

marco @ChanOre7475

@NickKristof @KristofFarms 自己満で俺らの楽しみを奪うんじゃねえ!!!!

2020-12-15 18:07:07
koまぽつぽ @hikaIN_is_GOMI

@NickKristof お前のせいで美しいものは40万個以上消えたけどね^ ^

2020-12-15 13:05:14
白紙 @wcs_1919

@NickKristof @KristofFarms その景色、お前はもう二度と見れないと思った方がいいよ😭

2020-12-15 16:47:28
へくすa.k.a和三盆スター @myb_os

@NickKristof 世間が許しても全世界の男が許さねぇ。 俺のお気に入り返せ。

2020-12-15 17:52:17
ごうぐる先生 @Shiroko_gouguru

@NickKristof @KristofFarms 農場は美しいかもしれんけど、貴方の心は美しくないと思いますよ(?)

2020-12-15 20:47:51
fu @NS09110911

@NickKristof @KristofFarms Are you trying to increase the total number of sex offenders by punishing pediatric lovers? Hahahahaha. Makes me laugh. You did a great job.

2020-12-15 14:32:00
唐揚げ @EbI2dXkCsTzCFNg

@NickKristof @KristofFarms japanese people do not forgive you. forever forever.

2020-12-15 18:24:11
秋雲 @FallCloudSZZ

@NickKristof It is not allowed to have a gun in Japan and it is quite difficult to buy. So I will leave it to you who can have a gun. Thanking you in advance

2020-12-15 18:26:47
淫陽師 @QUKqDXY6yMAbmGV

@NickKristof @KristofFarms 呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪呪

2020-12-15 19:04:17
ゆくれい @ZAIAenterprise

@NickKristof @KristofFarms You have sinned I don't forget you until the day pornhub return

2020-12-15 20:35:19
千極 @kaminokuni_n

@NickKristof @KristofFarms 許す気なんて毛頭ねえ 潰す気あんなら戦争じゃボケ 高裁でも最高裁でも来てみろや 退散もはい降参でも血みどろじゃ

2020-12-15 22:13:14