
軍事板常見問題に使うかもしれないデータを集積しているだけの倉庫です 軍事板常見問題本館: http://mltr.ganriki.net/index02.html  エンコードはunicord
前へ 1 ・・ 33 34
仔羊はにー☆3/21誕生祭 @_KesaranPasaran

フォロワーさんが「お寺で流れてる曲のBPMが遅すぎる」などとぬかしよるので、BPMを88から288に上げました。お聞きください。「超高速越天楽」 pic.twitter.com/ixd9rY8SD3

2021-01-04 14:22:28
朝雲新聞社 公式ツイッター @AsagumoNews52

#FFG#コンステレーション」  #米海軍 はこのほど、次期 #ミサイル・フリゲート 1番艦について艦名を「コンステレーション」に決定した。#イージス・システム・ベースライン10 等を備えた #汎用型フリゲート で1番艦の完成は2026年の予定。 朝雲HP asagumo-news.com/homepage/htdoc… 2021年1月19日まで掲載 pic.twitter.com/dhE8vPTEoS

2021-01-05 16:00:00
dragoner@2日目東サ46a @dragoner_JP

LCSやズムウォルトの夢溢れる形から一気に保守化したなあ… twitter.com/asagumonews52/…

2021-01-05 16:04:05
dragoner@2日目東サ46a @dragoner_JP

別に保守化が悪いことじゃなくて、夢見過ぎで計画遅延価格高騰調達削減が当たり前だった以前から、船体部に関してはちゃんと問題なく作れるように見える(米国比)のは進歩じゃないかと twitter.com/dragoner_JP/st…

2021-01-05 20:04:01
世界平和を祈願する枢密院勅令 @order1914


2021-01-05 20:11:35
Хаями🍥Расэндзин @RASENJIN


2021-01-05 20:00:40
Af @Sz73B


2021-01-05 20:19:16
katsuki @katsuki_london

「1984」などで知られる英作家、ジョージ・オーウェルの著作の大多数がイギリスで1月1日に著作権切れとなったが、作品によって注意しなければならない点があるとした記事。演劇や映画、ゲームでは自由に利用することができると。 theguardian.com/books/booksblo…

2021-01-02 08:35:15
Shuuji Kajita @s_kajita

「現代の民主主義はロゴス(言葉、論理)主義であるべきです。論理に従って議論し、たとえ少数派であってもより正しく合理的な方が勝つ。数ではありません。議会は、そのためにあります」 tokyo-np.co.jp/article/77960

2021-01-05 22:00:15
U.S.S.BlackPrince @HMS_BlackPrince


2021-01-05 21:53:29
鐘の音(除夜の鐘)ダイエット-30kg @kanenooto7248


2021-01-05 21:18:30
鐘の音(除夜の鐘)ダイエット-30kg @kanenooto7248

「飲食店をやるだけでは沈静化することはできない」 「大学の飲み会、クラブ活動」 「一つの特効薬はない」

2021-01-05 21:42:40
鐘の音(除夜の鐘)ダイエット-30kg @kanenooto7248


2021-01-05 21:29:36

◆200913 時事通信 https://bit.ly/2RnVP2i
【中国ウォッチ】習主席と李首相の確執露呈 不可解な公式報道相次ぐ
中国の公式メディアで最高指導者の習近平国家主席とナンバー2の李克強首相をめぐる不可解な報道が相次ぎ、両者の確執を露呈している。習氏は事実上の終身制を導入して絶対的な地位を確立したといわれてきたが、実際には部下である首相 ...

◆200913 TechCrunch Japan https://tcrn.ch/2FpXvpl

◆200913 ロイター https://bit.ly/3irE4ei
焦点:中国、内需シフトの改革に期待 次期5カ年計画の軸に
北京 10日 ロイター] - 中国改革派の間では、習近平国家主席が提案した新たな経済モデル「双循環」を契機に、内需振興と構造改革が加速するとの期待が高まっている。政策関係者らによると、10月に開かれる中国共産党の重要会議、 ...

◆200913 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/32mifam
中国船が南シナ海・東沙島を包囲と報道 台湾の海上保安当局は否定(中央社フォーカス台湾)
あなたにおすすめの記事. イラン選手の死刑執行 各界で助命求める中.

◆200913 TBS News https://bit.ly/2RiQSHS
中国、謎の未完巨大建造物の街 ネットで話題に【CATCH ...
世界各地の街角の話題や最新ニュースをお伝えする、キャッチ・ザ・ワールドです。 今、中国のネット上で、巨大建造物が廃虚のように建ち並ぶ、ある地方都市が話題を集め、一部は観光スポットとなっています。この街は、中国政府が主導 ...

◆200913 ロイター https://bit.ly/2Rkxfzl
[12日 ロイター] - エネルギーサービス会社ベーカー・ヒューズが発表した11日までの週の米国内石油・天然ガス掘削リグ稼働数は、3週ぶりに減少した。ただ、原油価格が新型コロナウイルスの影響による歴史的な低水準から持ち直し ...

◆200913 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2FqYa9P
【ニューヨーク=大島有美子】ソフトバンクグループ(SBG)が傘下の英半導体設計アームを米半導体大手エヌビディアに売却することで近く合意する見通しとなった。英紙フィナンシャル・タイムズ(FT)や米紙ウ ...

◆200913 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2FozPBU
中国半導体、脱・米依存急ぐ 受託生産最大手SMIC
米政府が中国ハイテク企業への規制を強めるなか、半導体受託生産の中国最大手、中芯国際集成電路製造(SMIC)が米国技術に頼らない生産体制の構築を急いでいる。中国製装置の使用比率を高め、米国以外の国の技 ...

◆200913 SecuretpNews https://bit.ly/35sMNJz
薄膜半導体蒸着市場2019の最新の開発と展望? Lam Research Corporation、Sumco Corporation、Oerlikon Balzers
アプリケーション別に基づいて 、 薄膜半導体蒸着市場 は次のように分類されます。 ITおよびテレコム エレクトロニクスの エネルギーおよび電力. 地域は2020年から2026年までの薄膜 ...

◆200913 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2GM61zl
中国半導体、脱・米依存急ぐ 受託生産最大手SMIC
米政府が中国ハイテク企業への規制を強めるなか、半導体受託生産の中国最大手、中芯国際集成電路製造(SMIC)が米国技術に頼らない生産体制の構築を急いでいる。中国製装置の使用比率を高め、米国以外の国の技 ...

◆200913 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3mdycrg
米、メコン協力で初の閣僚会議 160億円支援で中国抑止(共同 ...
米国には対立を深める中国の影響力拡大を抑える狙いがありそうだ。 会議には米国のビーガン国務副長官とベトナムやタイなど流域5カ国の外相らが参加。米国は、下流域のタイなどが深刻な渇水に見舞われているのは上流にある中国のダムが ...

◆200913 沖縄タイムス https://bit.ly/3hpBTXa
米、ファーウェイ制裁強化 半導体輸出 15日から禁止 他国のメーカー懸念
【ワシントン共同】トランプ米政権は15日から、中国通信機器大手の華為技術(ファーウェイ)への制裁を強化し、米国の技術を使う企業からの同社への半導体輸出を全面禁止する。安全保障上の措置が名目だが、ハイテク分野で覇権を争う ...

◆200913 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3irCcSO
Editorial: Debate over Japan's role in US-China tensions ...
Meanwhile LDP policy chief Fumio Kishida, a candidate with experience as foreign minister, has called for the promotion of nuclear disarmament as Washington races to expand its nuclear arms. It's likely both candidates are trying to showcase ...

◆200913 Minneapolis Star Tribune http://strib.mn/2ZuaGfJ
Japan PM hopeful says he may need help from Abe on ...
He has led Japan since he returned to power in December 2012 for a second stint as prime minister. ... Suga served as a policy coordinator and adviser to Abe, the point man behind the centralized power of the Prime Minister's Office and its influence over ... On Saturday, he noted the importance of Japan-China relations and said he would patiently work to improve ties with the world's No. ... Protesters angry over the area's crippling electricity shortages, set fire to tires on Thursday, ...

◆200913 ThePrint https://bit.ly/3bSUx8C
China, North Korea’s missile stockpile remains a security dilemma for Japan’s next premier
China, North Korea's missile stockpile remains a security dilemma for Japan's next premier ... of how to counter growing threats from China and North Korea ? and the same security demands from Japan's sole ally, the U.S. ... The most immediate concern comes from North Korea, which threatened to “sink” Japan and fired two nuclear-capable ... TAGS; China ・ Japan ・ North Korea ・ nuclear power ...

◆200913 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/2ZzdzvT
Philippines' Duterte tells China defense chief to follow the law ...
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte told Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe that South China Sea disputes must be ... Asian nations this week called for self-restraint in the sea that's an important trade route and holds oil and natural gas ...

◆200913 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2RizdQJ
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領が8月、ロシアから新型コロナウイルスのワクチンの供与を受ける意向を表明した。ニュースに対する反応は、懸念や嘲笑さえ入り交じったものだった。欧米の専門家らはロシアの拙速とも ...

◆200913 Construction Review https://bit.ly/3mgpdFE
UN launches US$18m solar project in remote Indonesia areas.
KOICA Indonesia country director Jeong Hoe Jin said the agency was committed to completing the solar power project in Indonesia to ensure ... of people in remote areas of Eastern Indonesia and Timor-Leste who did not have access to reliable or affordable electricity. ... Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry renewable energy and energy conservation director-general FX Sutijastoto ... Previous articleADNOC invests US $245m to upgrade main oil lines and Jebel Dhanna terminal.

◆200913 English Tempo.co https://bit.ly/3kdi07D
A New Hope for Clean Energy - engteco_opinion Tempo.co
CO, Jakarta - The presidential regulation on tariffs for electricity has many incentives. ... The government is shortly to provide many incentives to investors in renewable energy power plants that will be detailed in a ... The development of renewable energy in Indonesia is proceeding slowly because there are still abundant sources of fossil fuels, particularly coal. ... of costs to investors prepared to carry out exploration, similar to the cost recovery scheme in the oil and gas industry.

◆200913 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3mkXWlM
Asia-Pacific foreign ministers voice fears about regional security
... foreign ministers expressed fears about the recent security environment in the region at an online meeting hosted by Vietnam on Saturday, touching on the South China Sea dispute, Hong Kong affairs and the North Korean nuclear issue.

◆200913 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/2GWRzVp
Philippines' Duterte tells China defense chief to follow the law ...
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte told Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe that South China Sea disputes must be ... Asian nations this week called for self-restraint in the sea that's an important trade route and holds oil and natural gas ...

◆200913 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/2DTXwRJ
Asia-Pacific foreign ministers voice fears about regional security
China has been at odds with four ASEAN members -- Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam -- as well as Taiwan over jurisdiction in the South China Sea, a strategic waterway through which more than one-third of global trade passes.

◆200913 The Star Online https://bit.ly/3mgqcFQ
Philippines urges amicable approach to Beijing over South ...
The Philippines, particularly its military, has a deep mistrust of China over what it sees as intrusions into its territory, bullying of its fishermen and denial of access to its energy resources. Vietnam and Malaysia have made similar complaints this ...

◆200913 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/3bRjRvX
First Gen’s San Gabriel plant on forced outage
The 414-megawatt San Gabriel gas-fired power plant of First Gen Corporation has been on forced outage due to 'tripping' or ... “Unit 70 of the company's 414MW San Gabriel combined cycle power plant tripped on September 5, 2020 due to ... it has been operating as a merchant facility, mostly selling its generated electricity via the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market. ... As stipulated in the PSA filing of the two firms with the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), “the simulated delivered ...

◆200913 International Policy Digest https://bit.ly/2Rk6fQa
The Philippines' Democratic 'Backsliding' in the Time of Duterte
The Philippines had been one of the thriving democracies in Asia until the election of President Rodrigo Duterte in 2016. Amidst weak governance, Duterte's “strong-man” persona emboldened him to use the state's coercive power that posed ...

◆200913 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/3mdx1rQ
Gov’t needs P15-B to fully electrify PH communities
However, those investment targets have not materialized until this time.In the upstream gas sector, the DOE is similarly anticipating the return of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) as a partner to state-run Philippine National Oil ...

◆200912 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2GJWkBt
【ハノイ=大西智也】米国とタイなどメコン川流域5カ国の外相は11日、新たな枠組みとなる閣僚級の「メコン─米国パートナーシップ」会議をオンラインで開いた。ベトナム国営メディアによると、米国はメコン地域 ...

◆200912 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/33lgl9l
今タイ王室で何が起きているのか 日本に亡命、カギを握る「タイ人教授」独占インタビュー(デイリー新潮)
米フェイスブック(FB)は8月下旬、タイ王室に批判的な団体が運営するページへのタイ国内からのアクセスを遮断する措置を講じた。FBは「タイ政府から強要された」として、対抗措置をとる方針を明らかにしている。 この「タイ王室に ...

◆200912 PJA NEWS https://bit.ly/2RlXBRr
タイでは民主化などを求める反政府抗議活動が活発化しています。 この状況の中で、この抗議活動の中心的人物の1人である「ペンギン」こと22歳のPharit Chiwarak ...

◆200912 日経ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/35te4vf
「日本は南シナ海問題に貢献を」タイ識者に聞く次期首相への ...
サイカウ・ティパゴン・日本ASEAN研究センター長。1984年、タイのチュラロンコン大学を卒業後、米ミズーリ大学で修士号、チュラロンコン大学で博士号を取得。専門は国際関係、タイ研究。2008年より現職。 まず率直に、安倍首相 ...

◆200912 TBS News https://bit.ly/2RlcS4M
EU議会、スー・チー氏を「サハロフ賞」コミュニティーから ...

◆200912 people.com.cn https://bit.ly/35qFC4B
主に機動防御・敵殲滅、合同火力攻撃、立体突入・包囲殲滅、戦場状況の安定化・制御などの演習に参加する。アルメニア、ベラルーシ、イラン、ミャンマー、パキスタンの軍も参加する。 世界が連携して新型コロナウイルスと闘う重要な ...

◆200912 毎日新聞 https://bit.ly/2GQvaZL
外相声明、中国に配慮 南シナ海情勢巡り ASEAN
タイやラオスは南シナ海を巡る領有権問題がなく、経済的な結びつきが強い中国に配慮したとみられる。 一方、中国によるASEAN諸国の取り込みは勢いを増している。魏鳳和・国務委員兼国防相は7日からマレーシアのムヒディン首相や ...

◆200912 チャイナネット https://on.china.cn/33jxsrW
ハンガリー・セルビア鉄道、中国・バングラデシュのパドマ大橋、中国・ラオス鉄道曼邁1号トンネルなど一連のインフラプロジェクトが、コロナ禍で感染対策と操業再開を同時進行し、一帯一路の高い靭性と発展の潜在力を示した。各国の ...

◆200912 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3kaU44S
US, Mekong ministers meet amid latest rivalry with China
During the group's inaugural meeting, Biegun claimed that the current drought suffered in the Mekong downstream area ... the river have "adversely affected food security, environment and livelihood of people in the Mekong," the U.S. official said. ... along the Mekong for 25 years, with the greatest disruption in natural flows coinciding with major dam construction and ... "to deepen cooperation under Lower Mekong Initiative involving energy, connectivity, water management and natural ...

◆200912 Deccan Herald https://bit.ly/3kapXdD
US to give $153 million to Mekong countries for collaborative projects
Foreign ministers of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries also met at a virtual summit hosted by Vietnam. The Mekong River has become a new front in US-China rivalry, environmentalists and officials have said, with ...

◆200912 benarnews https://bit.ly/3inWug3
Pompeo Again Slams Chinese 'Aggression,' Says US Is ...
United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday reaffirmed Washington's commitment to Southeast Asia and accused China of “aggression” in the South China Sea and manipulating the flow of the Mekong River in a time of drought.

◆200912 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/2DSxQ86
First Mekong-US Partnership Ministerial Meeting held virtually
Hanoi (VNA) ? The first Mekong-US Partnership Ministerial Meeting was held virtually on September 11 under the ... USD for transnational crime prevention and control projects and 1.8 million USD for the Mekong River Commission to step up ...

◆200912 RUSI Analysis https://bit.ly/2GV0LcX
Germany's New Policy Paper for the Indo-Pacific: Some ...
... policy paper does not offer even a tentative clue as to how Germany aims to address existing power imbalances in the region ... The German government, for instance, explicitly pledges to support the 2021?25 Strategic Plan of the Mekong River ... the question still remains why the Sino?German Energy Partnership (2007?2022) appears to have failed to convince ... excessive dam building, stop impounding more water than China needs or even make water management data public.

