
Massimo氏によるディズニー映画内での過去作品からの動画流用の紹介ツイートと、それに対する反応。そしてリプライで紹介されていたAgou氏の連続ツイートを中心にまとめました。 ※フランス語のくだりは機械翻訳を併用したので、誤訳があるかもしれません。
Massimo @Rainmaker1973

Nowadays, Disney is one of the biggest companies in the entertainment industry, but in the middle of the 20th century, the studio didn’t have an army of illustrators to draw unique pictures every time so, they reused animations buff.ly/2YVq6ch pic.twitter.com/f9k8W9ZNoF

2021-02-07 21:31:24



Diederik 📸 @DutchDiederik

@Rainmaker1973 Still has a lot more soul than the computer generated garbage that’s the norm now.

2021-02-07 21:47:31


Bearton @BeartonOnYt

@DutchDiederik @Rainmaker1973 Question, did you see the trending tab in the last 4 days? Because if yes, you're wrong and you know it. And if no let me explain, avengers end game was trending because of how long it took them to make the movie, 5 years, and how they planned it and shit

2021-02-08 01:33:50

「質問。過去4日間のトレンドタグを見ましたか? もし見たなら、あなたは間違っていて、その理由もわかってる筈です。もし見てないなら、間違ってる理由を説明しますね。『アヴェンジャーズ/エンドゲーム』は、制作に5年間という長い時間を掛けたことと、どれだけ手間を掛けたかという理由でトレンド入りしてました」

martian cuntserver @bluebeetlez

@BeartonOnYt @DutchDiederik the mcu and especially endgame is probably the epitome of soulless computer generated garbage coming out of disney nowadays

2021-02-08 16:12:25



Massimo @Rainmaker1973

@HappyWalker59 To see more, this is the list of all the recycled animation in Disney movies: disney.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_r…

2021-02-07 21:35:05


bookfan2 @HappyWalker59

@Rainmaker1973 I guess it was very labour intensive and this was one way to cut both the cost and the manpower. Thanks for that. 👍

2021-02-07 21:41:59


Caro Flores 💚🥨😷 @ushcala

@Rainmaker1973 Now they have an army of ilustrators and they can't draw a decent background: pic.twitter.com/Ok18L5L86A

2021-02-08 05:48:34


Neil Ishibashi @neilishi

@Rainmaker1973 Disney is one of the biggest companies in the world because of smart, efficient use of THEIR creativity. Love this!!

2021-02-08 07:11:01


Eduardo França 🐘 https://mastodon.social/@zunzum @edo9k

@Rainmaker1973 A bunch of these are also Rotoscoped. Which adds another layer "WTF" for people who are not aware of the technique. youtu.be/qPolWHKVx7s

2021-02-07 22:32:12


Jeff Eppenbach @jeffeppenbach

@Rainmaker1973 @maguirekevin Everyone, including Disney, used rotoscoping. That is, you film an actor doing the thing, and then draw your animation using that as reference.

2021-02-08 18:31:12


Mysteropodes @mysteropodes

@Rainmaker1973 It's because New animator learn with old movie how to animate. The nine old man are too old for making New movie. Golden age is the perfect lesson for the New génération. pic.twitter.com/D9lVySsgo5

2021-02-07 22:13:47

