【Pornhub】The New York Timesに掲載されたNicholas Donabet Kristofの記事を受け、VisaとMastercardが支払いを差し止め、Pornhubがほぼすべての動画を非公開に。セックスワーカーの収入激減。古代アレクサンドリア図書館焼失に次ぐ人類の叡智の消失。

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Sange @sangesas

@elana_galante @NickKristof That’s amazing. So glad you were able to get this young lady the help and attention she needed. Thank you for bringing the issue to the reader’s attention. Very important!!!!

2020-12-07 08:23:20
Julie Melton @MamaJewelz21

@NickKristof I’m soooo happy to see this! If you have the link to the go fund me please post so I can help!

2020-12-07 08:27:51
Jay Erter @erter99

@NickKristof Great news. Your piece was heartbreaking ... hoping for good things to come of it ...

2020-12-07 08:33:40
Lulu me @lulu162606lulug

@NickKristof I'm so happy she has a place to live and specially hers little dogs as well.

2020-12-07 09:01:16
Goal Setting Mom @goalsettingmom

@NickKristof @NickKristof I sent you a message on Instagram regarding Serena Fleites. Please check. It's important. Thank you.

2020-12-07 09:03:56
Sheila Condon @stray55

@NickKristof What a great outcome. Good to remember that even among the horrible acts this woman endured, good people came together to change her trajectory. In this time when we’re in a cesspool of political crap, good news is welcome. People are good. 😌

2020-12-07 09:37:35
Moriah Balingit @ByMoriah

I was a 22-year-old reporter when I was sexually harassed by the head of the union that was supposed to protect me nytimes.com/2020/12/06/bus…

2020-12-07 10:06:56
リンク www.nytimes.com A Powerful Reporter Got Away With Sexual Misconduct for Decades. His Paper, and His Union, Looked the Other Way. Michael Fuoco was a bigfoot reporter with a fiery personality and a reputation for harassing young women. No one seemed to want to rein him in. 3276
7NEWS Sydney @7NewsSydney

.@Mastercard is investigating allegations against Pornhub, after a column by Pulitzer Prize winner @NickKristof accused the site of hosting videos on its platform that depict child abuse and nonconsensual sexual behavior. #7NEWS 7news.com.au/technology/cla…

2020-12-07 10:21:31
リンク 7NEWS.com.au Claim Pornhub 'hosts child abuse videos' sparks investigation A column by Pulitzer Prize winner Nicholas Kristof, described recordings on the website of assaults of unconscious women and girls, including a naked video of a 14-year-old girl. 91
Nicholas Kristof @NickKristof

Update: Serena Fleites, the homeless girl who had been exploited by Pornhub at 14, moved into a hotel room today with the help of readers who backed a gofundme: gofundme.com/f/hsp3p2 (original story here: nyti.ms/3mFuTc8 ) More on my Instagram/FB pages. Thank you!! pic.twitter.com/CKCPjWoFnt

2020-12-07 11:33:11
Nicholas Kristof @NickKristof

Good to see Visa joining Mastercard in reviewing ties with Pornhub: marketwatch.com/story/visa-mas… Google should likewise review why its search results drive traffic to rape videos. Original article here: nyti.ms/3mFuTc8 Pressure is growing on the porn industry to clean up.

2020-12-07 22:12:56
リンク MarketWatch Visa, Mastercard investigating their business ties with Pornhub Credit card giants Visa and Mastercard said Sunday that they are investigating their business relationship with Pornhub after a prominent newspaper columnist... 87
The New York Times @nytimes

Visa and Mastercard said they would investigate their financial links to MindGeek, the parent company of Pornhub, after the New York Times columnist @NickKristof reported that the website included videos of child abuse and nonconsensual sexual violence. nyti.ms/3gjtsxR

2020-12-08 00:20:06
Julie Miville-Dechêne @mivillej

Big news: in response to the ⁦@nytimes⁩ investigation on rapes of minors on ⁦@Pornhub⁩, minister ⁦@s_guilbeault⁩ pledges a bill and « regulation unique in the world », beginning 2021, to put a stop to sexual exploitation on porn sites. 985fm.ca/audio/355002/s…

2020-12-08 00:32:12
Alexandra DeSanctis Marr @xan_desanctis

In a statement to @NRO, Pornhub attempted to defend itself against @NickKristof’s piece pointing out that hte site hosts child sexual abuse porn. Either the company isn’t exercising proper oversight, or it has directly allowed this reprehensible content. nationalreview.com/corner/pornhub…

2020-12-08 01:52:11
リンク National Review Pornhub Attempts to Defend Its Disgraceful Oversight on Child Sexual Abuse | National Review Either Pornhub properly monitors content or it doesn’t, and either way, it is responsible for allowing abusive and illegal pornography to appear. 34
Nicholas Kristof @NickKristof

Nice quote from Sen. @BenSasse here: "If MasterCard and Visa can investigate these online traffickers [i.e. Pornhub and Mindgeek], so can the Department of Justice.” twitter.com/xan_desanctis/…

2020-12-08 01:55:59
Nicholas Kristof @NickKristof

Good to see Canada stepping up! There are no perfect solutions to the problem of child sexual abuse online, but we can do much better in keeping companies from monetizing sexual assaults on children. twitter.com/mivillej/statu…

2020-12-08 02:01:18
Mike K 🇺🇲 @MikeKinFLA

@NickKristof OK ..searched "13yo" on pornhub like you say, and this is actually what you get. _______________ No Search Results We're sorry, but the requested search cannot be found. Broaden your search. _______________ Get the same thing when you search "rape" on pornhub.

2020-12-08 03:59:38
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