◆200912 benarnews https://bit.ly/3keZc7N
Thailand Eyes 'Land Bridge' to Link its Coasts
Thailand's Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-cha this week publicly endorsed a proposed land bridge between the Gulf of Thailand ... “To dig a canal, I don't think is suitable for Thailand because the water levels in the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of ... Road (OBOR), an ambitious program to build a global network of ports, highways, railways, bridges and power plants. ... The firms invited were China State Construction Yangtze River (Thailand) Company Limited, The Best Group and The ...

◆200912 VnExpress International https://bit.ly/2Fn39sr
Competitive distribution market unlikely to reduce power prices: experts
With Vietnam planning to end its power distribution monopoly in 2024, experts expected consumer benefits in reduced prices are ... An electricity development plan recently approved by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc allows customers and power ... retail prices will mostly be determined by production costs, which depend on the cost of minerals such as coal or oil. ... Other alternative sources such as solar and wind power are becoming more popular but they cost more than thermal ...

◆200912 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/32nch95
Vietnam’s energy sector a magnet for foreign investors
Hoang Tien Dung, Director of the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority, said: “Existing regulations allow the [sale] of projects to ... Coal and gas power projects are invested under the build-operate-transfer model with Government guarantees, but solar and wind ... The development of renewable energy is helping reduce dependence on costly oil-fired power plants and greenhouse gas emissions.

◆200912 reNEWS https://bit.ly/3iprKez
Chinese cable crew wins first offshore job in Vietnam
Light Source People Renewable Energy Job Opportunities ・ SeaRenergy. Onshore & Offshore Wind Job Opportunities ・ ERSG Onshore/Offshore Wind Job Opportunities ・ Prysmian Group MAKE IT - A manufacturing career at Prysmian Group ...

◆200912 OE Digital https://bit.ly/2DWMg7k
Vietnam Approves Pharos Energy's Offshore Oil Project
Gas from TGT is processed at nearby facilities and transported by pipeline to shore, to supply the Vietnamese domestic market. Energy Activity FPSO Production Asia Floating Production Vietnam. Related Offshore News. Armada TGT-1 FPSO - ...

◆200912 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/3mhYCIe
Post-Abe, Vietnam-Japan Relations Have Nowhere to Go But ...
For Hanoi, Tokyo provides a counterweight against Beijing's rising power through its increased economic cooperation and development aid. For Japan, a stronger Vietnam helps resist Chinese domination of the South China Sea, thus relieving ...

◆200912 Renewables Now https://bit.ly/35waSzg
ADB okays financing for Cambodian grid, utility-scale battery
The utility-scale battery will support the integration of more renewable energy, and provide transmission congestion relief ... Cambodia's grid in the future and generate more renewable power,” commented ADB Country Director for Cambodia ...

◆200912 Minneapolis Star Tribune http://strib.mn/3bYniB6
UN calls for release of human rights activists in Cambodia
Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen has been in power for 35 years, combining guile and strong-arming to dominate his country's politics. In late 2017, his administration launched a crackdown on critics and political opponents in what was ...

◆200912 Climate Home https://bit.ly/33k7tk5
Asian multilateral bank promises to end coal-related financing
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is promising to end all coal financing but has yet to write this into policy. ... related to coal ? for example roads leading to the plant or transmission lines serving coal power,” he told an online conference. ... Then the bank backed coal-fired cement works in Myanmar through a financial intermediary. ... Besides coal, the AIIB invests more than twice as much in oil and gas as in renewable energy, according to Recourse, with gas seen as an ...

◆200912 The Irrawaddy News Magazine https://bit.ly/32mE4X7
Minister’s Team Caught in Attack by Arakan Army in Myanmar’s Chin State
Minister's Team Caught in Attack by Arakan Army in Myanmar's Chin State. Chin State ... The AA attacked them with heavy and small arms as they were crossing the Kaladan River from Paletwa to Hakha, the seat of the Chin State government, ...

◆200912 The Union Journal https://bit.ly/32nKRQE
Financially Strapped Laos Partners with Chinese Company to Manage Power Grid
Laos' state-run electricity corporation this month entered into a power grid sharing agreement with a Chinese state-run firm ... corporate entity called Electricite du Laos Transmission Company Ltd. (EDLT), which has control of Laos' power grid, ...

◆200912 Radio Free Asia https://bit.ly/35pp7FU
Lao Army Launches TV Station Paid For by China
The Lao People's Army has launched a television station funded entirely by the country's powerful northern neighbor China, Lao ... TV Channel 7 will broadcast via satellite and focus its reports on news about the Lao military and its activities, Defense ... This week, Laos' state-run electricity corporation entered into a power grid sharing agreement with a Chinese ... China Pressured Over New Coal Power Projects ... Oil and gas tanks are seen at an oil warehouse at a port in Zhuhai,

◆200913 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/35vHPLT
【新型コロナ】インド新規感染、世界最多更新?仏の感染状況 ...

◆200913 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/3kgswuX
LACの近くのラダックでDNAインド中国国境紛争| 中国は権力の言語のみを考慮し、インドは紛争を解決するためにこれを行わなければならない
この声明は、インドと中国の間の方程式の主要な変更の文書です。 ラダックの出来事の後のインドと中国の外相の最初の会議で、5つの問題が合意されました。 -まず第 ...

◆200913 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/3htsNsq
米印、日豪との連携強化 2プラス2前に高官協議
米国とインド両政府は11日、年内に開催予定の外務・防衛閣僚協議(2プラス2)に向け、オンラインで高官協議を行った。米国が対中包囲網の構築を目指す中、日本とオーストラリアを含む4カ国の連携を強めることで一致した。米国防 ...

◆200913 デイリーNKジャパン https://bit.ly/3kgTqT9
パキスタン大統領が金正恩氏に建国72周年の祝電 | DailyNK ...
パキスタンのアリフ・アルビ大統領は10日、北朝鮮の建国72周年に際し、金正恩国務委員長(朝鮮労働党委員長)へ祝電を寄せた。朝鮮中央通信が伝えた。 アルビ氏は祝電で「パキスタンと朝鮮民主主義人民共和国は、相互善意に基づいた ...

◆200913 時事通信 https://bit.ly/2GWF8ZJ
タンカー、燃料流出部ふさぐ スリランカ沖火災
【コロンボAFP時事】原油27万トンとディーゼル燃料を積み、インド洋のスリランカ沖で火災を起こしたパナマ船籍のタンカー「ニュー・ダイヤモンド」の事故で、スリランカ海軍は12日、軍の潜水士がディーゼル燃料の流出部分を修理 ...

◆200913 DU Express https://bit.ly/3moXOlh
Glaciers melting at 'significant' rate in J&K: Report
The Ladakh, Jammu, and Kashmir glaciers are melting at a substantial rate. A unique study that used satellite data revealed this. It was discovered that over 1,200 glaciers in the Himalayan region saw a massive mass reduction.

◆200913 The Nation https://bit.ly/3hnZ988
Water level of Indus at Guddu Barrage drops to medium flood
The water in River Indus went down by 37,000 cusecs in last 12 hours and the inflow of water at Guddu Barrage dropped to 3,83,655 cusecs. The water discharge from Guddu has been measured at 3,51,255 cusecs, according to the irrigation ...

◆200913 Pakistan Observer https://bit.ly/2Zx5LL0
Indus protective dyke breach in Tharu Shah sulemerges many ...
A protective dyke along River Indus developed breach in Katcha area of Tharu Shah in district Naushehro Feroz submerging several villages in the area on Saturday. “Flooding in Indus has caused a breach at Manjoth-Taggar Pattan in katcha ...

◆200913 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/35x1ZFm
IRSA releases 211,300 cusecs water
Indus River System Authority (IRSA) on Saturday released 211,300 cusecs water from various rim stations against inflow of ... Water inflow and outflow in Tarbela dam dam was recorded as 112,000 cusecs and 111,500 cusecs respectively.

◆200913 United News of Bangladesh https://bit.ly/3iqaW6Z
Dhaka-Delhi connectivity positively impacts Bangladesh ...
Shringla said the potential of mutually beneficial resources and of generating common economic spaces is evident in another area ? energy. He said Bangladesh currently imports 1160 MW of power through adjoining states in India. ... rivers has been used for the joint benefit of the North East and its neighbours through hydro-electric projects in Bhutan. ... He said twenty port townships are planned along the Brahmaputra and Barak river systems to enhance inland water connectivity.

◆200913 CleanTechnica https://bit.ly/2GSrmap
Indian Gas Utility Plans Renewable Energy Expansion
Companies and entities like NTPC (India's largest power producer), Coal India (world's biggest coal miner), and Indian Railways have all announced aggressive plans to set up large-scale solar and wind energy projects. Appreciate ...

◆200913 CleanTechnica https://bit.ly/3moYmaP
GIP Buys 306 Megawatts Of Solar Assets In India
According to media reports, Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) acquired 306 megawatts of solar PV power projects ... These projects have long-term power purchase agreements signed with government-owned companies, like Solar Energy Corporation of India and ... Indian Gas Utility Plans Renewable Energy Expansion ... The company has also shelved plans to expand the other thermal power plant.

◆200913 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3hyt4KZ
CSOs to ADB: End dirty energy legacy, ban coal
No amount of renewable energy investments could cover up the bank's role in advancing the myth of clean coal and the fact that half of the total installed capacity of power generation projects it funded the past ... “India can become a true global superpower in the fight against climate change, if it speeds up its shift from fossil fuels to ... “Investments in renewable energy, clean transport and energy efficiency during the recovery from the pandemic could extend electricity access to 270 ...

◆200913 Odisha Diary https://bit.ly/2GW6nDL
ADB, ENGIE Sign Loan to Support India’s Renewable Energy Development
ADB, along with another international lender, will provide the entire debt required to construct the solar power plant. ... “The project is part of ADB's ongoing support to India's renewable energy sector and will help the Government of India meet its ... Once commissioned, the power plant is expected to generate about 440 gigawatt-hours of electricity annually. ... India and ADB Sign $175 Million Loan Agreement to help improve Solar Transmission SystemApril 8, 2017In "Business".

◆200913 EurAsian Times https://bit.ly/32ovzea
Indian Hostilities With China & Pakistan Over Kashmir Could ...
Indian Hostilities With China & Pakistan Over Kashmir Could Lead To A Nuclear Catastrophe. Published ... Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram responded, “Indian representatives are either deluding themselves or deluding their public, ... and, given the policies and attitudes of the permanent members, this right and power of the secretary-general might advisably be held in reserve.

◆200913 Anadolu Agency https://bit.ly/3hrE0Ke
Kashmir and the UN Security Council
Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram responded, “Indian representatives are either deluding ... As we know the presence of the United Nations Military Observer Group for India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) in Srinagar, the ... and attitudes of the permanent members, this right and power of the secretary-general might advisably be held in reserve. ... and Pakistan ? all nuclear powers and share borders with Kashmir ? will lead the whole region to nuclear catastrophe ...

◆200913 Global Village space https://bit.ly/3kioBxL
China dispatches first of four advanced warships built for Pakistan
The Chinese manufacturer is being relied upon to convey each of the four units to Pakistan by 2021, which Chinese media said could “double the combat power” of the Pakistan Navy. Pakistani authorities said the Type-054A/P frigate is in ...

◆200913 The Tribune https://bit.ly/33ncFUu
Nepal PM Oli, Prachanda strike power-sharing deal
Kathmandu, September 11. Nepal's ruling Communist Party on Friday resolved the protracted differences between Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli and his opponent Pushpa Kamal Dahal "Prachanda" by agreeing to a power-sharing deal, ...

◆200913 Annapurna Express https://bit.ly/3c4EKnD
Nepal-India transboundary flood management
With more than 6,000 rivers and rivulets from Nepal flowing into India, the transboundary flood impacts are complex, ... Better outcomes in river and flood management can be achieved by proper coordination among water-related ... During the 2013 Mahakali floods, the communities on the Indian side relayed vital and timely information about the opening of the Dauliganga dam following a heavy rainfall ...

◆200913 Online Khabar (English) https://bit.ly/2ZvXgjF
FDI in Nepal: How foreigners can invest capital in Nepali ...
Nepal, with its free-market policy, is open to foreign direct investments (FDIs) and has been developing an institutional and ... A 2016 survey conducted by the central bank of Nepal suggests foreign investment in small, medium and large-scale ... and so on;; Industries manufacturing arms and ammunition, industries producing atomic energy and radioactive materials; ... Documents showing the source and time schedule of investment; Power of attorney that authorises an individual(s) to ...

◆200913 Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper https://bit.ly/35zrS7w
Energy diversification for a energy secure Bhutan ...
During the nationwide lockdown last month, a power outage in central and western parts of the country lasted for about an hour ... Unlike hydropower systems, other forms of renewable energy like solar, wind, bio-energy, and small hydro have ... Although about 30 percent of the country's energy consumption today is met through electricity, mainly hydropower plants, the current plants are run-of-river, with ...

◆200913 Aljazeera.com https://bit.ly/32mQvlQ
Sri Lanka navy says fuel leak on fire-stricken tanker plugged
Sri Lanka's navy says its divers have fixed a fuel leak from the engine of a fire-damaged oil tanker off the island's east coast, in a salvage operation after the huge week-long blaze. While the navy on Saturday said no crude oil has escaped the ...

◆200913 Sunday Observer https://bit.ly/2ZOzZtt
Sri Lanka awaits Bangladesh response to new tour proposals
Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) is awaiting a response from the Bangladesh Cricket Board over a set of health guidelines it sent them before the three-Test series between the two countries can commence in October. Ashley de Silva, the Chief ...

◆200915 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2Rvu0EY
ドイツのメルケル首相と欧州委員会のフォンデアライエン委員長、ミシェルEU大統領(常任議長)は14日、中国の習近平国家主席とオンライン形式で会談。会談後にEUの代表らは、目標通り投資協定を年内に締結できるかは中国次第だと ...

◆200915 BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN https://bit.ly/2H2yyAX
中国の劉鶴副首相と貿易条約に署名するトランプ大統領。2020年1月15日、ホワイトハウスで。 AP Photo/Evan Vucci. Advertisement. 安全保障上のリスクがあるとみなされる中国 ...

◆200915 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/2RoKpLy
中国で5G(第5世代移動通信)の商用サービスが始まってから1年も経たず、5G端末の小売り価格が早くも「1000元(約1万5500円)」時代に突入した。 スマートフォンメーカーのrealme(リアルミー。漢字名は真我)は9月1日、5Gスマホの ...

◆200915 時事通信 https://bit.ly/3ivnrhG
米、北朝鮮報復に核80発使用も トランプ政権暴露本
新著によると、北朝鮮が2017年、大陸間弾道ミサイル(ICBM)の発射実験を行うなど米朝間の緊張が高まった際も、マティス国防長官(当時)は、トランプ氏が北朝鮮への先制攻撃を決断するとは考えていなかった。ただ、作戦計画「 ...

◆200915 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3mlYTKu
中国、ヒマラヤ国境係争地帯に光ケーブル敷設 紛争長期化に備え通信網増強か=インド政府筋
中国、ヒマラヤ国境係争地帯に光ケーブル敷設 紛争長期化に備え通信網増強か=インド政府筋 ... 中国軍がインド国境の係争地帯で光ファイバーケーブル網を敷設していると、インド政府当局者2人が明らかにした。両国の外相は ... 戦略性を失った習近平「四面楚歌」外交の末路 ... 利益守られる限りOPEC支持=イラン理事.

◆200915 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3movBL1
なぜ? 中国で「食べ残し」禁止令

◆200915 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2FHgOu3
世界の石油需要、コロナで19年がピーク? 英BP見通し
いずれの想定のでも再生可能エネルギーへの移行が進む。 標準以外の2つのシナリオでは、世界の石油需要は新型コロナによる落ち込み ...

◆200915 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2GWd88p
OPECが原油需要見通し下方修正、需要低迷や米シェールの ...

◆200915 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2ZC9vet
初の電力容量市場、上限価格で落札 国民負担増の恐れも ...
価格が高いと、発電設備を多く持つ大手電力が競争上有利となるほか、原子力や石炭火力発電所の「延命」につながる可能性もある。費用は最終的には利用者が電気料金で負担する。 朝日新聞社. 関連 ...

◆200915 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2E1S9jF
AI半導体 覇権狙う エヌビディア、アーム買収
【シリコンバレー=佐藤浩実】米エヌビディアは13日、ソフトバンクグループ(SBG)から英半導体設計アームを買 ...

