



安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

I deeply appreciate PM Lee’s warm message. I am profoundly grateful to have been able to develop our bilateral relationship through my visit to your country and on other occasions. twitter.com/leehsienloong/…

2020-09-01 17:24:09
leehsienloong @leehsienloong

I am sorry to hear that Japanese PM @AbeShinzo has resigned from office for health reasons. I have worked well with him for close to 9 years. I wish Abe-san a good recovery as he begins treatment for his condition. – LHL go.gov.sg/0gtu1q pic.twitter.com/8rGQs7sLT7

2020-08-28 19:13:33
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-01 17:24:09


安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Thank you very much for your warm message, Prime Minister @PresRajapaksa. I hope our bilateral relationship will be further enhanced, and would appreciate your continuous cooperation. twitter.com/PresRajapaksa/…

2020-09-01 18:20:26
Mahinda Rajapaksa @PresRajapaksa

I wish my dear friend @AbeShinzo the best of luck & I pray for your good health as you resign from your position as #Japan’s longest serving #PM due to a medical condition. Your friendship towards #lka steered the relationship between our nations to be stronger than ever before. pic.twitter.com/Dvf9t6BviH

2020-08-30 20:22:02
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-01 18:20:26


安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Thank you, Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI, for your warm words of kindness. I sincerely hope that our bilateral relations will be further strengthened in the future. twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/s…

2020-09-01 20:04:13
Imran Khan @ImranKhanPTI

Great progress has been made in Pakistan - Japan ties under PM @AbeShinzo,🇵🇰 - 🇯🇵, with relations being further strengthened under his leadership, leading to enhanced cooperation in all areas. We send our best wishes for his good health and future endeavours.

2020-08-29 01:44:58
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-01 20:04:14


安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Thank you very much for your heartwarming message, President @ibusolih. I hope for greater prosperity of the Maldives under your outstanding leadership. twitter.com/ibusolih/statu…

2020-09-02 09:38:38
Ibrahim Mohamed Solih @ibusolih

I had the pleasure of meeting PM @AbeShinzo in Tokyo last year. An exceptional leader and a great champion of closer Maldives-Japan relations, I join the people of Maldives in wishing him good health and every success in life. pic.twitter.com/yAbktVfx4c

2020-08-28 23:24:30
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-02 09:38:38


安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Thank you for warm words from Prime Minister @kpsharmaoli. I hope Japan-Nepal traditional friendship will further be developed. twitter.com/kpsharmaoli/st…

2020-09-02 09:39:30
K P Sharma Oli @kpsharmaoli

Saddened to learn about your ill health. Wish you dear Prime Minister @AbeShinzo speedy recovery and good health. Nepal-Japan relations have greatly benefited from your wise and dynamic leadership.

2020-08-28 22:18:28
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-02 09:39:30


安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

صاحب السمو الشيخ تميم بن حمد ال ثاني أمير دولة قطر، أود أن أشكركم على كلمات التعاطف الدافئة التي تلقيتها. وأود أن تكون العلاقات الثنائية أكثر تطورا وأتمنى مزيدا من ازدهار بلدكم تحت قيادة صاحب سموكم. twitter.com/tamimbinhamad/…

2020-09-02 09:57:57
تميم بن حمد @TamimBinHamad

تمنياتنا بالشفاء العاجل للصديق شينزو آبي @AbeShinzo رئيس وزراء اليابان .. كنت على الدوام داعما كبيرا للعلاقات المتينة بين قطر واليابان .. وكان العمل معكم مصدر سعادة.

2020-08-29 00:23:53
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

タミーム首長殿下 心温まる御見舞いの言葉をいただき深く感謝致します。殿下の御指導の下、両国関係の更なる発展と、貴国ますますの御繁栄を祈念します。

2020-09-02 09:57:57


安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Dear PM Netanyahu: It is my honor to be able to work with PM Netanyahu for the development of our bilateral relations, and I would also like to thank you for your support. I am looking forward to seeing you again. twitter.com/israelipm/stat…

2020-09-02 18:26:29
Prime Minister of Israel @IsraeliPM

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: I was sorry to hear of the illness of Japanese Prime Minister @AbeShinzo, who announced his resignation.

2020-08-30 01:53:02
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

ネタニヤフ首相へ ネタニヤフ首相と共に二国間関係の発展に貢献できたことを誇りに思うと共に、ご支援に感謝します。再びお会いできる日を楽しみにしています。

2020-09-02 18:26:29


安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Bardzo dziękuję @MorawieckiM za ciepłe słowa. Mam nadzieję na dalsze umacnianie relacji na podstawie wspaniałych efektów Pana wizyty w Japonii w styczniu tego roku. twitter.com/morawieckim/st…

2020-09-02 20:26:43
Mateusz Morawiecki @MorawieckiM

安倍首相、日本-ポーランドの戦略的関係の発展、そしてV4+日本関係を深めるために多大なるご尽力を頂いたことに感謝致します。 ご多幸とご健康をお祈り申し上げます。 pic.twitter.com/T5O6BISfHT

2020-08-28 20:59:35
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Thank you @MorawieckiM for your kind words. I wish the Japan - Poland partnership will be further enhanced based on the great achievement of your visit to Japan in January this year.

2020-09-02 20:26:44
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-02 20:26:44