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On Takahashi (高橋温) @OnTakahashi

Playing Animal Crossing, watching Ghibli movies, liking Pokemon etc now classifies people as "otaku". So what happens? Simple. The media just moves the goalposts. Instead of "Anime watcher", the "dangerous people" are now people who watch "late night anime". 10/14

2020-11-23 23:52:54
On Takahashi (高橋温) @OnTakahashi

A different spiel, but it's all the same. "Loners" who "are interested in things we (the majority) don't understand" are always painted in a bad light. Whether it's a White school shooter or a young Muslim guy, throw in the word "loner" and the story writes itself. 11/14

2020-11-23 23:52:54
On Takahashi (高橋温) @OnTakahashi

We're now living in a world where lockdown is making all of us isolated and lonely. Even after lockdown ends, this long moment of isolation might have lasting effects on the way people interact and open up to each other. More hobbies are becoming digital and "invisible". 12/14

2020-11-23 23:52:55
On Takahashi (高橋温) @OnTakahashi

And while it seems like we're "more connected" via social media, the "image we want to present" means that what people see online might not be the real person. People are connected, but doesn't mean they're not alone. Isolation is really well blended now. 13/14

2020-11-23 23:52:55
On Takahashi (高橋温) @OnTakahashi

Eventually, most millennials will fit the JP media's profile of an "Otaku criminal-in waiting". Instead of the low-hanging fruit, it'd be nice if JP journalists do some real journalism for once and go into topics like mental health. Until then, the stigma remains. 🤷‍♂️ 14/14

2020-11-23 23:52:55
Chrono Triggered Will @Bakarichigi

@OnTakahashi Very interesting thread! 🧵 the line about loneliness being well hidden now really struck a chord. Everyone in this digital age is lonely. It’s the coping mechanisms we develop to deal with it that determine how our mental health will be affected

2020-11-24 00:43:31
Omer @omerfire

@OnTakahashi Reading modern research on the matter, I learned that there is a repeating narrative of "JP media's covering of otaku", in which both "JP media" and "otaku" are left ambiguous. There are six years from Manga Burikko up to the murders that may point at more accurate developments.

2020-11-24 04:19:31
Omer @omerfire

@OnTakahashi The word "otaku" (in hiragana, katakana and romaji) reflects different concepts, in different times, by different people. Without the proper context, it's almost meaningless. The people discriminated against in the years following Miyazaki are not the same as today's otaku.

2020-11-24 04:23:49
ケロン スチュワート @jr240483

@OnTakahashi makes you wonder what would they do if its a US otaku like myself?

2020-11-23 23:59:29
Carmen🍒🇵🇸 @Der_Liebestraum

Este hilo es muy interesante, os recomiendo leerlo. twitter.com/OnTakahashi/st…

2020-11-29 06:08:07
On Takahashi (高橋温) @OnTakahashi

【The Stigma Against Otaku - A thread】 When serial killer/rapist Tsutomu Miyazaki was arrested, after murdering 4 little girls (Aged 4 ~ 7), the Japanese media had a field day trying to link these senseless murders to "otaku culture" and putting the blame on manga/anime. 1/14 twitter.com/kan_ei_sen/sta…

2020-11-23 23:52:50
Eliot Reyna Caycho @EliotReyna

When you realize that Japanese media is equally shitty than Western Media when it comes the turn of drop stigmas... twitter.com/OnTakahashi/st…

2020-11-24 00:26:26
Comic Fan @mangabdcomicish

What On is saying here rings pretty true based on what I've read about the MIyazaki serial child murders and from talking to everyday Japanese folks many years ago. twitter.com/OnTakahashi/st…

2020-11-24 00:14:37
みんなで歌おうゲゲゲのゲ @mJXDK7pLRHq9Tk1

いわゆるロリコンブーム的なものは一切ないな 吾妻秀夫くらいはあるかと思いきやそれすらない twitter.com/kan_ei_sen/sta…

2020-11-23 23:17:56
ナンブ寛永 @kan_ei_sen

宮﨑勤のあの本棚が写ってる号が入ったのでデータ化 週刊朝日1989年8月25日号より 思ったよりふつーのマンガばっかだな pic.twitter.com/8DgZyn8YGY

2020-11-23 22:43:13
カズハ @DENSONkazuha

こんなんで殺人鬼なる言われたらアキバとか池袋殺人鬼だらけのバトルシティ始まりそうね twitter.com/kan_ei_sen/sta…

2020-11-23 23:09:20
朱鴉宮更紗(都築隆広)電子書籍「お伽亭ななはと禁じられた噺」発売中 @akegarasusarasa

意外だけど、普通の感覚なら、エロ漫画やエロ本は隠すかも? エロ系の漫画が本棚にあっても違和感がそんなになくなったのは近年、コミケ等が一般化してからのような気もする。ワイは庭の家庭菜園に埋めて隠したりしてたし。 twitter.com/kan_ei_sen/sta…

2020-11-23 23:08:44
M助役 @ocioran

『若奥様の生下着』しか覚えてないや。 twitter.com/kan_ei_sen/sta…

2020-11-23 23:02:04
ゆっくり⋈詩音 @yukkuri_sion

改めて見ると、エロ系がほぼ無いのが分かるのと、いかにネットの無かった時代は都合のいい情報だけを流せるのかよく分かりましたよ。 twitter.com/kan_ei_sen/sta…

2020-11-23 23:01:05
24⋈589 @24_589

後の証拠収集によって、無数のVTRも大半がTVのドラマや特撮、時代劇等の録画テープで、当時は合法だった『少女ポルノ』は殆ど存在しなかったと判明している。 宮崎勤はオタクとしては『エアチェックオタク』であり、影響云々を言い出すならば『TV番組が悪い』となる(嫌笑。 twitter.com/kan_ei_sen/sta…

2020-11-23 22:56:32
ゆっくり⋈詩音 @yukkuri_sion

@24_589 あぁっ、「メディアの人間が本の山のてっぺんにエロ雑誌を置いて印象操作した」のは本当でしたか。 宮崎とメディアによるオタクバッシングが目立っていたから関連資料は手つかずでした。

2020-11-23 23:12:48
24⋈589 @24_589

@yukkuri_sion いや、逮捕当時の部屋については写真がで回っていますし、宮崎事件そのものについてもノンフィクションも資料も大量に出てますよ。 件の写真は読売ウイークリーの記者が事態の重大さを認識せず暴露した、『民放記者が如何にもなエロ雑誌を選んで本の束の上に載せた』と称した際のものでしょう。

2020-11-23 23:04:46
ゆっくり⋈詩音 @yukkuri_sion

@24_589 個人的には、後からこれほどの証拠が出るのは意外ですね。 大体はメディアが封殺してくると思いましたので。

2020-11-23 22:58:57
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