◆200915 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3hxUXTk
石油時代の終わりの始まり 浮上する脱炭素のアキレス腱
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で傷んだ経済の復興を環境対策で挑む「グリーン・リカバリー」が始動する。各地に波及し、化石燃料から再生可能エネルギーや電気自動車(EV)に転換する動きが勢いを増しそうだ。石 ...

◆200915 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/35B2K0c
米 ファーウェイへの半導体供給停止へ 日本企業にも影響か
アメリカ政府は15日、中国の通信機器大手、ファーウェイに対する半導体の供給をあらゆる面から止めるための規制を導入します。部品を納める日本企業も含め、影響が広がる可能性があります。 続きを読む. アメリカ商務省は、安全保障上の ...

◆200915 SankeiBiz https://bit.ly/35yhlJT
米がファーウェイ向け半導体禁輸を強化 15日から、スマホ生産に打撃
【ワシントン=塩原永久、北京=三塚聖平】トランプ米政権は15日、中国通信機器大手、華為技術(ファーウェイ)への半導体輸出を全面的に禁じる新規制を施行する。従来の輸出規制を強化して汎用(はんよう)品の半導体も禁輸対象とした ...
詳細 ・ 2時間前

◆200915 読売新聞 https://bit.ly/33J4KBd
【ワシントン=山内竜介】米政府は15日、中国通信機器大手「華為技術(ファーウェイ)」に対する半導体の輸出規制を強化し、米国の技術を使う国外メーカーからの半導体供給を事実上、全面的に禁止する。ファーウェイの調達網を遮断し、 ...

◆200915 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2ZDaoU4
中国は5月以降、3カ月連続で前年を上回る販売台数を記録している ・ 車載半導体メーカーの業績も4?6月期を底に回復に向かう ... 一方、新エネルギー車も同19%増の9.8万台となり、6月の大幅なマイナスから一転、プラス成長を果たした。

◆200915 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3bXl44V
ブルームバーグ): 中国の自動車最大手、上海汽車集団が代替エネルギーへの取り組みを加速している。従来のガソリン車や電気自動車(EV)の枠を越えて水素自動車でリードを目指している。 世界の自動車メーカーが環境保護に向けて ...

◆200915 Bloomberg https://bloom.bg/2ZEPlAp
After Oil: U.S.-China Split Will Hurt Clean Energy
This is the first column in a series on how the coronavirus epidemic has affected the global shift to sustainable energy. ... This linkage between energy and great power relations was evident well before the pandemic. ... Fiscal stimulus provided a boost to infrastructure projects, while investment in renewable energy fell. ... While presiding over a meeting of the national energy committee in Beijing in October 2019, Premier Li Keqiang emphasized the importance of coal in China's energy ...

◆200915 Greentech Media https://bit.ly/2E1QiLJ
How Bad Relations With China Could Mess With the Energy Transition
In June 2014, then-Prime Minister David Cameron signed a £14 billion ($18.5 billion) trade deal with China that included a £400 ... In October 2015, Cameron and China's President Xi Jinping signed another deal for China General Nuclear Power Group ... on 10 key sectors the country wants to dominate in five years' time, including areas such as power equipment, renewable energy and electric vehicles. ... Chinese firms continue to own stakes in parts of the U.K. and Italian gas grids.

◆200915 Fox News https://fxn.ws/2ZFa8nt
China's growing military capable of threatening America, head of US nuclear forces warns
China's growing military capable of threatening America, head of US nuclear forces warns ... The substantial growth of China's military is an indication of how quickly the Asian country can build up its nuclear arsenal to a capability that can directly threaten the United States, the ... POMPEO DECLARES CHINA TO BE GREATEST FOREIGN POWER THREAT TO US: 'IT'S NOT, FRANKLY, A CLOSE CALL'.

◆200915 Brookings Institution https://brook.gs/3husain
Network power: China’s effort to reshape Asia’s regional security architecture
Chinese President Xi Jinping first laid out a new vision for Asian regional architecture in a 2014 speech to the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), a pan-Asian multilateral security organization.

◆200915 CGTN https://bit.ly/2RsVPhq
China's first offshore platform for heavy oil recovery put into operation
China's first large offshore platform for heavy oil thermal recovery was put into production in the Bohai Sea on Monday, marking a key step in the country's ... Heavy oil is a kind of crude oil with high density and viscosity, poor fluidity, and is easy to solidify. ... is of great significance in enhancing domestic oil and gas exploration and development, and an indispensable part of national energy security.

◆200915 Politico https://politi.co/32xFYEJ
Trump’s TikTok power play may fall short
It's unclear if it will resolve national security concerns about China's access to data on TikTok's 100 million U.S. users, or Chinese control of the algorithm that fuels the app. And the deal came together only after Beijing pulled a power move of ...

◆200915 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3bZAAgw
中国公船がEEZ進入 インドネシア海保が退去要求
【ジャカルタ=地曳航也】インドネシア海上保安機構は、中国海警局の公船が12日、南シナ海の南部にあるインドネシアの排他的経済水域(EEZ)内に進入したため退去を要求したと発表した。同国外務省も13日、 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3izSlFJ
三菱商、首都近郊にスマートシティー開発 インドネシア ...
三菱商事は14日、インドネシア首都ジャカルタ近郊のスマートシティー開発に参画すると発表した。これまで不動産開発などを手掛けてきた新都市内で、約100ヘクタールの土地を新開発する。ポストコロナの生活形態も見据えつつ、自動車に ...

◆200915 東京新聞 https://bit.ly/2DZcBl0
中国漁船でインドネシア人船員の虐待死相次ぐ 被害男性の ...
中国漁船でインドネシア人船員の虐待死相次ぐ 被害男性の証言から浮かび上がる「現代の蟹工船」<動画あり>. 2020年09月14日 13 ... すると、殴られ、電気ショック棒で痛めつけられ、この「623」に移された。 「海に飛び込んで逃げた ...

◆200915 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/32Au25b
ジャカルタで制限再強化 効果に疑問も
新型コロナウイルスの流行が続くインドネシアの首都ジャカルタで14日、行動制限の再強化が始まった。 ... アニス・ジャカルタ特別州知事は13日の記者会見で、保健衛生やエネルギーなど基盤分野の11業種は出社人数を50%以下、 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2RoFAlq
マカティ地下鉄、渡航規制で着工できず フィリピン・運輸
フィリピンの不動産開発会社フィリピン・インフラデブ・ホールディングス(PIHI)は、マニラ首都圏マカティ市での地下鉄建設について、フィリピン政府が新型コロナウイルスの水際対策で実施している外国人への渡航制限により着工 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2FmTMct
トヨタ、需要復調で生産2シフトに フィリピン・自動車 ...
トヨタ自動車の現地法人、フィリピントヨタ自動車(TMP)は14日、ラグナ州サンタロサ市に構える工場の生産を2シフトに戻したと明らかにした。新型コロナウイルス対策の外出・移動制限措置が緩和され、経済活動の再開で需要が回復 ...

◆200915 The Edge Markets MY https://bit.ly/3bXinjP
CIMB to come up with coal financing policy by end-2020
CIMB Group Holdings Bhd says it will be coming out with a coal financing policy by the end of the year, a move seen by ... So far, in Southeast Asia, only Singaporean banks have put in place policies ? just last year ? to stop funding coal power ... where we have earlier introduced sector guides covering palm oil, forestry, oil and gas as well as construction and real ... with proceeds fully allocated to finance positive impact opportunities such as renewable energy, energy efficiency and ...

◆200915 Deccan Herald https://bit.ly/3bYQ2tc
Has global oil demand hit peak? BP says it's possible
Global oil demand might have already peaked and will likely not stop falling for the next 30 years, hit by virus fallout and ... Yet gas is set to remain in demand, particularly as developing nations seek to switch away from high-polluting coal. ... "Renewable energy will play an increasingly important role in meeting the world's growing energy needs. ... "So far, oil demand in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines (has) performed far poorer than initially expected," the report said.

◆200915 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/2FAg6yP
New Indonesian envoy to US vows to secure GSP extension, trade deal - The Jakarta Post
Indonesia's newly appointed envoy to the United States, Muhammad Lutfi, has vowed to double down on the government's economic ... He vowed to ensure that Indonesia would continue to enjoy its trade perks under Washington's Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), ... Since Trump came to power, Indonesia has tread carefully as the mercurial US leader proceeded to upend his predecessor's ...

◆200915 pna.gov.ph https://bit.ly/32vCClF
DOE clears bidders for oil exploration in WPS
MANILA ? The Department of Energy (DOE) has opened the bids submitted by parties interested to explore untapped energy resources in the West Philippines Sea under the Philippine Conventional Energy Contracting Program (PCECP). ... Bolstering the oil and gas exploration will help the country to meet its power requirement of 43,765 megawatts by 2040, he said. ... PH gets P336-M from EU for sustainable energy projects ・ Better policies seen to drive renewable energy growth.

◆200915 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/35COsMs
South China Sea Watch: More talks and more tensions
The waters are a major shipping route for global commerce and are rich in fish and possible oil and gas reserves. ___. PHILIPPINES WAVERS ON ARBITRATION RULING. The South China Sea remained a point of contention at talks last ...

◆200915 INQUIRER.net https://bit.ly/2FBY27s
Duterte asks nations to reject war, eliminate nuclear weapons
MANILA, Philippines ? Reject war and work together to eliminate nuclear weapons. ADVERTISEMENT. President Rodrigo Duterte made this appeal to all countries in a video shared on Twitter on Monday by the Department of Foreign Affairs ...

◆200915 CNN Philippines https://bit.ly/3iIRDpy
Dennis Uy, MVP eyeing oil exploration deals in West ...
The agency opened bids for four nominated areas under its Philippine Conventional Energy Contracting Program, which ... This was put on hold as the government is now looking into a joint oil and gas exploration deal with China in the disputed waters. ... Meanwhile, the bid submitted by Troika Giant Power Corporation for Nominated Area 5 covering the Mindoro-Cuyo Basin also passed this stage.

◆200915 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/3iA5bnA
DOE pushes amendments to Oil Deregulation Law
The Department of Energy (DOE) is pushing for new amendments to Republic Act 8479 or the Downstream Oil ... the department is “collaborating with the Philippine Competition Commission precisely because the Oil Deregulation Law failed ... two coal operating contract (COC) applications of state-run Philippine National Oil Company-Exploration Corporation ... Subsidies to off-grid power swell to P28 B.

◆200915 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/33szard
米がメコン川流域5か国に160億円拠出表明 中国けん制

◆200915 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3klYSo7
「日系企業の牙城」タイで静かに進む地殻変動(JBpress ...
近年は、「チャイナプラスワン」としてタイ進出ブームが起こり、2012年には5万5634人と前年比で11%も増えた。 文部科学省によれば、2020年4月時点で世界に日本人学校は95校あると言うが、バンコク日本人学校 ...

◆200915 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/32uYw8r
タイ政府、大学当局通じて学生の王室改革要求抑え込みへ 19日の反政府集会を前に
タイ政府の意向を受けた各県知事が大学当局を通じて、学生に王室改革の要求を取り下げさせることを目指している。サムチャイ・サワングカルン上院議員が13日、ロイターに語った。 同国では7月半ば以降、軍を後ろ盾とするプラユット首相 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3muiF6L
エネ省、新電力計画で容量200万kW削減へ タイ・電力・ガス ...
タイのエネルギー省は、今年末に新たな電力開発計画(PDP2022)の策定に着手することを検討している。新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響を反映させるためで、発電容量を200万キロワット(kW)縮小させる見通し。同省情報筋の話 ...

◆200915 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/2GRf1mP
市場調査会社ユーロモニター・インターナショナル(Euromonitor International)によると、ベトナムでの合併・買収(M&A)取引が急速に増加しており、伸び率は米国に次ぐ2位となる見通し。新型コロナ禍や米中貿易摩擦の影響により、中国以外 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/35xUMFf
カンポット州、大型の不動産開発計画を検討 カンボジア ...
カンボジアの南部カンポット州で、投資総額2,480万米ドル(約26億3,000万円)規模の不動産開発計画が浮上している。対象地域は同州カンポントラッチ地区の広さ42ヘクタールの土地で、地場不動産開発企業ゴールド・コースト・ ...

◆200915 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3bWRsV8
中国に傾くカンボジア、EU制裁を穴埋めできる? アジア総局長 高橋徹. 2020年9月15日 0:00 [有料会員限定記事]. 印刷する. 全て表示. カンボジアはわずか半年間の交渉で、中国とのFTAに合意した( ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/33wOjHZ
ア開銀、送電線架設などに1.3億ドル融資 カンボジア・電力 ...
カンボジア電力公社(EDC)が手掛ける事業を支援する目的だ。クメール・タイムズ(電子版)が伝えた。 EDCは、首都プノンペンと中部コンポンチュナン、南東部コンポンチャム、南部タケオ各州の4 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/35D1ERt
安保理8カ国、ラカインでの平等な選挙要請 ミャンマー・政治
国連安全保障理事会の理事国8カ国は11日、11月8日にミャンマーで実施される総選挙について、西部ラカイン州で平等な投票が行われることなどを求める声明を共同で発表した。 声明は米国、英国、フランス、ドイツ、ベルギー、 ...

◆200915 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/3c0QAyJ
ハンタワディ国際空港建設に向け日本政府と3項目で合意 ? MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
ハンタワディ国際空港の建設計画に関し、日本・ミャンマー両政府の間で3項目の合意事項が確認されていることがわかった。ハンタワディ国際空港建設計画実行委員会の2回目の会議でヘンリー・バンティーユ副大統領が発表したもの。7Day ...

◆200915 ハンガリー、ラオスで9事業を支援へ ラオス・マクロ・統計 ...https://bit.ly/32va2k7
ラオスとハンガリーの両政府は11日、ラオスの社会経済開発を支援するためにハンガリー企業が実施する9事業について、首都ビエンチャンで契約書を締結した。9件の事業規模は計2億米ドル(約212億円)。ビエンチャン・タイムズ(電子 ...

◆200915 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/2FDT2z6
中国・ラオス鉄道のトンネル、1543日かけてついに貫通. 2020-09-14 13:46 CRI. 9月13日午前、中老昆万(中国・ラオス、昆明・ビエンチャン)鉄道友誼トンネルは、1200人余りの労働者による1543日間の刻苦奮闘の末に無事貫通しました。

◆200915 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/35FC4LN
中国への貿易依存度が高いカンボジア、ミャンマー、ラオス?新型コロナのワクチン問題も. 野村)そうです。この背景には、本当に中国との領海問題を抱えている国と、そうではない国がASEANのなかにはあるということです。それを中国が ...

◆200915 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/2FxmBmr
Mekong-US Partnership heralds united future
Whether you are negotiating a high-stakes business deal or building a regional power grid, success hinges on the ... In upgrading our efforts with the Mekong-US Partnership, the United States will support even greater connectivity and ... I recently spoke with Thailand's newly appointed Energy Minister, Supattanapong Punmeechaow, who outlined ... For example, the Japan-US-Mekong Power Partnership provides Mekong countries with resources to increase regional electricity trade, ...

◆200915 AsiaNews https://bit.ly/2H0DKFw
VIETNAM ? UNITED STATES Economics and water ...
Hanoi (AsiaNews) ? The Mekong-US Partnership (MUSP) between the United States and countries in the downstream of Mekong River seeks to promote greater economic ties, better water and natural resource management, more effective ...

◆200915 Mirage News https://bit.ly/2FyQX7Q
Launch of Mekong-U.S. Partnership: Expanding U.S. ...
Through the Japan-U.S.-Mekong Power Partnership (JUMPP), the United States is providing technical and advisory support to ... Our assistance has helped countries increase their use of renewable energy, promote cross-border electricity trade, ... electric utility on establishing an energy trading company and on preparing for third-party access to transmission. ... dam operations had manipulated natural river flows in the Mekong River, generating widespread media attention and ...

◆200915 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/35FCK3N
How Meaningful is the New US-Mekong Partnership?
In announcing the new Mekong-U.S. Partnership at a meeting in Hanoi, the U.S. State Department pledged at least ... Beginning high up in the Tibetan Plateau inside China, the 4,350-kilometer Mekong River winds its way through all five ... In April, a report released by the U.S.-based research and consulting company Eyes on Earth, concluded that the dam ... For the U.S., on the other hand, it is just one of many far-flung regions in which it is seeking to counter China's rising power.

