
7月13日付で、英紙ガーディアンに、福島第一原発で瓦礫の撤去などにあたる作業員(東電社員ではなく下請けの下請けの下請けの…という立場の方々)についての記事が2本出ました。書いたのは日本を拠点としている @justinmccurry 記者。 1本は「報道」の記事: Fukushima workers brave radiation and heat for £80 a day http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jul/13/fukushima-nuclear-workers-inexperienced 続きを読む
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

http://twitpic.com/5py4ml - 福島第一で働く「原発ジプシー」(堀江邦夫氏の1979年の著作に由来)についての @justinmccurry 記者の記事が出たときのガーディアンのトップページのキャプチャ。 www.guardian.co.uk

2011-07-14 20:12:48
Iron Ammonite Photos @IronAmmonitePix

Fukushima pensioner army waits for call-up to frontline duties http://bit.ly/oq9zJR @guardian

2011-07-14 03:18:36
Kenneth @wkenneth

Fukushima workers brave radiation and heat for £80 a day: Fears grow for inexperienced contractors working in Ja... http://bit.ly/nw9CPR

2011-07-14 03:22:46
World News @OurWorldNews

Fukushima pensioner army waits for call-up to frontline duties http://dlvr.it/b3d8Z (Guardian) #news #global #worldnews

2011-07-14 03:36:13
Shannon R @Hokuboku

Fukushima workers brave radiation and heat for £80 a day: http://bit.ly/pSKQhG Fears grow for inexperienced contractors.

2011-07-14 03:40:43
Kenneth @wkenneth

Fukushima cleanup recruits 'nuclear gypsies' from across Japan: Thousands of engineers and labourers have been l... http://bit.ly/noaHLW

2011-07-14 03:53:00
World News @OurWorldNews

Fukushima cleanup recruits 'nuclear gypsies' from across Japan http://dlvr.it/b3nP5 (Guardian) #news #global #worldnews

2011-07-14 04:09:16
Jacobyte By Name @Jacobyte969

My Big Fat Gypsy Nuclear cleanup .. As Japan hires 'nuclear gypsies' for Fukushima cleanup http://bit.ly/mZBrmn

2011-07-14 04:39:58
Yuuki Ohta @yuuki_with2us

Guardian reports on "nuclear gypsies," or under-labourers at Fukushima who will be as unknown as radiation is invisible. http://goo.gl/ry6KD

2011-07-14 05:06:02
セコビッチ @sekovich

Rune, the contract worker as "nuclear gypsy" 5days a week, performs the dirtiest, most dangerous job. http://t.co/V07hGOq via @yuuki_with2us

2011-07-14 05:29:23
山本堪 @KanYamamoto

英紙ガーディアンによる、いわき湯本温泉に滞在する下請け労働者、いわゆる「原発ジプシー」の方々への取材記事。彼らにとって今本当に恐ろしいのは放射線では無くて熱中症。現場労働者の方々の生の声を取材しています。単発の記事では無さそう、今後も期待。 http://j.mp/rp8abG

2011-07-14 05:40:47
Dr.ちゃしば @dr_chasiba


2011-07-14 05:42:42
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

「原発ジプシー」について詳しく報じる英ガーディアンの記事。 by @JustinMcCurry / Fukushima cleanup recruits 'nuclear gypsies' from across Japan | En… http://htn.to/rmKiZK

2011-07-14 05:43:51

Fukushima cleanup recruits 'nuclear gypsies' from across Japan http://t.co/iN0tYXZ #Nuclear #fukushima

2011-07-14 05:45:06
のぶ(こどもにもっと笑顔を) @kodomonoegao

後で読む LINK http://bit.ly/nFCBBv - Fukushima cleanup recruits 'nuclear gypsies' from across Japan | Environment | The Guardian

2011-07-14 06:23:13

私も先日軽い熱中症になり怖さを知った。頭痛や疲労と勘違いし易く気付いた時は遅い。今は多目の水分補給で予防。現場は辛いだろうな。RT @KanYamamoto 「原発ジプシー」の取材記事。彼らにとって今本当に恐ろしいのは放射線では無くて熱中症。http://t.co/sgUpTC0

2011-07-14 07:05:58
immune @vitdiet

Fukushima cleanup recruits 'nuclear gypsies' from across Japan: Lunch is usually a boil-in-the-bag curry and ric... http://bit.ly/rqtzmQ

2011-07-14 07:09:35
Kumicit Transact @kumicit

"But Rune expects there will be little praise, at least in public, for the men who cleaned up the devastation the wave… http://htn.to/wMJ2CH

2011-07-14 07:29:40
Carlos Garcia @digitalcarlos

Fukushima pensioner army waits for call-up to frontline duties http://bit.ly/oK0XAs screw anti-agism week, these OAPs are hard as fuck

2011-07-14 07:33:21
Dan Pagan @DanPagan

Reading: "Fukushima cleanup recruits 'nuclear gypsies' from across Japan" http://t.co/MjnKVqv

2011-07-14 07:58:38
Yumi Goto @Yumi_Goto

Workers on the bus which will transfer them to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Photograph: Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert http://bit.ly/nkk9fs

2011-07-14 08:13:28