【論文】免疫学:SARS-CoV-2に対する免疫応答の男女差(2020.8.30作成) #サイトカインストーム #T細胞 #男性高リスク



けんもう新型コロナ対策本部 @kenmomd

新型コロナの男女差に影響していると思われる twitter.com/VirusesImmunit…

2020-06-11 23:00:42
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

In #COVID19 patients, men developed more proinflammatory cytokine responses, whereas women had more activated T cell response. Men's ability to activate T cells declined with age, where women's immune T cell response did not decline with age. (7/n) pic.twitter.com/VNK6WkqACD

2020-06-11 22:26:51
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Men are at higher risk of developing severe #COVID19 disease. We investigated whether this difference might be due to the immune response. Fantastic team work by @taka_takehiro et al found that women develop more robust T cell response than men. (1/n) medrxiv.org/content/10.110…

2020-06-11 22:26:49
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Study design: to examine baseline immune parameters in patients who are not on immunomodulating drugs (steroids or tocilizumab), which alter the nature of immune responses. Then we look overtime to observe how their initial immune responses correlate with disease course. (2/n)

2020-06-11 22:26:49
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

There was no significant difference in nasal or saliva viral RNA load, although women had lower mean viral load than men. Amazing work of the @awyllie13 & @NathanGrubaugh team, @VogelsChantal @IsabelOtt Rebecca Earnest, Sarah Lapidus, Adam Moore 💪🏽 (3/n) pic.twitter.com/R7b90XLHYC

2020-06-11 22:26:49
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Similarly, we did not find significant differences in baseline antibody responses between men and women. Carried out by the @aaronmring team, @FeimeiL, Amit Meir, Jonathan Sun, Eric Wang. (4/n) pic.twitter.com/M52r7BUh1V

2020-06-11 22:26:50
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Men produced more proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines than women at baseline. Moreover, chemokine (CCL5) levels in men correlated with monocyte increase but not in women. (5/n) pic.twitter.com/s9K0IUCKFc

2020-06-11 22:26:50
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Women had more activated T cells than men at baseline. (6/n) pic.twitter.com/WIktilxlX0

2020-06-11 22:26:50
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

In #COVID19 patients, men developed more proinflammatory cytokine responses, whereas women had more activated T cell response. Men's ability to activate T cells declined with age, where women's immune T cell response did not decline with age. (7/n) pic.twitter.com/VNK6WkqACD

2020-06-11 22:26:51
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Men who developed poor T cell activation at baseline went on to develop worse disease, while women who developed proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines at baseline went onto develop more severe disease. Sex matters in how we should think about #COVID19 therapy and prevention. (8/n) pic.twitter.com/MK1PAkgzKm

2020-06-11 22:26:51
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

This work is a fantastic collaboration with so many: @taka_takehiro, Patrick Wong, Mallory Ellingson, @carolilucas @sneakyvirus1 as co-first authors. Super clinical team @ShelFarFar @DelaCruzYaleMed, amazing @arnaucasanovas. Numerous inspiring discussions with @SaadOmer3 🙏🏽 (9/n)

2020-06-11 22:26:51
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

It all began by the support of @WHRYale through its fearless director, Dr. Carolyn Mazure. Thank you Dr. Mazure for inspiring us to carry out this research on sex differences in immune response during #COVID19. Finally, this entire work was enabled by the Yale IMPACT team (end)

2020-06-11 22:26:51


Noguchi Akio @Derive_ip

日中に少し報道があった、新型コロナの免疫応答に性差があることが解ったとの論文です。今までも、新型コロナに感染すると男性の方が重症化しやすいことは『臨床的』に解っていたのですが、この研究では『免疫応答』のレベルで性差があることが示されたとのことです。 nature.com/articles/s4158…

2020-08-26 22:25:18
リンク Nature Sex differences in immune responses that underlie COVID-19 disease outcomes A growing body of evidence indicates sex differences in the clinical outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)1–5. However, whether immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 differ between sexes, and whether such differences explain male susceptibility to 370
リンク 共同通信 男性は重症化しやすい? 新型コロナ、免疫に性差 | 共同通信 新型コロナウイルス感染症にかかると男性の方が重症化しやすい―。米エール大の岩崎明子教授(免疫学)らの... 1
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Men are at higher risk of developing more severe #COVID than women. Our paper out today by @taka_takehiro @Muhellingson Pat Wong @BenIsraelow @carolilucas @sneakyvirus1 Julio Silva @tianyangmao et al examines sex differences in immune response 👇🏽 (1/n) nature.com/articles/s4158…

2020-08-26 22:28:48
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Here is an earlier thread I wrote about this study. We find that men decline in T cell responses as they age, and this correlates with worsening of #COVID disease. Women, even in old age, were able to stimulate T cell immunity. (3/n) twitter.com/VirusesImmunit…

2020-08-26 22:28:48
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

For a great report by @apoorva_nyc on this study in @nytimes please read this. (4/n) twitter.com/apoorva_nyc/st…

2020-08-26 22:28:48
Apoorva Mandavilli @apoorva_nyc

Why do men have much higher rates of severe illness and death from the coronavirus? Perhaps because they produce a much weaker response than women do. Fascinating work by @VirusesImmunity w/ implications for vaccines & treatments nytimes.com/2020/08/26/hea…

2020-08-26 21:23:25
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

この研究の内容を紹介する記事。共同通信より。 男性は重症化しやすい? 新型コロナ、免疫に性差 (5/n) 47news.jp/news/5182566.h…

2020-08-26 22:28:49
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

We are so grateful to the @WHRYale for their support of this study and for making this awesome video 👇🏽 (6/n) twitter.com/WHRYale/status…

2020-08-26 22:28:49
WHRYale @WHRYale

A WHRY study led by @VirusesImmunity has identified significant sex differences in immune response to #COVID19. Understand the findings and why researchers developing treatments/vaccines should consider separate strategies for women & men to benefit all: bit.ly/3aXYLeF pic.twitter.com/s0zGtxWA8d

2020-08-26 21:46:42
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

We could not have done this study without a huge number of Yale IMPACT collaborators from @YaleMed @YaleSPH @YaleNursing and especially all the patients who volunteered to donated their blood samples and NP swabs for this study 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 (end) pic.twitter.com/OJ6Maas87s

2020-08-26 22:28:51
influenzer @influenzer3

●SARS-CoV-2に対する免疫応答には性差が存在する →予後に性差があることは指摘されていました。 どうやら女性は男性に比べて免疫応答のレベルで異なっているようです。 恐るべしwww 男性は重症化しやすい? 新型コロナ、免疫に性差 news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/0cc98…

2020-08-27 20:43:03