◆200915 Science Daily https://bit.ly/2ZAuK00
Dams exacerbate the consequences of climate change on ...
May 31, 2018 ? Farmers and anglers in Cambodia depend on the Mekong River's predictable seasonal patterns, but new dams for hydroelectricity are altering the hydrology of the river. These changes have the potential ... Mapping Movements ...

◆200915 Asia Times https://bit.ly/33mMtco
Laos the latest China debt trap victim
Laos has borrowed heavily to invest in several Mekong River hydropower projects as well as the $6 billion high-speed rail project, a key ... Xinhua also quoted Khammany Inthirath, Lao minister for energy and mines, as saying that China Southern Power Grid Company's ... China's taking over Laos' electricity sector in lieu of paying debts has shown other regional countries the risks of BRI debt traps, few ...

◆200915 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3kfYnvE
New industrial estate in Thailand to become logistics center in ...
Thai goods cargoes will be transported from the Udon Thani industrial estate across the Mekong River to the Lao capital Vientiane and then to Vietnam, according to the IEAT governor. The Udon Thani industrial estate, which will be the 16th ...

◆200915 STL.News https://bit.ly/2FySM4H
US Department of State: Deputy Secretary Biegun’s Participation in the First U.S.-Mekong Partnership Min ...
The United States, represented at the first U.S.-Mekong Partnership Ministerial Meeting by Deputy Secretary of State ... to counter transnational crime ($55 million), to develop energy markets under Asia EDGE ($33 million), and to counter ...

◆200915 benarnews https://bit.ly/2DZT9Vi
Thailand: Authorities Summon University Execs to Discuss ...
Thailand's Interior Ministry has summoned university administrators from across the nation to discuss concerns about student protesters seeking to reduce the power of the monarchy, according to a letter seen by BenarNews. The meeting ...

◆200915 PV-Tech https://bit.ly/3kkY8zg
JinkoSolar supplies 611MW of modules for Vietnamese project
JinkoSolar has supplied more than 600MW of modules for a utility-scale solar farm in Vietnam. A total of 611MW of Jinko's Tiger bifacial modules featuring transparent backsheets were supplied to the Thuan Nam solar power project in Vietnam, ... UPC-AC Energy is a joint venture between UPC Renewables and AC Energy which has a pipeline of more than 1GW of ... Installation - Renewable Heat/Solar Thermal, ,, Installation - Residential Storage, ,, Installation - Roofing Contractor ...

◆200915 AsiaNews https://bit.ly/32vupxN
VIETNAM ? UNITED STATES Economics and water ...
Hanoi (AsiaNews) ? The Mekong-US Partnership (MUSP) between the United States and countries in the downstream of Mekong River seeks to promote greater economic ties, better water and natural resource management, more effective ...

◆200915 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3hxqCnE
Cambodia sends 218 troops to peacekeeping mission in Mali ...
He said that Cambodia takes COVID-19 transmission seriously and will take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus and protect the peacekeepers. He said the NCPF also reminds all Cambodian forces who are on overseas ...

◆200915 UCAN https://bit.ly/2RsCGfy
A dead river in Myanmar's mountains - ucanews.com ...
... c Copyright 2020, Union of Catholic Asian News Limited. All rights reserved. Except for any fair dealing permitted under the Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior ...

◆200915 pna.gov.ph https://bit.ly/3hxyLZw
DOE clears bidders for oil exploration in WPS
MANILA ? The Department of Energy (DOE) has opened the bids submitted by parties interested to explore untapped ... compared to the annual exploration activities of Vietnam at 24, Myanmar at 29, Thailand at 594, and Indonesia at 900. Bolstering the oil and gas exploration will help the country to meet its power requirement of 43,765 megawatts by 2040, he said. ... PH gets P336-M from EU for sustainable energy projects ・ Better policies seen to drive renewable energy growth.

◆200915 benarnews https://bit.ly/32v3emD
Pompeo Says Chinese Companies Follow Predatory ...
... Monday said China's state-owned companies engage in predatory business practices in the Mekong River region and the Chinese ... It should include water and water-related data, as well as land use, and dam construction and operation data. ... Countries of the Mekong ? Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam ? “deserve good partners,” Pompeo said. ... to improving energy infrastructure and markets in the Mekong region, and $2 million to counter trafficking in persons.

◆200915 Kashmir Observer https://bit.ly/2RpLSkC
Dragon is the New Economic Superpower
China, as the world's largest importer of oil, will be able to diversify its sources of petroleum as a consequence of several bilateral BRI ... Beijing has invested in Zimbabwe in Africa, Laos in Southeast Asia, and Venezuela in South America.

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3c2ADrR
中国の「ワクチン外交」は世界に災いをもたらす 安全性・有効性に問題ありでも日本に売り込み(デイリー新潮)
中国は新型コロナウイルスの感染が世界的に拡大した今年2月に、世界各国にマスクと防護服など医療物資を送る ... 今年6月、習近平国家主席は中国・アフリカ防疫団結テレビ会議で「中国がワクチンを開発すればアフリカ諸国に率先して恩恵 ...

◆200916 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/2FGkKeR
こうした文脈において、一帯一路の野心的なプロジェクトとして出ているのが、マレー半島で最も狭いタイ南部のクラ地峡に運河を建設し、中国からインド洋への第二の海路を開く計画である。この運河ができれば、インド洋、アフリカ、中東 ...

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2ZCIWpq
決して忘れてはならない「中国の香港弾圧を支持した53カ国 ...
スイスで今年6月に開かれた国連人権理事会で、中国による香港国家安全維持法導入の賛否が問われ、「中国に反対」が日本や欧州などの27カ国だったのに対し、「 ... アジア=中国、北朝鮮、カンボジア、スリランカ、ネパール、パキスタン、ミャンマー、ラオス ... 中東=アラブ首長国連邦、イエメン、イラク、イラン、オマーン、クウェート、サウジアラビア、シリア、バーレーン、レバノン、パレスチナ ... 第二に、多くが中国の巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」の参加国である点だ。

◆200916 JBpress https://bit.ly/3hDRfHI
新型コロナウイルスによる世界全体での移動規制、貿易問題に始まった米中間の対立などで、世界各国は9月からもう一つ新しい変化に直面しています。それは、中国からの留学生たちです。 日本では多くの学校の学期が4月開始ですが、世界 ...

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2E5i0Ht
中国側が最も懸念するのは日米が結束して対中圧力を強める事態で、特に米国の中距離弾道ミサイルが日本に配備されるかを注視している。 菅氏は総裁選で、アジア版NATO(北大西洋条約機構)を創設するとの石破茂元幹事長の主張 ...

◆200916 現代ビジネス https://bit.ly/3izNqEP
金正恩、ここへきて北朝鮮の命運を握る「究極の選択」に苦悶 ...
もしバフェットならばこう投資する…! 大原 浩. まるで巨大な赤ん坊…中国人が北欧で起こした「 ...

◆200916 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/3hBhJK2

◆200916 PR TIMES https://bit.ly/2ZJdplL
本案件は、「電源接続案件募集プロセス(栃木県北部・中部エリア)」の制度のもと、発電した電気は東京電力パワーグリッド株式会社にFIT(注1)による20年間の売電を予定しております。 箭坪発電所は、ファーストソーラーが事業運営を ...

◆200916 MONEYzine https://bit.ly/33AtGKK
オリックス、インドの再生可能エネルギー事業者「Greenko ...
オリックスは、インドの大手再生可能エネルギー事業会社であるGreenko Energy Holdings(以下、Greenko)の株式の一部取得について、基本合意書を締結。年内に本契約ならびに株式取得手続きの完了を目指す。 オリックスは、創業者 ...

◆200916 ロイター https://reut.rs/2RuzdwT
[デジョン(韓国) 14日 ロイター] - 韓国政府が先月、拡充した半導体材料の試験施設をお披露目した際に目玉となったのは、サムスン電子005930.KSが格安で売ってくれた最新鋭の露光装置だった。

◆200916 ITmedia https://bit.ly/2FKT9Ja
米、Huawei向け半導体禁輸を強化 スマホ生産に打撃
【ワシントン=塩原永久、北京=三塚聖平】トランプ米政権は15日、中国通信機器大手、Huaweiへの半導体輸出を全面的に禁じる新規制を施行した。従来の輸出規制を強化して汎用(はんよう)品の半導体も禁輸対象とした。Huaweiは中核 ...

◆200916 Business Journal https://bit.ly/2RvsdzY
BP「世界の原油需要80%減」、中国の少子高齢化の衝撃 ... バルキンドOPEC事務局長は声明を出し、「石油市場の秩序と安定を目的とし、役割を拡大してきた」と1960年以来の歩みを讃えたが、米国のシェール革命などによって生じた ...

◆200916 チャイナネット https://on.china.cn/2RvuHhH
中国の電力消費量、1?8月に年内初のプラス成長を実現_中国 ...
国家能源局の発表によると、今年1?8月の中国の全社会電力消費量は4兆7676億kWhで、前年同期比0.5%増だった。全社会電力消費量の下げ幅の縮小が続いた後、年内初のプラス成長となった。同時に第二次産業と第三次産業の電力消費量の ...

◆200916 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3krKsCZ
石油依存の同盟国に痛手. 2020年9月16日 0:00 [有料会員限定記事].

◆200916 WIRED.jp https://bit.ly/3krKr1T
中国の通信機器大手であるファーウェイ(華為技術)は米国の制裁措置により、最新の製造技術でつくられたチップを購入できない状態にある。アーム製品が利用できないとなれば、さらなる圧力になるだろう。 今回の買収はまた、AIと ...

◆200916 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3bZtWHe
【9月15日 Xinhua News】中国の8月の乗用車販売台数は前年同月比8・9%増の170万3千台、1?8月の販売台数累計は前年同期比15・2%減の1101万4千台だった。うち新エネルギー車(NEV)の販売は急増、8月の新エネルギー乗用車卸売 ...

◆200916 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3kgNmtS
半導体輸出4割が対中国、華為制裁で打撃も 韓国・IT・通信
15日に発効された米国政府による中国の華為技術(ファーウェイ)に対する制裁で、韓国の半導体産業が深刻な打撃を受ける可能性が現実味を増してきた。韓国の半導体輸出に占める中国向けの比率は4割超に上っているためだ。 韓国貿易 ...

◆200916 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/3mq6ho9
China's Oil Demand Recovery May Be More Impressive Than Thought
Learn how energy insiders think. Receive our cutting-edge 3-part investor education series for FREE; PLUS, get our Weekly Intelligence Report to stay one step ahead of the markets ...

◆200916 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/33waluu
The Latest Threat For China's Natural Gas Demand
A drive to cut electricity prices for end-users has prompted Beijing to reduce gas-fired power plant tariffs, which has ... utilization rates fall because of the low tariffs, in some cases almost as low as those for coal-fired plants?the cheapest ones.

◆200916 Rigzone https://bit.ly/33y9Csz
China Oil Appetite Probably Bigger Than It Looks
Chinese fuel consumption was already back at year-earlier levels in May, Fairy Wang Pei, head of the research and strategy department at Unipec, said at the Platts APPEC 2020 conference. However, purchases of light-cycle oil and mixed ...

◆200916 JAPAN Forward https://bit.ly/2FGii89
Missile and Nuclear Proliferation Networks Linked to China Continue to Threaten It’s Neighbors
This brings to light the deeper linkages and nexus of North Korea with China, and the illicit nuclear and missile web that Beijing ran across Northeast Asia and South Asia with North Korea and Pakistan as its primary “client” states. China At the ...

◆200916 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/2FH8qe2
【9月15日 AFP】インドネシア外務省は14日、リアウ(Riau)諸島州付近の同国領海に先週、中国海警局(沿岸警備隊)の船艇が侵入したことに対し、中国政府に抗議したことを明らかにした。 リアウ諸島州に近いインドネシアの排他的経済 ...

◆200916 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2FJsKMc
首都の社会制限、10月11日まで自動延長も可 インドネシア ...
インドネシア首都ジャカルタ特別州は、14日から強化した新型コロナウイルス対策の「大規模な社会的制限(PSBB)」の実施期間について、新規感染者数が大きく変動しない場合には、10月11日までさらに2週間、自動的に延長する方針 ...

◆200916 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3iCpbFX
JICA、保健省と感染症対応能力強化へ インドネシア ...

◆200916 Business Journal https://bit.ly/3ms0fmL
韓国とフィリピンのインターネットユーザーの間で突如、激しい罵り合いが発生し、火花がネット上のみならず、社会問題にまで波及しそうな気配がある。 事の発端は、フィリピンで人気のインフルエンサーが自身のタトゥーをTikTok上で ...

◆200916 newsclip.be https://bit.ly/35FB9ev
フィリピンにスタンバイ円借款500億円 災害復旧・感染症対策 ...
フィリピンは面積約30万平方キロ(日本の約8割)、人口約1億98万人(2015年、フィリピン国勢調査)、1人当たりの国民総所得(GNI)3850ドル(2019年、世界銀行)。 《newsclip》. SHARE THIS ENTRY ...

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2FFtXUI
フィリピンの不動産開発会社フィリピン・インフラデブ・ホールディングス(PIHI)は、マニラ首都圏マカティ市での地下鉄建設について、フィリピン政府が新型コロナウイルスの水際対策で実施している外国人への渡航制限により着工 ...

◆200916 Sputnik 日本 https://bit.ly/32yLU09
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は14日、新型コロナウイルスのワクチンについて、ロシア製及び中国製のワクチンを優先的に購入する意向を表した。ドゥテルテ大統領は、ロシア製と中国製のワクチンは前払い金を必要としない点で西側の ...

◆200916 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/33qCHGc
アルソンズ、水力発電事業で10億ペソ調達 フィリピン・電力 ...
フィリピンの投資持ち株会社アルソンズ・コンソリデーテッド・リソーシズ(ACR)は14日、10億ペソ(約21億円)相当のコマーシャルペーパー(CP、企業による無担保約束手形)を発行したと発表した。調達した資金は水力発電事業に ...

◆200916 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3bZY2uf
エネ省、油田探査4鉱区の落札者公表 フィリピン・天然資源
クシ・エネルギー相によると、フィリピンは油田探査・開発分野で東南アジアの周辺国に後れを取っている。石油・ガス探査の促進により、国内の電力需要の拡大に対応したい考えだ。 関連国・地域: ...

◆200916 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/2FIY51b
Indonesian coal firms turn to local market as exports flatten
Domestic consumption will be mainly driven by a new wave of coal-fired power plants (PLTU) being developed by state-owned electricity company PLN, the roadmap shows. “It's gonna be a huge demand setter,” said James Stevenson, senior ...

◆200916 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2E4fRf0
Dream state: Jokowi struggles to build his vision for Indonesia
When Indonesian President Joko Widodo decided last year to pursue outlandish plans to build a new capital city in ... foreign governments are also counting on Jokowi to build Indonesia into a wealthier, more diplomatically active power that can ... That was nothing compared to the Jatigede Dam in West Java, delayed for similar reasons for 40 years -- until the ... of commodity price-fueled growth, as China's demand for Indonesian coal, rubber, and palm oil surged in the mid-2000s.

◆200916 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3iC2PUX
Indonesian patrol confronts Chinese ship in economic zone
Indonesia does not have a territorial claim to the South China Sea, but a section of Indonesia's exclusive economic zone that includes natural gas fields lies within China's "nine-dash line." Chinese ships have regularly entered the area ...

◆200916 ANTARA https://bit.ly/3c3cJwH
Government to issue new regulation on EBT-based electricity tariff
New and renewable energy (EBT) is the attraction, while on the other hand, the production cost of this energy is still high. ... Jakarta (ANTARA) - Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif plans on issuing a regulation for improving ... Related news: Indonesia, Australia cooperate on renewable energy development ... We have geothermal, solar, biomass, and hydro energy sources, but they had yet to be utilized optimally. ... MRT plans to power trains with renewable energy.

◆200916 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/33s9YB2
Philippines gets energy exploration offers for 3 sites in disputed waters
Oracle Utilities. Oil & Gas ・ Coal ・ Power ・ Renewable ・ Environment ・ Economy ・ Companies ・ People Movement ・ Financial Results ・ The Energy Switch; More. x. Energy News ・ Latest Energy News ・ Oil & Gas ...

◆200916 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2ZEonZC
Dennis Uy eyeing oil/gas exploration in conflict-ridden West Philippine Sea
Davao businessman Dennis Uy is setting his sights next on oil and gas exploration ventures at the West Philippine Sea, primarily at the Recto ... The other offers cornered by the DOE were from Troika Giant Power Corporation for nominated area No. ... The energy department earlier stated three of the nominated blocks straddle “conflict areas” in the West Philippine Sea, but the Philippine government ...

