
Independent Turkish @TurkishIndy

Ayasofya 86 yıl sonra tekrar ibadete açılıyor 📌Binlerce kişi alanlarda beklemeye başladı 📌Salgın tedbirleri nedeniyle caminin içinde bin kişi namaz kılabilecek 📌11 ayrı kontrol noktasından geçenler alanına girecek indyturk.com/node/215896#.X… pic.twitter.com/NVoskHBI9U

2020-07-24 17:39:10
Independent Turkish @TurkishIndy

Vali Yerlikaya, İstanbul'un bugün için parolasını paylaştı: Maske, mesafe, sabır ve anlayış indyturk.com/node/215896#.X… pic.twitter.com/YDe1EQNGX9

2020-07-24 17:43:24
Independent Turkish @TurkishIndy

Vali Yerlikaya'dan Ayasofya'ya gelenlere çağrı: 📌Ayasofya Camii çevresinde belirlenen namaz kılma alanlarımızın tamamı doldu 📌Salgın nedeniyle bu alanlara misafir girişlerimiz durduruldu 📌Camiimiz ibadetiniz için sabaha kadar açık olacak indyturk.com/node/215896#.X… pic.twitter.com/cppPwiDNlP

2020-07-24 17:51:56
Independent Turkish @TurkishIndy

Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan cuma namazı için Ayasofya Camisi'ne geldi indyturk.com/node/215896#.X… pic.twitter.com/cDjoPDS02T

2020-07-24 18:17:54
Independent Turkish @TurkishIndy

Ayasofya'nın açılışında izdihamı önlemek için tramvay seferleri durduruldu indyturk.com/node/215896#.X… pic.twitter.com/RMt08R7TkB

2020-07-24 18:36:03
Louis Fishman لوي فيشمان לואי פישמן @Istanbultelaviv

"From Erdogan’s first day as Istanbul’s mayor in 1995, he embraced a different vision from the state’s founder. For him, Hagia Sophia had never stopped being a mosque and turning it back into one was always his dream." (From my Haaretz article on Hagia Sophia). That day is here. pic.twitter.com/WomafhWNgh

2020-07-24 18:24:18
Louis Fishman لوي فيشمان לואי פישמן @Istanbultelaviv

Many people came from all over Turkey. The entrance to prayers in the Hagia Sophia Mosque was limited to due #coronavirus measures, as well as surrounding areas. However, in this case, they could not hold the excited crowds back. pic.twitter.com/cix23YLtmD

2020-07-24 18:38:05
Louis Fishman لوي فيشمان לואי פישמן @Istanbultelaviv

Here you can see the crowds filling the streets that spread way to the side streets of the Hagia Sophia and Sultan Ahmet Mosques. If you look closely you will see that in the main square they are socially distancing. Also, from most videos, most are wearing masks. pic.twitter.com/OMprW7mDdN

2020-07-24 19:13:36
Louis Fishman لوي فيشمان לואי פישמן @Istanbultelaviv

Ending this thread. I shared two other important tweets related to this on their own (about the important moment when Erdogan read the Quran). For now, history has been written, as it has been numerous times in the history of this building that strikes a huge amount of symbolism. pic.twitter.com/njdFVWAhKB

2020-07-24 19:50:04
Kayyim @Saxifragamystic

アヤソフィアでの金曜集団礼拝のために集まる人々 twitter.com/TurkishIndy/st…

2020-07-24 19:07:05
Maya D @mayayamD

モスクとなったアヤソフィアでの初めての集団礼拝はカーバ神殿についでおそらく最大人数。ソーシャルディスタンスを保ちつつ海外沿いまで礼拝に集う人で溢れかえっている模様。 pic.twitter.com/VlkedSTsUs

2020-07-24 20:04:27
Maya D @mayayamD

アヤソフィアのミンバルに掲げられた二本の旗はヒラーファを意味するものとのこと。 google.com/amp/s/m.yeniak… pic.twitter.com/XVPti1nFaM

2020-07-24 20:14:14
Maya D @mayayamD


2020-07-24 20:25:11
Maya D @mayayamD

クトゥバ中のイマームの手には剣が。オスマン帝国時代の伝統にならったもので、ムスリムが戦いによって都市を勝ち取ったことのシンボルとのこと。 twitter.com/mayayamD/statu… pic.twitter.com/Weq2oJgqGW

2020-07-24 20:34:07