a mistake pic.twitter.com/cCafk5xZnX

2018-09-10 06:06:06
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

ICYMI, here is possibly the greatest moment in #mansplaining history. This dude takes @kimgoodwin’s flowchart for mansplainers (without attribution) and tries to mansplain it. It didn’t go well for him. pic.twitter.com/nQKnspKoKm

2018-09-10 10:07:28
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

Reply Guy #8 will have to wait until tomorrow - apologies for falling behind schedule! twitter.com/sbarolo/status…

2018-09-11 06:11:31
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

For those who like the #9replyguys thread: @shrewshrew & I are super busy and may need to postpone Reply Guy #8 til tomorrow. :( We're so happy to see many of you already using these posts to fend off annoying & repetitive replies! Our goal was to make a fun & useful tool. 👊 twitter.com/sbarolo/status…

2018-09-11 04:28:54
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

To all the bros on here worried that women aren’t being sufficiently criticized on this thread, I’m only gonna say this once, you men’s-rights loving, #himpathy-riddled babymen, so please refer to this tweet: twitter.com/sbarolo/status…

2018-09-11 21:11:50
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

@DeMondige @shrewshrew @Dr_GP_PhD Women can and do say some of these things. Women perpetuate misogyny sometimes. Every single person here knows that. Is there anything else you would like to add? I think you’re missing the forest for the weed you saw a couple of times

2018-09-09 22:06:01
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

Reply Guy #8: THE PRESTIGE Your career is a mere speedbump on a great man’s road to even greater greatness. #9ReplyGuys [tagging my co-author @shrewshrew] pic.twitter.com/mf8nlfOpL8

2018-09-12 04:43:37
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

Reply Guy #9: TROLLS, CREEPS & FOOLS Last, and certainly least: the category reply guys go to when they stop trying to hide it. #9ReplyGuys will return! Thanks from @shrewshrew & me ❤️ P.S. Carolinas, stay safe! If you can't evacuate text SHELTER & your zip code to 43362. pic.twitter.com/BcI4mVQz6s

2018-09-13 06:35:04
Scott Barolo @sbarolo


2018-09-22 23:02:42
shrewshrew is on mastodon @shrewshrew

Hello #9replyguys crew! As the first step to making this ✨unexpectedly successful project ✨ easier to use and think about, @sbarolo and I have given it it's own twitter! @9replyguys Please follow, @ it for advice and support, and spread the word! twitter.com/9replyguys/sta…

2018-09-22 22:54:57
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

To all the guys who are frustrated & upset about our advice “Stop replying, start listening”: Please read this thread, which nicely illustrates the value of Shutting Up and Listening. #9replyguys twitter.com/adriancjax/sta…

2018-10-02 22:28:31
Adrian C. Jackson @AdrianCJax

1. I can always appreciate a genuine inquiry regarding #NotAllWhitePeople & #NotAllMen; join me as I take a more creative route to explain. twitter.com/ToddLewiSS/sta…

2017-08-23 11:25:11
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

This piece eloquently explains the power of naming & categorizing toxic behavior patterns, and why it’s not “reverse sexism” twitter.com/leeflower/stat…

2018-12-21 01:39:58
Annalee @LeeFlower

Just gonna leave this article I wrote about sexist patterns and the power of naming them right here: thebias.com/2017/05/09/man…

2018-12-20 22:17:28
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that as soon as a marginalized group develops words to describe their oppression, their oppressors will label those words ‘slurs.’” By @leeflower thebias.com/2017/05/09/man…

2019-02-02 22:22:14
Scott Barolo @sbarolo


2019-02-17 07:38:53
Scott Barolo @sbarolo

“...many young men see “logic” as a sort of personality trait to achieve — one which automatically imbues all one’s opinions with correctness — rather than a system that one may or may not be following at any one time.” Insightful piece by @ambientGillian theoutline.com/post/7083/the-…

2019-02-17 07:37:50