◆200916 Philippine Star https://bit.ly/3c4hLcb
MVP, Dennis Uy firms bid for WPS petroleum blocks
MANILA, Philippines ? Energy companies led by business titans Manuel V. Pangilinan and Davao's Dennis Uy are among those that expressed ... Meanwhile, Troika Giant Power Corp. passed its bid application for Area 5 located in the Mindoro-Cuyo Basin. ... independence as it facilitates the exploration and development of indigenous energy resources, and revitalize the upstream oil and gas sector.

◆200916 Philippine Star https://bit.ly/35BQUTH
Duterte urges nations to reject war, eliminate nuclear weapons
MANILA, Philippines ? President Rodrigo Duterte has urged nations to shun war, work for peace, and eliminate ... "Seventy five years ago, the world learned that the full power of nuclear weapons was finally unleashed on the people of ...

◆200916 manilastandard.net https://bit.ly/32zlOdu
Eliminate nuclear weapons?Du30
President Rodrigo Duterte has called on all nations to reject war and eliminate nuclear weapon, saying nuclear weapons will not make ... “Seventy-five years ago, the world learned that the full power of nuclear weapons was finally unleashed on the people of Hiroshima. ... “With our meaningful shared history, the Philippines and Japan have continued to do our utmost to fortify the foundations of peace, ...

◆200915 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/33szard
米がメコン川流域5か国に160億円拠出表明 中国けん制

◆200915 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3klYSo7
「日系企業の牙城」タイで静かに進む地殻変動(JBpress ...
近年は、「チャイナプラスワン」としてタイ進出ブームが起こり、2012年には5万5634人と前年比で11%も増えた。 文部科学省によれば、2020年4月時点で世界に日本人学校は95校あると言うが、バンコク日本人学校 ...

◆200915 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/32uYw8r
タイ政府、大学当局通じて学生の王室改革要求抑え込みへ 19日の反政府集会を前に
タイ政府の意向を受けた各県知事が大学当局を通じて、学生に王室改革の要求を取り下げさせることを目指している。サムチャイ・サワングカルン上院議員が13日、ロイターに語った。 同国では7月半ば以降、軍を後ろ盾とするプラユット首相 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3muiF6L
エネ省、新電力計画で容量200万kW削減へ タイ・電力・ガス ...
タイのエネルギー省は、今年末に新たな電力開発計画(PDP2022)の策定に着手することを検討している。新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響を反映させるためで、発電容量を200万キロワット(kW)縮小させる見通し。同省情報筋の話 ...

◆200915 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/2GRf1mP
市場調査会社ユーロモニター・インターナショナル(Euromonitor International)によると、ベトナムでの合併・買収(M&A)取引が急速に増加しており、伸び率は米国に次ぐ2位となる見通し。新型コロナ禍や米中貿易摩擦の影響により、中国以外 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/35xUMFf
カンポット州、大型の不動産開発計画を検討 カンボジア ...
カンボジアの南部カンポット州で、投資総額2,480万米ドル(約26億3,000万円)規模の不動産開発計画が浮上している。対象地域は同州カンポントラッチ地区の広さ42ヘクタールの土地で、地場不動産開発企業ゴールド・コースト・ ...

◆200915 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3bWRsV8
中国に傾くカンボジア、EU制裁を穴埋めできる? アジア総局長 高橋徹. 2020年9月15日 0:00 [有料会員限定記事]. 印刷する. 全て表示. カンボジアはわずか半年間の交渉で、中国とのFTAに合意した( ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/33wOjHZ
ア開銀、送電線架設などに1.3億ドル融資 カンボジア・電力 ...
カンボジア電力公社(EDC)が手掛ける事業を支援する目的だ。クメール・タイムズ(電子版)が伝えた。 EDCは、首都プノンペンと中部コンポンチュナン、南東部コンポンチャム、南部タケオ各州の4 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/35D1ERt
安保理8カ国、ラカインでの平等な選挙要請 ミャンマー・政治
国連安全保障理事会の理事国8カ国は11日、11月8日にミャンマーで実施される総選挙について、西部ラカイン州で平等な投票が行われることなどを求める声明を共同で発表した。 声明は米国、英国、フランス、ドイツ、ベルギー、 ...

◆200915 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/3c0QAyJ
ハンタワディ国際空港建設に向け日本政府と3項目で合意 ? MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
ハンタワディ国際空港の建設計画に関し、日本・ミャンマー両政府の間で3項目の合意事項が確認されていることがわかった。ハンタワディ国際空港建設計画実行委員会の2回目の会議でヘンリー・バンティーユ副大統領が発表したもの。7Day ...

◆200915 ハンガリー、ラオスで9事業を支援へ ラオス・マクロ・統計 ...https://bit.ly/32va2k7
ラオスとハンガリーの両政府は11日、ラオスの社会経済開発を支援するためにハンガリー企業が実施する9事業について、首都ビエンチャンで契約書を締結した。9件の事業規模は計2億米ドル(約212億円)。ビエンチャン・タイムズ(電子 ...

◆200915 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/2FDT2z6
中国・ラオス鉄道のトンネル、1543日かけてついに貫通. 2020-09-14 13:46 CRI. 9月13日午前、中老昆万(中国・ラオス、昆明・ビエンチャン)鉄道友誼トンネルは、1200人余りの労働者による1543日間の刻苦奮闘の末に無事貫通しました。

◆200915 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/2FxmBmr
Mekong-US Partnership heralds united future
Whether you are negotiating a high-stakes business deal or building a regional power grid, success hinges on the ... In upgrading our efforts with the Mekong-US Partnership, the United States will support even greater connectivity and ... I recently spoke with Thailand's newly appointed Energy Minister, Supattanapong Punmeechaow, who outlined ... For example, the Japan-US-Mekong Power Partnership provides Mekong countries with resources to increase regional electricity trade, ...

◆200915 AsiaNews https://bit.ly/2H0DKFw
VIETNAM ? UNITED STATES Economics and water ...
Hanoi (AsiaNews) ? The Mekong-US Partnership (MUSP) between the United States and countries in the downstream of Mekong River seeks to promote greater economic ties, better water and natural resource management, more effective ...

◆200915 Mirage News https://bit.ly/2FyQX7Q
Launch of Mekong-U.S. Partnership: Expanding U.S. ...
Through the Japan-U.S.-Mekong Power Partnership (JUMPP), the United States is providing technical and advisory support to ... Our assistance has helped countries increase their use of renewable energy, promote cross-border electricity trade, ... electric utility on establishing an energy trading company and on preparing for third-party access to transmission. ... dam operations had manipulated natural river flows in the Mekong River, generating widespread media attention and ...

◆200915 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/35FCK3N
How Meaningful is the New US-Mekong Partnership?
In announcing the new Mekong-U.S. Partnership at a meeting in Hanoi, the U.S. State Department pledged at least ... Beginning high up in the Tibetan Plateau inside China, the 4,350-kilometer Mekong River winds its way through all five ... In April, a report released by the U.S.-based research and consulting company Eyes on Earth, concluded that the dam ... For the U.S., on the other hand, it is just one of many far-flung regions in which it is seeking to counter China's rising power.

◆200915 Science Daily https://bit.ly/2ZAuK00
Dams exacerbate the consequences of climate change on ...
May 31, 2018 ? Farmers and anglers in Cambodia depend on the Mekong River's predictable seasonal patterns, but new dams for hydroelectricity are altering the hydrology of the river. These changes have the potential ... Mapping Movements ...

◆200915 Asia Times https://bit.ly/33mMtco
Laos the latest China debt trap victim
Laos has borrowed heavily to invest in several Mekong River hydropower projects as well as the $6 billion high-speed rail project, a key ... Xinhua also quoted Khammany Inthirath, Lao minister for energy and mines, as saying that China Southern Power Grid Company's ... China's taking over Laos' electricity sector in lieu of paying debts has shown other regional countries the risks of BRI debt traps, few ...

◆200915 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3kfYnvE
New industrial estate in Thailand to become logistics center in ...
Thai goods cargoes will be transported from the Udon Thani industrial estate across the Mekong River to the Lao capital Vientiane and then to Vietnam, according to the IEAT governor. The Udon Thani industrial estate, which will be the 16th ...

◆200915 STL.News https://bit.ly/2FySM4H
US Department of State: Deputy Secretary Biegun’s Participation in the First U.S.-Mekong Partnership Min ...
The United States, represented at the first U.S.-Mekong Partnership Ministerial Meeting by Deputy Secretary of State ... to counter transnational crime ($55 million), to develop energy markets under Asia EDGE ($33 million), and to counter ...

◆200915 benarnews https://bit.ly/2DZT9Vi
Thailand: Authorities Summon University Execs to Discuss ...
Thailand's Interior Ministry has summoned university administrators from across the nation to discuss concerns about student protesters seeking to reduce the power of the monarchy, according to a letter seen by BenarNews. The meeting ...

◆200915 PV-Tech https://bit.ly/3kkY8zg
JinkoSolar supplies 611MW of modules for Vietnamese project
JinkoSolar has supplied more than 600MW of modules for a utility-scale solar farm in Vietnam. A total of 611MW of Jinko's Tiger bifacial modules featuring transparent backsheets were supplied to the Thuan Nam solar power project in Vietnam, ... UPC-AC Energy is a joint venture between UPC Renewables and AC Energy which has a pipeline of more than 1GW of ... Installation - Renewable Heat/Solar Thermal, ,, Installation - Residential Storage, ,, Installation - Roofing Contractor ...

◆200915 AsiaNews https://bit.ly/32vupxN
VIETNAM ? UNITED STATES Economics and water ...
Hanoi (AsiaNews) ? The Mekong-US Partnership (MUSP) between the United States and countries in the downstream of Mekong River seeks to promote greater economic ties, better water and natural resource management, more effective ...

◆200915 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3hxqCnE
Cambodia sends 218 troops to peacekeeping mission in Mali ...
He said that Cambodia takes COVID-19 transmission seriously and will take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus and protect the peacekeepers. He said the NCPF also reminds all Cambodian forces who are on overseas ...

◆200915 UCAN https://bit.ly/2RsCGfy
A dead river in Myanmar's mountains - ucanews.com ...
... c Copyright 2020, Union of Catholic Asian News Limited. All rights reserved. Except for any fair dealing permitted under the Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior ...

◆200915 pna.gov.ph https://bit.ly/3hxyLZw
DOE clears bidders for oil exploration in WPS
MANILA ? The Department of Energy (DOE) has opened the bids submitted by parties interested to explore untapped ... compared to the annual exploration activities of Vietnam at 24, Myanmar at 29, Thailand at 594, and Indonesia at 900. Bolstering the oil and gas exploration will help the country to meet its power requirement of 43,765 megawatts by 2040, he said. ... PH gets P336-M from EU for sustainable energy projects ・ Better policies seen to drive renewable energy growth.

◆200915 benarnews https://bit.ly/32v3emD
Pompeo Says Chinese Companies Follow Predatory ...
... Monday said China's state-owned companies engage in predatory business practices in the Mekong River region and the Chinese ... It should include water and water-related data, as well as land use, and dam construction and operation data. ... Countries of the Mekong ? Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam ? “deserve good partners,” Pompeo said. ... to improving energy infrastructure and markets in the Mekong region, and $2 million to counter trafficking in persons.

◆200915 Kashmir Observer https://bit.ly/2RpLSkC
Dragon is the New Economic Superpower
China, as the world's largest importer of oil, will be able to diversify its sources of petroleum as a consequence of several bilateral BRI ... Beijing has invested in Zimbabwe in Africa, Laos in Southeast Asia, and Venezuela in South America.

◆200916 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3kmGVFP
中国、ヒマラヤ国境係争地帯に光ケーブル敷設 紛争長期化に備え通信網増強か=インド政府筋
中国軍がインド国境の係争地帯で光ファイバーケーブル網を敷設していると、インド政府当局者2人が明らかにした。両国の外相は先週、ヒマラヤの係争地での緊張を緩和することで合意したが、通信網の敷設は中国が長期戦に備えている可能 ...

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/33Ax2O7
中国との国境に派遣されたインド軍の秘密部隊はチベット人部隊だった(BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN)
8月下旬、インド軍と中国軍が、紛争中のヒマラヤ山脈の国境地帯で衝突した。 今回の衝突では、中国による支配に反対するチベット人を中心とする秘密部隊、インドの特殊フロンティア軍(SFF)の兵士1人が死亡、1人が負傷した。

◆200916 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2ZXIoLd
新型コロナウイルス禍による景気低迷から立ち直るためグローバル企業の誘致を図っているモディ首相にとっては打撃となる。 トヨタのインド法人 トヨタ・キルロスカ・モーターのバイスチェアマン、シェカール・ビスワナタン氏は、政府が ...

◆200916 MONEYzine https://bit.ly/2ZEcS4o
オリックス、インドの再生可能エネルギー事業者「Greenko ...
年内に本契約ならびに株式取得手続きの完了を目指す。 オリックスは、創業者グループからGreenkoの発行済株式を取得するとともに、オリックスが現在インドで運営する風力発電事業のすべて ...

◆200916 地震NEWS(合同会社イイチロ) https://bit.ly/3hAZdBg
ネパールにおける今回の地震について. 日本時間2020年09月16日08:34 M5.3 ネパール(深さ約10km). ネパールでは今年、M5.

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2ZG5tl7
中国の「ワクチン外交」は世界に災いをもたらす 安全性・有効性に問題ありでも日本に売り込み(デイリー新潮)
王毅外相も7月に開催された中国、アフガニスタン、ネパール、パキスタン4カ国外相テレビ会議で「中国のワクチンが容易に提供されるようにする」と述べている。 中国のワクチン開発企業は、ブラジル、サウジアラビア、メキシコ、 ...

◆200916 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/3hCWiIm
LACでインドと中国の間の緊張の中で、中国はブータン国境でPLA軍を動員しました。 インドとの緊張の中で、ブータンに対する中国の邪眼、国境沿いの軍隊の動員
インドとの緊張の中で、ブータンに対する中国の邪眼、国境沿いの軍隊の動員. mj 9月 15, 2020.

◆200916 Observer Research Foundation https://bit.ly/2ZCxsCk
Retreating Glaciers and Water Flows in the Himalayas: Implications for Governance
Attribution: Anjal Prakash, “Retreating Glaciers and Water Flows in the Himalayas: Implications for Governance,” ORF Issue Brief No. ... It is the source of ten major Asian river systems, including the Indus, Ganges, and the Brahmaputra. Some 1.3 billion people directly depend on the HKH ecosystems, including for irrigation, power, and drinking water. ... “Food, water, and energy security in South Asia: A nexus perspective from the Hindu Kush Himalayan region,” Environmental Science ...

◆200916 The Citizen https://bit.ly/33wNVcr
Global Warming - Glacial Lakes in the Himalayas At Risk of ...
KATHMANDU: A new report out this week warns that hundreds of glacial lakes in the Himalaya are in danger of ... Of these, 42 lakes are on the Kosi River basin in eastern Nepal, three are on the Gandaki and two on the Karnali watersheds.

◆200916 Pakistan Observer https://bit.ly/3c2XvaM
Indus River drops to low flood
Indus River water level still rising at Kotri Barrage while receding at Guddu and Sukkur. According to Flood Forecasting Division based in Lahore, inflow of Indus at Guddu Barrage has been 182,000 cusecs, while the water discharge has been ...

◆200916 Asia Times https://bit.ly/2RIpdR3
Ladakh incursion may be linked to water security
China could be trying to expand strategic buffer around key river systems originating in Tibet, says analyst ... The many rivers originating in Tibet include China's Yangtze and Yellow rivers, the Salween, Irrawaddy and Mekong of Southeast Asia, and South Asia's Indus and Satluj. ... The water security issue aside, the Chinese see India emerging as an economic and military power and a potential rival for ...

◆200916 haveeruonline https://bit.ly/35BJxvv
India and China install cables to enhance communications at ...
The Indus River flows through Leh in the Ladakh region on September 14, 2020. ... The two sides accused each other of expanding the most serious confrontation on the border between neighbors armed with nuclear weapons for decades.

◆200916 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2Rwb9tG
IRSA releases 190,600 cusecs water
Indus River System Authority (IRSA) on Tuesday released 190,600 cusecs water from various rim stations against inflow of ... Water inflow and outflow in Tarbela dam dam was recorded as 98,200 cusecs and 97,500 cusecs respectively.

