
セキュリティダイヤモンド構想からブレない安倍総理の外交方針。総理になる方は必ず引き継いで下さい。 尚、テストに出なくても責任は取りません( ˘ω˘ ) 9月3日時点だともう順は関係ない気がしますな(°д°)
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安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Thank you @BorisJohnson for your warm message. I am sure the Japan-UK relationship will further advance with you. My heartfelt gratitude for your cooperation and friendship. twitter.com/borisjohnson/s…

2020-09-01 12:11:40
Boris Johnson @BorisJohnson

.@AbeShinzo has achieved great things as PM of Japan - for his country and the world. Under his stewardship the UK-Japan relationship has gone from strength to strength in trade, defence and our cultural links. Thank you for all your years of service and I wish you good health.

2020-08-28 18:32:30
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-01 12:11:41

カナダ:ジャスティン・トルドー首相(Justin Trudeau)

Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

I’m thankful for all the progress we’ve made together, @AbeShinzo - your vision, your leadership, and your friendship have brought our two countries closer. For that and for all the years you’ve dedicated to building a better world, thank you. Wishing you good health, my friend. pic.twitter.com/M0m8Xeq58J

2020-08-29 00:07:42
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Justin, thank you for your kind words. Your friendship and trust with me have enabled us to strengthen our bilateral relations. Wishing you further success. twitter.com/justintrudeau/…

2020-09-01 12:33:27
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-01 12:33:27

インドネシア:ジョコ・ウィドド大統領(Joko Widodo)

Joko Widodo @jokowi

PM Abe was one of the first world leaders I met when I took office as President of Indonesia in 2014. Under his leadership, we witness stronger bilateral relations between Indonesia-Japan. Thank you PM @AbeShinzo @JPN_PMO for your friendship. Wishing you good health always. pic.twitter.com/kr0ZSEKK4B

2020-08-28 21:49:53
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Perkenankan saya mengucapkan terima kasih yang setulus-tulusnya atas pesan hangat yang telah Yang Mulia tulis. twitter.com/jokowi/status/…

2020-09-01 12:39:58
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Ucapan terima kasih juga saya tujukan kepada Yang Mulia beserta segenap rakyat Indonesia atas persahabatan yang telah terjalin selama saya menjabat sebagai Perdana Menteri.

2020-09-01 12:39:59
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-01 12:39:59

アブダビ:ムハンマド・ビン・ザーイド・アール・ナヒヤーン皇太子(محمد بن زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان‎)

محمد بن زايد @MohamedBinZayed

Under the leadership of my dear friend @AbeShinzo, UAE-Japanese relations flourished and reached unprecedented heights. His global contributions made the world a safer and more prosperous place. We wish him good health, and all the best in the next chapter of his career.

2020-08-29 13:01:36
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن زايد ال نهيان ولي عهد أبو ظبي، أود أن أشكركم على رسالتكم الودية. أتمنى أن تكون علاقات الصداقة بين البلدين أكثر تعزيزا تحت قيادة صاحب سموكم. twitter.com/mohamedbinzaye…

2020-09-01 12:52:37
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

ムハンマド・アブダビ皇太子殿下へ 心温まる言葉をいただき深く感謝します。殿下の指導力の下、両国の友好関係が一層強化されることを祈念します。

2020-09-01 12:52:37

欧州連合(EU):シャルル・ミシェル大統領(Charles Yves Jean Ghislaine Michel)

Charles Michel @eucopresident

I would like to thank PM @AbeShinzo for the close and strong partnership the #EU & #Japan have built under his leadership. You have helped make Japan a pillar of today’s multilateral system. I wish you good health and hope to meet you again soon, my friend.

2020-08-28 17:29:46
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Thank you Charles @eucopresident for your warm message, and our close and strong partnership! I look forward to seeing you again in the near future, too! twitter.com/eucopresident/…

2020-09-01 13:53:24
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-01 13:53:24

欧州委員会:ウルズラ・フォン・デア・ライエン欧州委員長(Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen)

Ursula von der Leyen @vonderleyen

Thank you @AbeShinzo for your dedication & contribution to enhancing EU-Japan relations. Under your leadership, our partnership has never been stronger or more crucial. I wish you good health.

2020-08-28 18:24:23
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Thank you, Ursula @vonderleyen. #Japan and #EU have built the closest relations ever. I am sure our cooperation will be even closer. twitter.com/vonderleyen/st…

2020-09-01 13:55:51
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-01 13:55:52

シンガポール:リー・シェンロン首相(Lee Hsien Loong、李显龙)

leehsienloong @leehsienloong

I am sorry to hear that Japanese PM @AbeShinzo has resigned from office for health reasons. I have worked well with him for close to 9 years. I wish Abe-san a good recovery as he begins treatment for his condition. – LHL go.gov.sg/0gtu1q pic.twitter.com/8rGQs7sLT7

2020-08-28 19:13:33
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