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uncorrelated @uncorrelated

tauchen (1986) のマルコフ連鎖に使うAR(1): xₜ₊₁=c+ρxₜ+ϵₜ (ϵₜ∈𝒩(0,σ²))な遷移行列を作成する関数の移植だけする。

2020-07-26 03:43:52
くまきち @kumakuma072119


2020-07-26 03:43:49
デスケツマンコ @DeathChineseATK

「死は救済」 「いいえ、死は救済ではありません」 「なら何が救済なのですか」 「救済などありません」

2020-07-26 03:42:41
(change of )*state @TuvianNavy


2020-07-26 03:42:28
くまきち @kumakuma072119

無人化すべきである twitter.com/kumakuma072119…

2020-07-26 03:41:12
くまきち#2994 ディスコード @kumakuma072119


2020-07-26 03:40:26
くまきち @kumakuma072119


2020-07-26 03:40:26
Jeet Heer @HeerJeet

The New Yorker article is a very thoughtful engagement with O'Connor's work by someone who knows it well (Elie has written a great book on mid-century Catholic writers). It is the opposite of a cancellation. twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…

2020-07-26 02:09:10
David Frum @davidfrum

Flannery OConnor: cancelled on the basis of postcards she wrote home age 18 newyorker.com/magazine/2020/…

2020-07-25 09:03:46
Jeet Heer @HeerJeet

1. I loved Hitchens but it's worth noting that the entire trajectory of his career goes against the narrative Brooks is constructing here. The more of a reactionary crank Hitchens became, the bigger platforms he gained. twitter.com/nytdavidbrooks…

2020-07-25 02:45:45
David Brooks @nytdavidbrooks

Christopher Hitchens was one of the great essayists in America. He would be unemployable today because there was no set of priors he wasn’t willing to offend. nytimes.com/2020/07/23/opi…

2020-07-24 20:07:57
Jeet Heer @HeerJeet

9. Also, while I'm here: Brooks is wrong about this: "The liberal New Republic has less viewpoint diversity than the conservative National Review." TNR runs both socialists, Biden-style liberals, & Never Trump conservatives.

2020-07-25 03:15:07
くまきち @kumakuma072119

「本当の功利主義はこうではない」 「本当のマルクス主義は」 「本当のフェミニズムは」 「本当の保守思想とか」 いくら口で御高説を述べても、「本当」というのは今そこにあるそれ、以外の何かではない。定義の解説を聞いてやる義理はないし、まとめて焼くほうが手間が掛からん

2020-07-26 03:36:20
Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias

@nbeaudrot I think one big issue is that it’s one thing for an established team to do its work remotely, but another thing entirely to master how to recruit, onboard, shift roles, handle promotions and problems, etc as things become quasi-permanent.

2020-07-25 23:29:25
Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias

Give the math, any eventual legislation will be a negotiation between McConnell & Pelosi that passes despite defections from the furthest-right members. The time currently being spent on intra-caucus Senate GOP bargaining is just positioning.

2020-07-25 23:59:48
Mary Lovely 🇺🇦 @melovely_max

@filpet4 @AdamPosen @PIIE @LucaFornaro3 This is such an important consideration for world welfare. Xie & Freeman find that Chinese scientists more productive outside than those inside China. scholar.harvard.edu/freeman/public…

2020-07-26 03:31:05
Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias

The economic outlook now requires a lot of ongoing stimulus even if the public health situation improves rapidly next year. vox.com/2020/7/25/2133…

2020-07-26 00:33:11
Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias

One extra thing to say about this: The scale of deficit spending economists are talking about is so enormous that we should be sparing no expense on things like large-scale testing that would actually address the virus itself. vox.com/2020/7/25/2133…

2020-07-26 03:14:20
Ezra Klein @ezraklein

I talked with @Oren_Cass about his fight to change how the right thinks about economics, why he Republicans need to take a no-new-tax-policy pledge, how economic policy shapes culture, why GDP misses what matters, how power shapes policy, and more: vox.com/2020/7/17/2132…

2020-07-18 02:52:38
下僕ペタン @fate_petan

@reiwasedaibot 怖い… 深夜に見なきゃよかった…

2020-07-26 02:28:52
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

Sen. @TomCottonAR has introduced a bill prohibiting the use of federal funds to teach the 1619 Project because apparently “The Federal Government has a strong interest in promoting an accurate account of the Nation’s history through public schools.” cotton.senate.gov/files/document…

2020-07-24 04:24:09
Rebecca Traister @rtraister

They didn’t! They rode in on the discounting of disgusting fucking bitches. But when bitches point that out at any audible volume, the story that PROMPTLY gets told is how the women are leveraging their (correct & righteous) anger for their own gain. Magic. See also: Gillibrand.

2020-07-24 22:13:07
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