◆200916 Business Recorder https://bit.ly/2E7Nwoc
New city: Civil society rejects construction on twin islands
They criticized the federal government's proposal to create Pakistan Islands Development Authority to develop the islands. There are around 300 small and big islands in Sindh's coastal belt that were made by the River Indus over the period with ...

◆200916 newagebd.net https://bit.ly/32xYtIS
Fresh flood strikes north as India opens barrage
About 50 houses were lost to erosion in Lalmonirhat as the trans-boundary river Dharla spilled its banks again on ... The FFWC said that the Brahmaputra rose over the 24 hours until 9:00am on Tuesday and the swelling of the river might ...

◆200916 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/2ZGGSNn
When India and China talked
In the Qingdao Agreement, India succeeded in persuading the upper-riparian “parent” to view the river downstream non-hegemonically. This was a gain for gravitational and ecological intelligence for both nations, faced with what Ma Jun, ...

◆200916 Energy Live News - Energy Made Easy https://bit.ly/3iv50tw
ENGIE secures $65m loan to expand renewable energy ...
ENGIE has secured a $65.5 million (£51.1m) loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to construct and operate a 200MW solar photovoltaic power plant at Raghanesda Solar Park in India's Western state of Gujarat. The company will ...

◆200916 Financial Express https://bit.ly/35D5Hxm
India’s oil and gas import to double by 2050: BP Energy Outlook
According to BP Energy Outlook 2050, the growth of energy consumption in the emerging economies will be led by India, ... forward as gas-based power plants will play a major role in balancing the rising share of renewable energy, which is uncertain and intermittent. ... Electricity consumption in the country is seen to increase robustly at 4-4.6% per annum over 2050, as “improving ... Another 45.7 GW and 6.8 GW power come from nonpolluting sources such as hydro and nuclear.

◆200916 The Asset https://bit.ly/3mmzz74
Orix to acquire 20% stake in India's Greenko Energy
Tokyo-based Orix Corporation has agreed to acquire a 20% stake in Indian renewables company Greenko Energy Holdings ... electricity from renewable sources that is not affected by the weather, at costs equivalent to thermal power stations and ... This is achieved by combining renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, with pumping-storage hydro. ... to build, operate high-speed rail in Egypt ・ Hanlim Power plans 4.8GW combined-cycle gas turbine plant in Indonesia.

◆200916 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/32yDCFt
Hydro power requires $100 bn investment annually: Roger Gill, International Hydropower Association
We think the decarbonisation of the world's energy resource base can be substantially fulfilled with the combination of hydro, wind and solar power. I am very pleased that India has now formally established hydropower as renewable and is ...

◆200916 The News International https://bit.ly/2FGbB61
Pakistans oil reserves diminish to 540mln barrels
Pakistan's gas reserves have remained unchanged in the last six months despite production of 634 bcf. This is largely due to upward revision in Shahdadpur (operated by Pakistan Petroleum Limited) by 332.5 bcf, Miano (OMV) by 149 bcf, ...

◆200916 MENAFN.COM https://bit.ly/3c42w36
Pakistan- Power supply to all filling stations disconnected in ...
KHAR: The Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) officials have disconnected the power supply to all the filling stations of Bajaur tribal district over their refusal to install electricity metres. The Wapda authorities say electricity metres ...

◆200916 JAPAN Forward https://bit.ly/35IGsJY
Missile and Nuclear Proliferation Networks Linked to China Continue to Threaten It’s Neighbors
This brings to light the deeper linkages and nexus of North Korea with China, and the illicit nuclear and missile web that Beijing ran across Northeast Asia and South Asia with North Korea and Pakistan as its primary “client” states.

◆200916 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/2H6198v
OPINION: Addressing the power sector’s Achilles heel
Power generation companies procure coal from government owned coal companies or procure imported coal. Typically, this payment is ... It is worth mentioning that power generation from sources such as renewable energy and hydro are also impacted by this non-payment but the majority of the build-up is for thermal generators. Discoms further sell ... Herein is the biggest challenge the sector faces ? revenues are unable to cover for even the cost of electricity procured. We are yet to ...

◆200916 Eco-Business https://bit.ly/32wf2oL
Golden langurs killed by people, roads and power lines in ...
There are about 6,000 golden langurs in Bhutan and over 5,000 in Assam, in north-east India, according to the most recent estimates. ... has resulted in langurs being killed by people and dogs or succumbing to electrocution when jumping onto power lines,” Thinley said. ... A number of bridges built over the Mangdechhu river in the eastern part of the habitat have created corridors, allowing cross-breeding ... Indonesia dam builder rebuffs new study to assess impact on orangutans.

◆200916 DNA India https://bit.ly/3mpc1hL
Amid LAC row, China deploys PLA troops at Bhutan border
“19th-century British travel maps show the boundary alignment as Batang la-Merug la-Sinche la and onto Amochu river, which would make Batang la the tri-junction, as contended by Bhutan and India. This is in accordance with the ...

◆200916 News18 https://bit.ly/2H69Pf9
Transboundary Cooperation: A Step Necessary to Pull Flood-prone Parts of India Out of Troubled Waters
The Ganga and Brahmaputra river systems are part of the larger Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna river basin which covers India, China, Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan. The transboundary nature of the river system has major implications on people, economy, and socio-political setup in the region. ... The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), supported by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) recently launched a Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) for Guwahati, ...

◆200916 MENAFN.COM https://bit.ly/2Rxox0u
Fuel patches seen off Sri Lanka's coast as fire is extinguished ...
(MENAFN - NewsIn.Asia) COLOMBO, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) ? Last Thursday, the Sri Lanka Navy said that the crude oil tanks on board the MT New Diamond oil tanker which caught fire in Sri Lanka's eastern seas remained unharmed and the fire ...

◆200916 Ceylon Daily News https://bit.ly/3msXm5d
Extracting oil, natural gas possible in my tenure - Minister
Energy Minister Udaya Gammanpila said extraction of petroleum oil or natural gas in Sri Lanka will begin before he contests the next Parliamentary election. Sri Lanka has oil and gas sources discovered. If the production of oil within the ...

◆200918 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/35LnbaX
「中国に謝罪した外国企業は82.7%」──屈辱の数字を ...

◆200918 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/2FJ4TMu
Zhou Bo(清華大学国際安全保障・戦略センター上級フェロー)が、8月25日付の英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙に「中米軍事紛争のリスクは憂慮すべきほど高い。米国と中国は南シナ海でその面子を保つ軍事行動のパターンに落ちいってい ...

◆200918 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3hOeBe0
最近よく聞く「中国が食糧危機に陥る」説は本当か ...
(3)サバクトビバッタの異常繁殖によって南部の穀倉地帯が被害を受けた。 (4)米中対立により食糧の輸入が難しくなった。 以上のニュースが流れている最中に、習近平政権が食べ ...

◆200918 JBpress https://bit.ly/2RPXNJ3
南シナ海の南端に位置するインドネシアのリアウ諸島州ナツナ諸島周辺にあるインドネシアの排他的経済水域(EEZ)に中国の公船が侵入して、インドネシア側の警告を無視して居続ける事案が発生していたことがインドネシア海上治安当局の ...

◆200918 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/3ktLdLw
中国のコロナワクチン外交が正念場?共同購入枠組みの加入 ...
中国のワクチン外交が正念場を迎えている。世界保健機関(WHO)などが推進する新型コロナウイルスワクチン共同購入の国際的枠組み「 COVAXファシリティー」への正式加入期限である18日が迫っているためだ。 180億ドル(約1 ...

◆200918 株探ニュース https://bit.ly/3c9SXPT
【中国問題グローバル研究所】は、中国の国際関係や経済などの現状、今後の動向について研究するグローバルシンクタンク。 ... 欧州内部の足並みを乱す上での中国の最大の成果は、中国流のグローバリゼーションである「一帯一路構想」に ...

◆200918 ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 https://on.wsj.com/2Fxs50F
国際エネルギー機関(IEA)と石油輸出国機構(OPEC)は8月、世界的な回復を予測した後、需要見通しを引き下げた。そして今週公表された報告書ではさらに下方修正している。OPECの最新の見通しは今年最も弱気なもので、前年比で日 ...

◆200918 リム情報開発 https://bit.ly/3mwfvix
中国=石油大手3社の2020年前半の業績を発表|海外支店便り ...
中国国営石油の中国石油天然気(CNPC)、中国石化(SINOPEC)および中国海洋石油(CNOOC)がこのほど、2020年前半の業績報告をそれぞれ発表した。CNPCとSINOPECの純損失は合計528億元を超えたが、CNOOCは前年同期比65.7%減少 ...

◆200918 朝日新聞デジタル版 https://bit.ly/3iCsBZn
息吹き返したダム計画 11年前「白紙」→今「選択肢」
記録的豪雨に見舞われた熊本県で、国が11年前に中止した川辺川ダムの建設計画がにわかに息を吹き返しつつある。国は、ダムがあれば浸水した地域の最大水量を約4割減らせたとする試算を発表。推進派の流域首長らが勢いづくなか、国に ...

◆200918 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2RC3Gt3
脱炭素とエネルギー政策(2) 変容するエネルギー安保
過去30年、世界ではエネルギー安全保障に関わる大きな出来事が相次ぎました。米ソ冷戦の終結、グローバリゼーションの進展、東日本大震災・原発事故、そして新型コロナウイルス危機などです。経済学者J・K・ガ ...

◆200918 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2FEPflD
中国、クリーンエネルギー目標の強化検討?来年からの次期5 ...
中国は2021年に始まる次期5カ年計画で、クリーンエネルギーの採用を加速させる案を検討している。温室効果ガスの排出削減に向けた措置を講じる。 中国は現在、1次エネルギー消費に占める非化石燃料の割合を2030年までに最大20%へ ...

◆200918 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/2RDr0a0
ダウェー経済特区に中国企業が石油精製工場を提案 ? MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
ダウェー経済特区管理委員会のトゥン・ナイン議長(電力・エネルギー省副大臣)が発表したもの。7Day Dailyが伝えた。 これによると、石油精製工場の建設を提案したのは、中国のYunnan Indo-Pacific Group、ZhongAn & ...

◆200918 大紀元 https://bit.ly/3ks8dur
米国司法省は9月15日にプレスリリースを発表し、ニューメキシコ州の重要な国立研究所の科学者であるトラブ・ルックマン(Turab Lookman)氏が中国の「千人計画」への参加について隠ぺいしたとして、 ...
ルックマン氏は1999年以来、米国エネルギー省傘下の国立研究機関「ロスアラモス国立研究所」に勤務している。同研究所は、核兵器設計を専門とする米国の2つの研究所のうちの1つであり、安全保障、宇宙探査、再生可能エネルギー、 ...

◆200918 日経ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/2ZINcDZ
米中対立の主戦場は半導体、分断拡大で「踏み絵」迫られる ...
細川昌彦・明星大学経営学部教授(以下、細川氏):これは、華為技術(ファーウェイ)や5G(高速通信規格)の話と関連しているのですが、今の中国のウイークポイントは半導体です。半導体製造を米国に依存しているからです。今、中国 ...

◆200918 TheArticle https://bit.ly/35KIVDF
China is abandoning clean energy investment. Britain should ...
The money will fund the installation of 47 turbines, which will go a long way towards helping Taiwan achieve its targets of generating 20 per cent of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2025. This touches on another highly sensitive ...

◆200918 The New York Times https://nyti.ms/3cbylXO
U.S. Official Visits Taiwan Amid Rising Tensions With China
The Taiwanese foreign ministry said that the envoy, Keith Krach, under secretary for economic growth, energy and the environment, was the highest-level official from the State Department to visit the island in decades. China, which claims ...

◆200918 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/2ZN0gbo
US envoy to United Nations meets with Taiwan official in NY
She echoed President Donald Trump in pointing to an email alert sent by Taiwan in December that the WHO ignored, warning about person-to-person transmission of the new virus in China, which indicated that the infection was highly ...

◆200918 Bloomberg https://bloom.bg/2EfSy22
China Mulls Stronger Clean Energy Goals For Next Five Years
... secretary general of the China New Energy Investment and Financing Alliance. Promoting renewables at the expense of dirty energy like coal doesn't necessarily mean that consumption of fossil fuels would fall, as total power needs rise as ...

◆200918 Nuclear Engineering https://bit.ly/2EfpPdG
Rolls-Royce to supply pressure transmitters for China's ...
Rolls-Royce has been awarded a multi-million euros contract by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) to provide BiblocR pressure transmitters for Zhangzhou1&2, two new Hualong One reactors under construction in China. As part of ...

◆200918 Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide https://bit.ly/2FL2Jfi
China’s benchmark power coal price edges up
The Bohai-Rim Steam-Coal Price Index (BSPI), a gauge of coal prices in north China's major ports, stood at 547 yuan (about 81 U.S. dollars) per tonne Wednesday, a rise of 3 yuan week on week, according to Qinhuangdao Ocean Shipping ...

◆200918 JBpress https://bit.ly/2FJ0GZc
南シナ海の南端に位置するインドネシアのリアウ諸島州ナツナ諸島周辺にあるインドネシアの排他的経済水域(EEZ)に中国の公船が侵入して、インドネシア側の警告を無視して居続ける事案が発生していたことがインドネシア海上治安当局の ...

◆200918 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2RDnKvi
バンドン高速鉄道、開業は23年に遅延=高官 インドネシア ...
インドネシアの首都ジャカルタと西ジャワ州バンドンを結ぶ高速鉄道について、政府高官は2023年の開業になると明らかにした。ロイター通信などが16日伝えた。 国営企業省のカルティカ副大臣はオンライン経済フォーラムで、バンドン高速 ...

◆200918 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2Ea56rw
低所得家庭に太陽発電設備を 電力補助金の振り替えで普及 ...
インドネシアのエネルギー・鉱物資源省は、低所得層に支給している電力補助金を、家庭用の太陽光発電システムの導入に振り替えることを検討していると明らかにした。一般家庭での屋根置き型太陽光発電設備の普及を促し、環境に優しい ...

◆200918 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/32GCO1t
国営建設、治水インフラ整備3件を受注 インドネシア・建設 ...
インドネシアの国営建設ワスキタ・カルヤは15日、ランプン州と中ジャワ州でのダム建設など、治水インフラ整備事業3件を ... インドネシアのエネルギー・鉱物資源省は、低所得層に支給している電力補助金を、家庭用の太陽光発電システ…

◆200918 まぐまぐニュース!https://bit.ly/2ZKfv4H
先日、TikTokの女性フィリピン人インフルエンサーが旭日旗のタトゥーをSNS上にアップしたことを、韓国ネット民が猛批判。当人が謝罪したにもかかわらず一部韓国人が「貧しいフィリピン人は学がない」などと書き込んだため、フィリピン ...

◆200918 ZAKZAK https://bit.ly/2FImvbw
韓国がまた難クセ…フィリピン人投稿のタトゥーに「まるで旭日旗」 一部が人種差別投稿まで行い“韓国叩き”に火
フィリピンの人気SNSユーザーがタトゥーの画像を投稿したところ、韓国ユーザーから「旭日旗を連想させる」と批判を受け、謝罪に追い込まれた。さらに人種差別的な発言も相次いだことからフィリピンのユーザーが激怒し、「 ...

◆200916 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/2FIY51b
Indonesian coal firms turn to local market as exports flatten
Domestic consumption will be mainly driven by a new wave of coal-fired power plants (PLTU) being developed by state-owned electricity company PLN, the roadmap shows. “It's gonna be a huge demand setter,” said James Stevenson, senior ...

◆200916 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2E4fRf0
Dream state: Jokowi struggles to build his vision for Indonesia
When Indonesian President Joko Widodo decided last year to pursue outlandish plans to build a new capital city in ... foreign governments are also counting on Jokowi to build Indonesia into a wealthier, more diplomatically active power that can ... That was nothing compared to the Jatigede Dam in West Java, delayed for similar reasons for 40 years -- until the ... of commodity price-fueled growth, as China's demand for Indonesian coal, rubber, and palm oil surged in the mid-2000s.

◆200916 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3iC2PUX
Indonesian patrol confronts Chinese ship in economic zone
Indonesia does not have a territorial claim to the South China Sea, but a section of Indonesia's exclusive economic zone that includes natural gas fields lies within China's "nine-dash line." Chinese ships have regularly entered the area ...

