シロシビン サイロシビン の効用

GIGAZINE(ギガジン) @gigazine

マジックマッシュルームには「うつ」状態の脳の回路を再起動させる働きがある可能性が判明(2017) bit.ly/2yUDYby

2019-10-29 16:30:13
The Guardian @guardian

Magic mushrooms lift severe depression in clinical trial trib.al/uMhN53T

2016-05-17 17:57:20
リンク the Guardian Magic mushrooms lift severe depression in clinical trial Results raise hopes that active substance in class 1 drug could be used to treat mental health conditions in future 74089
GIGAZINE(ギガジン) @gigazine

マジックマッシュルームが重度のうつ病を取り除くことが臨床試験で判明 bit.ly/1Xmofq2 pic.twitter.com/3cOXdeKzRB

2016-05-18 21:00:04
BBC Health News @bbchealth

Magic mushrooms 'promising' in depression bbc.in/1R5HUmX

2016-05-17 17:41:59
リンク BBC News Magic mushrooms 'promising' in depression A hallucinogenic chemical in magic mushrooms shows promise for people with untreatable depression, a tiny study suggests. 174

Magic mushroom ingredient tested as depression treatment. More from #BehindTheHeadlines: ow.ly/ufSc300kOk4 pic.twitter.com/R2mkHTXFMs

2016-05-19 01:45:08
リンク nhs.uk Magic mushroom ingredient tested as depression treatment "Magic mushrooms 'promising' in depression," BBC News reports. Magic mushrooms is an umbrella term for fungi that contain psilocybin. This is a psychoactive substance that can cause intense LSD-like… 130



Science News @ScienceNews

A month after receiving two doses of the psychedelic drug, 13 people had big drops in depressive symptoms. sciencenews.org/article/psiloc…

2020-11-20 02:40:00
Science News @ScienceNews

Existing antidepressant drugs don’t work well for an estimated 30 to 50 percent of the people who try them; when they do work, the effects can take weeks to kick in. Psilocybin might be a powerful alternative. sciencenews.org/article/psiloc…

2020-11-21 12:30:00
Science News @ScienceNews

The benefits of the compound, found in psychedelic mushrooms, lasted a month. sciencenews.org/article/psiloc…

2020-11-22 00:00:01
Science News @ScienceNews

The drug is currently classified by the U.S. as a Schedule I controlled substance, indicating that it has a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use in the U.S. sciencenews.org/article/psiloc…

2020-11-23 10:00:00
Science News @ScienceNews

As with clinical studies in general, positive effects might arise simply from participants’ expectations, and not the drug itself. But such effects are unlikely to account for the magnitude of the drop observed. sciencenews.org/article/psiloc…

2020-11-24 04:30:00
リンク Science News Psilocybin may help treat depression, a small study finds Researchers found that a compound in psychedelic mushrooms eased depression symptoms, but larger studies are needed.
katti @kattitokyo

マジックマッシュルームに含まれるシロシビンを服用しまら、うつの症状が劇的に改善したという、サイエンス記事。まだ、13人の臨床結果なので、確実かどうかわかりませんし、依存性も心配ですが。 twitter.com/sciencenews/st…

2020-11-20 20:05:13


garmgrm @grm27646

@tos psilocybin therapyが人格(personality)に及ぼす影響 psilocybinとは:セロトニンに類似した向精神薬、幻覚(神秘体験)を引き起こす pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29923178/

2020-11-22 07:16:59
リンク PubMed Effects of psilocybin therapy on personality structure - PubMed Our observation of changes in personality measures after psilocybin therapy was mostly consistent with reports of personality change in relation to conventional antidepressant treatment, although the pronounced increases in Extraversion and Openness might
The Conversation Africa @TC_Africa

Magic mushrooms expand your mind and amplify your brain’s dreaming areas – here’s how theconversation.com/magic-mushroom…

2015-07-28 23:05:05
リンク The Conversation Magic mushrooms expand your mind and amplify your brain’s dreaming areas – here’s how Psychedelic drugs alter consciousness in a profound and novel way that increases the breadth and fluency of cognition. However, until recently, we were unable to offer an explanation for how the brain… 4541
カラパイア@不思議と謎の大冒険 @karapaia

カラパイア : マジックマッシュルームはどのように脳に働き幻覚を見せているのか?その謎が明らかに(英研究) karapaia.livedoor.biz/archives/52168… pic.twitter.com/JIQQnHY8AD

2014-07-16 08:35:01
リンク カラパイア マジックマッシュルームはどのように脳に働き幻覚を見せているのか?その謎が明らかに(英研究) : カラパイア 最近は日本で、何かと話題となっている脱法ハーブ問題。「ハーブ」という言葉は薬草やスパイスを意味するが、植物は自然由来であり「体にやさしい」とインプットされている人も多いので、「ハーブでなぜあんなことに?」と、戸惑っていた人もいたはずだ。というか私の友人 16 users 4
WIRED.jp @wired_jp

LSDなどの幻覚剤は、脳を「高次の意識状態」にする:英研究結果 wired.jp/2017/05/29/lsd… #最新記事

2017-05-29 20:15:34