◆200916 ANTARA https://bit.ly/3c3cJwH
Government to issue new regulation on EBT-based electricity tariff
New and renewable energy (EBT) is the attraction, while on the other hand, the production cost of this energy is still high. ... Jakarta (ANTARA) - Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif plans on issuing a regulation for improving ... Related news: Indonesia, Australia cooperate on renewable energy development ... We have geothermal, solar, biomass, and hydro energy sources, but they had yet to be utilized optimally. ... MRT plans to power trains with renewable energy.

◆200916 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/33s9YB2
Philippines gets energy exploration offers for 3 sites in disputed waters
Oracle Utilities. Oil & Gas ・ Coal ・ Power ・ Renewable ・ Environment ・ Economy ・ Companies ・ People Movement ・ Financial Results ・ The Energy Switch; More. x. Energy News ・ Latest Energy News ・ Oil & Gas ...

◆200916 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2ZEonZC
Dennis Uy eyeing oil/gas exploration in conflict-ridden West Philippine Sea
Davao businessman Dennis Uy is setting his sights next on oil and gas exploration ventures at the West Philippine Sea, primarily at the Recto ... The other offers cornered by the DOE were from Troika Giant Power Corporation for nominated area No. ... The energy department earlier stated three of the nominated blocks straddle “conflict areas” in the West Philippine Sea, but the Philippine government ...

◆200916 Philippine Star https://bit.ly/3c4hLcb
MVP, Dennis Uy firms bid for WPS petroleum blocks
MANILA, Philippines ? Energy companies led by business titans Manuel V. Pangilinan and Davao's Dennis Uy are among those that expressed ... Meanwhile, Troika Giant Power Corp. passed its bid application for Area 5 located in the Mindoro-Cuyo Basin. ... independence as it facilitates the exploration and development of indigenous energy resources, and revitalize the upstream oil and gas sector.

◆200916 Philippine Star https://bit.ly/35BQUTH
Duterte urges nations to reject war, eliminate nuclear weapons
MANILA, Philippines ? President Rodrigo Duterte has urged nations to shun war, work for peace, and eliminate ... "Seventy five years ago, the world learned that the full power of nuclear weapons was finally unleashed on the people of ...

◆200916 manilastandard.net https://bit.ly/32zlOdu
Eliminate nuclear weapons?Du30
President Rodrigo Duterte has called on all nations to reject war and eliminate nuclear weapon, saying nuclear weapons will not make ... “Seventy-five years ago, the world learned that the full power of nuclear weapons was finally unleashed on the people of Hiroshima. ... “With our meaningful shared history, the Philippines and Japan have continued to do our utmost to fortify the foundations of peace, ...

◆200918 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3kqvc9h
中国の海洋進出を容易にするタイ運河建設計画(Wedge ...
こうした文脈において、一帯一路の野心的なプロジェクトとして出ているのが、マレー半島で最も狭いタイ南部のクラ地峡に運河を建設し、中国からインド洋への第二の海路を開く計画である。この運河ができれば、インド洋、アフリカ、中東 ...

◆200918 PJA NEWS https://bit.ly/2ZJiGK4
バンコクの在タイ日本国大使館は注意喚起を通知していますので、PJA NEWSでは通知を以下に転載します。邦人の方も、安全の確保に十分ご留意ください。 バンコクほかタイ国内各地における政治集会(9月17 ...

◆200918 livedoor https://bit.ly/2ZN43oW
タイで首相の辞任やクーデターの可能性 運動の主役は「Z世代」
日本タイ学会会長などを歴任した浅見靖仁・法政大教授(60)=タイ政治研究=は、昨年4月に日本記者クラブで開かれた会見で「ピンチ(窮地)に陥る」とタイの今後を語っていた。総選挙後の不安定な政権運営を“予見”していたのだ。 運動の ...

◆200918 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/35NG8da
ラートなど3社、越で火力発電所を共同開発 タイ・電力 ...
タイの発電会社RATCH(ラート)グループは16日、民間発電大手エレクトリシティー・ジェネレーティング(EGCO)、タイ発電公団(EGAT)の国際部門EGATインターナショナル(EGATi)とベトナム中部クアンチ省で ...

◆200918 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/35TjCzg
案の定というほかない。9月9日、ミャンマーの現地紙ミャンマータイムズは、ミャンマー国鉄(MR)幹部の話として、日本が円借款事業として進める「ヤンゴン・マンダレー鉄道整備事業(フェーズ」向けの電気式気動車180両を ...

◆200918 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3hGZPpd
スー・チー氏の健康状態は良好、報道官 ミャンマー・政治
ミャンマー大統領府のゾー・テイ報道官はこのほど、アウン・サン・スー・チー国家顧問兼外相の健康状態は良好だと述べ、新型コロナウイルス感染の噂を否定した。ミャンマー・タイムズ(電子版)が16日に伝えた。 ミャンマーではこの ...

◆200918 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3c9wIJT
7月インフレ、1.7%に急低下 電力値上げの押し上げ効果 ...
ミャンマー統計局によると、7月の消費者物価指数(CPI、12年=100)は、前年同月比で1.7%上昇した。上昇率は過去2年で最も低かった6月から、さらに2.46ポイント低下した。電気料金の値上げから1年が経ち、CPIを押し上げる ...

◆200918 livedoor https://bit.ly/3ktMiDi
貝虫のもの?ミャンマー北部で発見された琥珀から世界最古の ...
問題の精子は、ミャンマー北部で発見された切手サイズの琥珀の中から発見されました。 ... Matzke-Karasz氏によると、巨大な精子を持つ動物は生殖に多くの時間とエネルギーがかかりますが、1億年前でも貝虫が大きな精子を持ち生殖を行っ ...

◆200918 新潮社 フォーサイト https://bit.ly/3cbcj7o
「遠ざかる東南アジア」との真の関係構築を急ぐべし:樋泉克夫 | フォーサイトで辿る変遷10年
中国では?小平、江沢民、胡錦濤と歴代政権が権力争いを繰り返し、互いに異なる政治路線を掲げてきたが、“熱帯への進軍”は一貫している。 東南アジア大陸部中央を南北に貫く「泛亜鉄路(中線)」工事は進展し、2021年末に昆明とラオスの ...

◆200918 South China Morning Post https://bit.ly/3hHiqBw
China needs to show world Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective
The Philippines and Pakistan have already shown interest, US$1 billion in loans has been offered to countries in the Caribbean and Latin America to help pay for vaccines, and Mekong River nations ? southern Chinese neighbours Cambodia ...

◆200918 Daily Express https://bit.ly/3iGRTWj
South China Sea threat: US risks Beijing fury with ‘game changer’ plans to expand Navy
The Pentagon chief said a review of US naval power - dubbed Future Forward - laid out a “game-changer” plan. US risks Beijing ... South China Sea dispute MOVES to Mekong river amid US domination fears [COMMENT]. South China Sea ...

◆200918 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/33CkdTr
Thai protesters must force reform without a revolution
Had he delivered a promising and viable future for Thailand after seizing power in the May 2014 coup, Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha might have been able to appease and accommodate the youth movement. But instead of charting a ...

◆200918 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/32L6fQ5
Thailand's changed coup considerations
The chasm between the incumbent foundations of power and authority and fledgling democratic institutions for popular representation now appears untenable. Thailand's democracy and monarchy seem locked in an inverse relationship. Both ...
意見 ・ 5時間前

◆200918 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/3mzelmH
Thai firms to invest in thermal power plant in Quang Tri
The coal-fired Quang Tri 1 plant, located in Hai Lang district of the central province of Quang Tri, will have an installed capacity of 1,320 megawatts. It is expected to go into commercial operation by 2025, and the generated electricity will be sold ...

◆200918 Economic Times https://bit.ly/3hHiVvo
India has shown interest in building strategic Kra Canal, says Thailand
A parliamentary panel in Thailand on Monday claimed several nations have shown an interest in constructing a canal across southern Thailand, which could allow ships to bypass the Strait of Malacca. Thai Nation Power Party MP Songklod ...

◆200918 AltEnergyMag https://bit.ly/33Btv25
JinkoSolar Supports Japan's Largest Oil Refiner to Build Gas ...
JinkoSolar Supports Japan's Largest Oil Refiner to Build Gas Station PV Power Plant in Japan ... independent power sources into a power network and their aggregated assets are used to tailor the supply and demand of electricity. ... oil and gas energy companies are gradually transforming their business models and expanding the use of renewable energy. ... JinkoSolar has 7 productions facilities globally, and 14 overseas subsidiaries in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, India, Turkey, ...

◆200918 Power Engineering International https://bit.ly/3iHXgoc
Wartsila signs 5-year maintenance deal for 200MW ...
The Wartsila engines provide the fast-starting, load-balancing flexibility to deliver the needed grid stability as Cambodia continues to utilise an increasing share of renewable energy, in particular solar power. Renewable energy, complemented ...

◆200918 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/32EkwxB
Parsing Washington's Latest Cambodia Sanctions ? The ...
China's Air Force Might Be Back in the Nuclear Business ... As such, the rumor mill in Cambodia is back up and running, at a difficult moment for Prime Minister Hun Sen and the ruling Cambodian People's Party. Rumors that China was trying to station its troops somewhere in Cambodia bristled the Phnom Penh grapevine for much of 2018, ... for Hun Sen, who is currently facing a rare wave of dissent alongside longer term challenges over the expected handover of power to his son.

◆200918 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/2ZMK5uG
Laos’ GDP forecast to contract by 2.5 percent: ADB
Vietnamese company joins solar power projects in Laos ... The Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2020 Update predicts Laos' GDP to contract by 2.5 percent in 2020, marking its first ... ADB Country Director for Laos Yasushi Negishi said the COVID-19 outbreak has not only affected the economic ... The current account deficit is expected to narrow this year more than earlier projected on the back of lower oil prices and lower demand for imports, as well as higher electricity exports, but ...

◆200918 Pledge Times https://bit.ly/3kyvxqF
A 'mountain' of China's debt becomes a disaster for India's ...
Laos has become the new victim of this dragon's date trap diplomacy. In the event of billions of dollars of Chinese debt not being repaid, Laos has had to hand over its power grid to a Chinese state-run company. According to the report of ...

◆200919 朝鮮日報 https://bit.ly/33Ctzyu
そして、「中国のシステムは初期の感染拡大を覆い隠すしかない構造」「感染拡大の事実を知らせた医師たちを処罰までした」と批判した。 ブランスタッド氏は習近平中国国家主席が河北省農村地域の官僚だった1980年代から35年間にわたり ...

◆200919 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2RHSQ4W
背景には、ベラルーシをはじめとする東欧や太平洋におけるNATOやアメリカとの覇権争いがある>. ロシアは極東および西の国境の先に複数の脅威を認め、それらの地域でアメリカなどの外国勢力による活動の抑止を試みると共に、中国との ...

◆200919 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2FyBBAD
その文化を崩壊させるため、まずその民族の言葉を消滅させる」──中国人の間で有名なこの言葉は、日中戦争を描く「抗日神劇」のセリフとしてしばしば登場する。旧満州における日本語教育も「日本侵略者の罪」であると、中国政府は愛国 ...

◆200919 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3hNKiDY
国際的評価を損ねた習政権が影響力を及ぼす手段は武力だけになった。「クアッド」の戦略的連携を深め、そのコストが高くつくと認識させるべきだ。本誌「誤解だらけの米中新冷戦」特集より>. 中国の習近平(シー・チンピン)国家主席は ...

◆200919 時事通信 https://bit.ly/2EdMgzN
日米豪印、来月東京で外相会談 中国攻勢に対抗─菅首相も面会調整
中国の東・南シナ海などでの軍事活動を踏まえ、日米が目指す「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」の実現に向けた協力を確認。医療やワクチン開発をめぐる中国の世界規模の攻勢にどう対応していくか意見を交わす見通しだ。 日本政府関係者 ...

◆200919 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/33G3uPc
【北京=三塚聖平】中国商務省は19日、動画投稿アプリ「TikTok(ティックトック)」など2つの中国アプリの米国内での新規ダウンロードを20日から停止すると米政府が発表したことに対し、「関係企業の正当で合法な権利と利益を ...

◆200919 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/2RCIVxm
中国、ウクライナの軍用エンジン技術に触手 訴訟警告で米中対立
【モスクワ=小野田雄一】中国の投資会社が今月、ウクライナの航空エンジン製造大手「モトール・シーチ」の株式の過半数を取得しながら同国政府の妨害で経営に関与できず巨額の損害を被ったとして、同国政府に賠償を求める訴訟を起こすと ...

◆200919 Reuters Japan https://bit.ly/3caqtFU
しかし、イタリアの「一帯一路構想」への参加や、ギリシャの海運と港湾インフラへの大規模な投資、それに今年の新型コロナウイルス発生後の誤った情報やあからさまな嘘によって、欧州は中国と対処するに当たって疑念を抱かざるを得 ...

◆200919 ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) https://bit.ly/2ZOfHQs
日立、新規原子力発電所建設プロジェクトから撤退(英国) | ビジネス短信
同プロジェクトは、2012年に日立が英国ホライズンを買収し、日本で建設・運転実績のある改良型沸騰水型軽水炉(ABWR)をベースに、英国の環境に適合した発電所を建設し、二酸化炭素を排出しないクリーンなエネルギーの供給を目指し ...

◆200919 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3capENk
製品の競争力維持のため、他の電力への切り替えが難しいのが実情だ。 日本化学工業協会の森川宏平会長は、石炭火力の必要性を強調した.

◆200919 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3cjUgvN
日本製の半導体装置、中国で販売増 国産化が加速
日本半導体製造装置協会(SEAJ)は17日、8月の日本製半導体製造装置の販売額が前年同月比17.3%増の1884億円になったと発表した。半導体の国産化を進める中国メーカーの投資がけん引したもよう。中 ...

◆200919 朝日新聞デジタル版 https://bit.ly/32H2Ql0
ダムに沈んだ旧産炭地の街 縮みゆく北海道の苦闘
ダムに沈んだ旧産炭地の街 縮みゆく北海道の苦闘. 斎藤徹. 2020/9/19 9:00. 会員記事. 北の大地が縮み続けている。北海道の人口(日本人、1月1日時点)は、前年より4万2286人少ない522万6066人。減少は22年連続で、減少数は8年連続で全国 ...

◆200919 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2RCr1L8
日本製の半導体装置、中国で販売増 国産化が加速
日本半導体製造装置協会(SEAJ)は17日、8月の日本製半導体製造装置の販売額が前年同月比17.3%増の1884億円になったと発表した。半導体の国産化を進める中国メーカーの投資がけん引したもよう。中 ...

◆200919 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3iLgTf4
米半導体大手エヌビディアは、ソフトバンクグループから英半導体設計大手アームを400億ドル(約4兆2000億円)で ... 北京半導体行業協会の朱晶副会長は、エネルギー効率に優れたアームのチップの設計図は中国 ...

◆200919 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/32Oz5ix
台湾、米と経済協議 脱中国・供給網構築 FTA探る
中国の反発を押し切り、17日に台湾を訪問したクラック米国務次官(経済成長・エネルギー・環境担当)は18日、台湾の蘇貞昌行政院長(首相)、王美花経済部長(経済相)と相次ぎ会談した。 米台双方が17日午前 ...

◆200919 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/33LaZV7
ファーウェイは2019年のスマホ出荷台数が2億4100万台に達し、世界シェアは17.6%で第2位、中国市場のシェアは38.5%で首位だった。しかし半導体の供給が完全にストップすれば、部品在庫が底をついた時点で生産停止に追い込まれて ...

◆200919 エキサイトニュース http://exci.to/3mythRS
ファーウェイ排除は「韓国、台湾」にも影響大・・・半導体産業の川上にいる日本への影響は=中国 (2020年9月19日) - エキサイトニュース
中国メディアの百家号は15日、これによる影響を分析する事を掲載した。 記事はまず、米国の今回の規制は、中国のみならず世界各国に影響を与えると指摘。「半導体はもう ...

◆200919 時事通信 https://bit.ly/35Vjy2l
中国の台湾海峡演習は「脅し」 南米で経済侵略に警戒呼び掛け─米国務長官
ガイアナは2019年から石油生産を開始し、急激な経済成長が見込まれている。ポンペオ氏は地元メディアに「中国共産党は軍事と商業を深く結び付けてやって来て、中国人監督を受け入れるよう政治的圧力をかけてくる」と述べ、中国の「 ...

◆200919 EVsmartブログ https://bit.ly/2Hg9Ddl
しかしEVとリチウムイオン電池の普及に伴い、近年ではグローバル企業各社がサプライチェーンも含めて不当なルートで生産したコバルトを使っていないか調査を始めるようになりました。 例えばバッテリー大手のCATLやLG化学は、中国が ...

◆200919 War on the Rocks https://bit.ly/2FVkE2P
The Dangerous Myths About China's Nuclear Weapons
It should reconsider … No more Great Wall of Secrecy on its nuclear build-up. Seat waiting for China in Vienna.” To highlight China's absence, American negotiators placed Chinese ...

◆200919 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/33GlgSh
China's Crude Oil Imports Are Slowing Down
Learn how energy insiders think. Receive our cutting-edge 3-part investor education series for FREE; PLUS, get our Weekly Intelligence Report to stay one step ahead of the markets ...

◆200919 JWN https://bit.ly/3ceJVS0
China mulls stronger clean energy goals for next five years
China is considering proposals to accelerate its adoption of clean energy as part of its next five-year plan that begins in 2021, ... Enjoy 24/7 news, data and analysis on Canada's oilpatch with the Daily Oil Bulletin. ... of dirty energy like coal doesn't necessarily mean that consumption of fossil fuels would fall, as total power needs rise as the ... Chinese renewable energy stocks have been on a tear on speculation that Beijing could increase its requirements for ... The story of gas well No.

◆200919 The New York Times https://nyti.ms/2HeqQns
China Sends Warning to U.S. and Taiwan With Aerial Drill
China Sends Warning to Taiwan and U.S. With Big Show of Air Power ... China sent 18 fighter jets and bombers into the Taiwan Strait on Friday in a robust show of force that a military official in Beijing ... the American diplomat, Keith Krach, the under secretary of state for economic, energy and environmental affairs, arrived.

◆200919 International Business Times https://bit.ly/2RGw2m8
China Seeking To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions ...
China Seeking To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Increase Use Of Renewable Energy ... fuels accounted for 15.3% of China's energy generation; China may reduce the proportion of coal in the overall energy mix to ... of solar installations in China could more than triple from 2019 figures to 105 gigawatts a year, while wind power could ... Renewables Now EU's Biggest Source Of Electricity: Study.

◆200919 EurAsian Times https://bit.ly/3kyxVOa
India-China Cyber War: China Second Most Powerful Cyber ...
About China's growing cyber power, Bhatia counted it a viable threat to India and thus argued that cyber defense is integral and has now become a priority area. A recent investigation by a national English language daily The Indian Express ...

◆200919 アセアンポータル https://bit.ly/33WGEmD
日本支援のインドネシアMRT建設に大使が視察、友情・協力の ...
在インドネシア日本大使館の石井大使は、山中JICAインドネシア事務所長とウィリアムMRTJ社長とともに、今年の6月に着工したMRT南北線フェーズ2・201工区の建設現場を9月10日に視察訪問した。 視察が行われた201工区は、南北線 ...

◆200919 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3kuWJGz
低所得家庭に太陽発電設備を 電力補助金の振り替えで普及 ...
インドネシアのエネルギー・鉱物資源省は、低所得層に支給している電力補助金を、家庭用の太陽光発電システムの導入に振り替えることを検討していると明らかにした。一般家庭での屋根置き型太陽光発電設備の普及を促し、環境に優しい ...

◆200919 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/32OxkBX
Govt’s flexible oil and gas contract choice ‘positive’ for investment: Analyst - The Jakarta Post
The government's decision to allow oil and gas producers to choose production sharing contracts (PSCs) is a positive step forward for investors in the upstream industry, compared with the less favorable gas ceiling policy, according to energy ... Attracting upstream investment is key to realizing Indonesia's long-term goal of raising oil and gas output and reducing the ... million British thermal units (mmbtu) of natural gas, below the $8 per mmbtu market average, for the next four years.

◆200919 chinadialogue https://bit.ly/3hLOK66
India can stop palm oil deforestation in Southeast Asia
Besides fossil fuel-related greenhouse gas emissions, one of the major causes of air pollution around the world is deforestation ... For example, the toxic fumes that emerge from burning forests in Indonesia and Malaysia travels to Singapore, ... Our lax norms on thermal power plant emission standards, dust caused by construction and waste burning are leading to a ... But India has the power to demand Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) at government and corporate policy levels.

◆200919 Petroleum Economist https://bit.ly/3iKavVx
NOCs find allure in LNG trading
The firm took over the gas unit of state oil firm and PGN parent Pertamina in a rationalisation of Indonesia's gas industry structure, giving it access to Indonesian cargoes. But the firm went on to sign a deal with China's Sinopec to deliver a handful ...

◆200919 Upstream Online https://bit.ly/35PjFwb
Race is on to beat decline at Shell gas field off Philippines
... LNG imports and coal all on the table to help meet the fall-off from Shell's giant producing gas field. 17 September 2020 22:00 GMT Updated 18 September 2020 14:25 GMT. By Amanda Battersby. in London. Energy security has long been ...

◆200919 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/32KbBuU
Will the Philippines risk war with Malaysia over Sabah?
Listening to Philippine Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. dial up the rhetoric this week over who owns the Malaysian state of Sabah, you could be forgiven for thinking that Manila is preparing to go to war for the oil-rich territory. "Sabah is ...

◆200919 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2ZQGU5n
Rotating brownouts feared over fast declining Malampaya gas supply
The Malampaya project has been supplying fuel to the Luzon electricity grid, servicing for nearly two decades an ... provide a national energy policy and framework for the development and regulation of the Philippine midstream natural gas industry. ... cited the power crisis in 1990s when Metro Manila and several provinces in the Luzon power grid experienced rotating ... or marine vessels to deliver natural gas to LNG terminals, pipelines or transmission systems and storage facilities.

◆200919 日経ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/33IdkQA
「青い」インドと「赤い」東南アジア、色分け進むデジタル ...
南アジアの巨大市場インドでは米国のデジタル関連企業や機関投資家が有力企業に殺到し、相次ぎ大規模投資に乗り出した。一方、インド市場から締め出されつつある中国勢は東南アジアに熱視線を送る。新冷戦が激化すれば、ベンガル湾を挟ん ...

◆200919 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/33Ff6lr
北村国家安保局長 インド補佐官と電話会談 引き続き緊密に協力
そのうえで、引き続きインドと緊密に協力していく考えを伝えました。 また、両氏は安全保障上の課題や地域の情勢、それに新型コロナウイルスへの対応などをめぐって意見を交わしました ...

◆200919 M&A Online https://bit.ly/3ceWfkR

◆200919 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3hO81UC
【更新】菅首相のツイッター、完全に沈黙? 各国首脳からの祝福、トランプ大統領からもメンションが…(BuzzFeed Japan)
BuzzFeed Newsが確認した限り、そのほか、モルディブ、ラトビア、ブータン首相府、スリランカ、オーストラリア、ネパール、パキスタン、インドネシアの各首脳も菅首相にメンションをしている。 また、欧州理事会の議長、トルコ外務 ...

◆200919 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/2ZSPUqt
モルディブは中国の債務トラップ外交の新たな犠牲者です| インドの別の隣人は中国の債務の罠に閉じ込められ、デフォルトの脅威
スリランカが起こらないかのように、ハルマンディブの元首相と現在議会の議長であるモハマドナシードが潜在的な危険に気づいています。 彼らはモルディブが中国の債務の罠に完全に閉じ込められるのではないかと恐れている。 中国に対する ...

◆200919 Observer Research Foundation https://bit.ly/3mAbtWI
Governing the Ganges and Brahmaputra: Beyond Reductionist Hydrology
Eurasian Studies ・ Maritime Studies ・ Neighbourhood Studies ・ Nuclear and Space Studies ... This paper argues that the challenges in the governance of two Himalayan river systems, the Ganges and the ... In the last few decades, interventions in the GBM basin have been made largely for energy security, and hundreds of hydro-power projects have been planned or ... cost-benefit matrix), hydropower still remains an important option for achieving renewable energy goals in the region.

◆200919 Himalayan Times https://bit.ly/35KecXw
Nepal successful in all indicators: Gyawali
A PCR testing machine was donated by Himalaya Airlines at the initiative of Foreign Minister Gyawali. ... disrupting crucial fuel imports, its oil minister said on Wednesday, the latest crisis to hit the war-devastated country's crumbling economy.

◆200919 The Tribune https://bit.ly/3mAITo0
Indus Waters Treaty turns 60, disputes persist
The Indus Waters Treaty, hailed as one of the finest, the most sophisticated and comprehensive international water treaties, ... Some disputes notwithstanding, the treaty continues to remain intact despite the trust deficit between the two nuclear ... Pakistan must realise that the overall effect the run-of-the-river hydro-power projects will have is perhaps a negligible delay as far as timing is concerned.

◆200919 The Nation https://bit.ly/3iFmd3z
Irsa releases 209,700 cusecs water
ISLAMABAD - Indus River System Authority (IRSA) on Friday released 209,700 cusecs water from various rim stations against inflow ... Water inflow and outflow in Tarbela dam was recorded at 96,700 cusecs and 96,100 cusecs respectively.

◆200919 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2ZPYvtT
River Indus still in low flood at Kotri Barrage: FFC
The Federal Flood Commission (FFC) has said all main rivers (Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi & Sutlej) are discharging normal flows except for River Indus which is at Low Flood Stage at Kotri Barrage. ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News ...

◆200919 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2ZPYK8h
Flood level keeps rising at Kotri barrage
The water level continues to increase at the Kotri barrage, the last engineering structure on the Indus river, where a low flood has been officially declared. HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Sep, 2020 ) :The water level ...

◆200919 Power Technology https://bit.ly/2ZSl2q3
India to shut down 32 power units for missing emission ...
All ・ Coal ・ Gas ・ Oil ... Transmission & Distribution ... The Government of India reportedly plans to shut 32 units across 12 power plants in the country as they have failed to meet ... Currently, nearly 60GW of thermal and 12GW of hydro plants are reportedly in various stages of construction. Some coal-based power plants in India are said to be in process of installing new equipment's to meet the ... Many have deployed flue gas desulphurisation units and electrostatic precipitators.

◆200919 pv magazine India https://bit.ly/2ZSRKHT
Rajasthan could add 22.6 GW of new renewable energy ...
Meanwhile, the state's 9.8 GW of coal-fired capacity makes up 45% of total installed capacity, producing 56.5% of entire on-grid generation. IEEFA projects Rajasthan's electricity requirements to grow by 42% over the next decade ? from 81TWh ...

◆200919 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/2REijw7
India-US strategic energy partnership takes deep roots: Amb Sandhu
Oil & Gas ・ Coal ・ Power ・ Renewable ・ Environment ・ Economy ・ Companies ・ People Movement ・ Financial Results ・ The Energy Switch; More ... Washington: The strategic energy partnership between India and America has taken deep roots in a short span of time, ... India is now the fourth largest international market for US crude oil and the fifth largest for US LNG. ... energy market," Sandhu said, adding that India remains focused on expediting the development of gas infrastructure ...

◆200919 EurAsian Times https://bit.ly/2RFHSga
India-China Cyber War: China Second Most Powerful Cyber ...
About China's growing cyber power, Bhatia counted it a viable threat to India and thus argued that cyber defense is integral and has now become a priority area. A recent investigation by a national English language daily The Indian Express ...

◆200919 Centre for Science and Environment https://bit.ly/2ZQlo0s
65 per cent of coal-fired power plants in India may not meet ...
Way back in December 2015, the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) had notified emission norms for four pollutants in the coal-based thermal power sector -- particulate matter (PM), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ...

◆200919 Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/32Kw7vc
Indo-US agreement on nuclear power
Put simply, nuclear energy is a vast power that we get when its different elements react among themselves. ... it is the cheapest and least fatal source of getting electricity in comparison with other sources such as coal, petroleum, natural gas and hydroelectricity. ... Thus, 1998 the region became fully nuclearized with three nations, China, India and Pakistan, having nuclear bombmaking capability. After the ...

◆200919 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/32GOL78
Power sector negligence halted economic development: PM
The meeting discussed in detail the roadmap for power sector reforms with a particular focus on the supply of inexpensive and undisturbed electricity to the consumers. Appreciating the experts' research on Pakistan's energy sector, the prime ...

◆200919 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/2RCYXYb
SNGPL proposes construction of North-South gas pipeline at ...
Power sector negligence halted economic development: PM ・ ENERGY ... ISLAMABAD: The Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) has been considering constructing the 1,100 kilometre (km)-long North-South Gas Pipeline (NSGP) at a cost of $1 billion. ... Ayub Chaudhry had also recommended adopting a competitive process in the awarding of this gas pipeline project, saying Pakistani companies should also be allowed to participate in the project instead of 'favourite' foreign ...

◆200919 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/2RGDEEY
Nepal got rid of load-shedding not only due to Ghising’s sole efforts: Minister Gyawali
Nepal got rid of load-shedding not only due to Ghising's sole efforts: Minister Gyawali ... Director (MD) of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), Kulman Ghising cannot be reappointed to the post due to legal constraints. ... Addressing the press meet, Gyawali said that the country overcame the chronic problem of power outage, commonly ... “Far sightedness of Prime Minister KP Oli, proper planning and initiatives by the energy minister and sound management of Ghising made it possible.”.

◆200919 BW Businessworld https://bit.ly/3myhCm4
Nepal to receive its first wide gauge railway engine, coaches ...
Kathmandu [Nepal], September 18 (ANI): Two sets of railways including engine and coaches to revive railway connection between ... Balaram Mishra, Director General of Department of Railways, said the set will be delivered to Nepal by the Konkan Railways of India later in the afternoon on September 18. ... The railways operated using diesel and electricity, each set has five bogies (coaches). ... Macquarie selects Prescinto Monitoring & Analytics platform for Clean Energy portfolio.

◆200919 Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper https://bit.ly/32FUZnU
GDP growth projection for 2020 revised to negative 2.1%
The government's projection (negative 2.1 percent) puts Bhutan in a much better place than most economies in the world. Globally, the ... “We are doing fairly well because we did not have local transmission till August,” he said. ... It has generally been a good year for the country's hydropower sector as the rain arrived as early as late May, according to the Druk Green Power Corporation Limited (DGPC).

◆200919 Colombo Page https://bit.ly/2H9oXbr
Sri Lanka : Two LNG plants by 2023 for power generation
Ministry of Power has stated that two liquefied natural gas (LNG) power plants will be constructed by the year 2023 as a ... to 2019, only 300 megawatts were added to the national grid, he said, adding that the demand for electricity is growing at 6 ... to address the potential power crisis in the future, the contribution of green and renewable energy to the country's power ... that LECO, a senior member of the Sri Lanka power sector, would be a strength to achieve the government's goals.

平野耕太 @hiranokohta

テレ東の自衛隊密着番組見てるが 使われているBGMがずっとアニメ 商船を狙う機雷処理のBGMがネオアトランティスで あ、これ決めてる人狙ってるなと思った

2021-01-03 08:39:41
平野耕太 @hiranokohta

テレ東の自衛隊特集番組見てて、 催涙ガス充満したテント内で女子自衛官がみんな防護マスクを外して、痛みで絶叫しながら全力でドレミの歌を歌って次々とぶっ倒れてて、自衛官ってすごいなと思いながら 正月に何観てんだろう俺という混乱状態に陥った

2021-01-03 08:44:21
平野耕太 @hiranokohta

自衛隊番組の催涙ガス訓練見てツイートしたら 「あったあった」「あれは辛かった」という 経験者の元自衛官さんのリプがいっぱい来て 狂四郎を見るカレーおかわりしたあいつみたいな顔で リプライを見ています

2021-01-03 11:54:15
平野耕太 @hiranokohta


2021-01-01 19:23:19
平野耕太 @hiranokohta

「「お母さん食堂」と呼ぶなという謎の勢力に配慮して 「たしかにわたしはあの子の本当のお母さんじゃないけれど、一生懸命お母さんの料理だと思ってもらえるように頑張って作り続けたら、あの子が、あの子がついにお母さんと呼んでくれたの食堂」と改名しよう」 「そういう事じゃねえんだと思う」

2020-12-30 17:11:00
平野耕太 @hiranokohta

「マザーコンピューター」という名称は、 誰もが「都市の中枢を管理し国民を監視する巨大なコンピューターはマザーの仕事」という印象を与え、これでは男女双方にとって生きやすいジェンダー平等なディストピアにならないため廃止するべきです」 「うるせえ」

2020-12-30 17:21:39
平野耕太 @hiranokohta


2020-12-27 14:47:15
平野耕太 @hiranokohta

田舎がないので里帰り先がないため 自分の郷里は大洗だと信じ込む事で 正月の帰省を可ならしめん

2020-12-28 12:14:11
前へ 1 ・・ 33 34