2011/07/26 UN High Level Meeting on YOUTH ユースに関する国連ハイレベル会合 day 2

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Youth For Public Transport (Y4PT) 🚦 @Y4PT

Youth employment is one of the key words at the High level Meeting on Youth @ United Nations #youth11, as well as green jobs!

2011-07-26 23:39:54
UNYouth @UN4Youth

VP of Namibia represents South African Community, speaks to issues of #employment & #underemployment in the region. #youth11

2011-07-26 23:44:24
UNYouth @UN4Youth

vp of Namibia, for South African Community "recommends for the creation of a specialized UN agency to address #youth development"#youth11

2011-07-26 23:45:34
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11, Regional disparity is a major hindrance on youth development, says Namibian and South African Development Community representative

2011-07-26 23:45:53
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11, Rep for the Arab Council on Youth and Sport, "youths' favourite tool is the internet, they derive lifestyles and values from it"

2011-07-26 23:49:07
Road to Rio+20 @road2rio20

The delegates do like to focus on how us youth use the internet & social media to create change > We agree with them on this point #youth11

2011-07-26 23:49:11
UNYouth @UN4Youth

#Morocco defines #youth 15-30. UN defines youth as thoses aged 15-24, but the definition varies from regions & countries to others #youth11

2011-07-26 23:50:53
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11 Morrocan rep cites recent national youth debate, featuring over 1,000 youths interacting with the govt on July 1st #CS

2011-07-26 23:53:13
UNYouth @UN4Youth

The 1st of July 2011 represents a historic day for all Morrocans, #youth in particular, they've voted on a new #constitution #youth11

2011-07-26 23:55:20
UNICEF @vwajen

#youth11 President of Benin to open proceedings "youths in Benin are seen as the main driving force behind rebuilding the nation" #CS

2011-07-27 00:00:10
UNYouth @UN4Youth

Minister of State for Intnal Cooperation of Qatar speaks to the issues facing the #youth11 in the Arab World. Learn more http://t.co/aRs9zi5

2011-07-27 00:00:23
UNICEF @vwajen

21st century will be the one of hulan capital, embodied by young people", Ambassador Zinsou, Benin, Opening Speech of the planry #youth11

2011-07-27 00:00:30
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11 Qatar rep, "Our country is one of the leading countries in the area working for gender equality; in education and politics"

2011-07-27 00:00:51
UNICEF @vwajen

#youth11, Pres of Benin calls upon the UN to create an agency for #youth similar to the UN agency for women to monitor strategies #CS

2011-07-27 00:01:04
UNICEF @vwajen

Zinsou calls 4 a UN Agency for #youth, such as @UN_Women & the creation of a "group of friends" amongt permant delegates to the UN. #youth11

2011-07-27 00:01:18
UNICEF @vwajen

#PaulAbena,Of Suriname, representing the #CARICOM community stands at the podium: 60% of the population of this region is #youth11

2011-07-27 00:02:50
UNICEF @vwajen

VP of Namibia represents South African Community, speaks to issues of #employment & #underemployment in the region. #youth11

2011-07-27 00:03:10
UNYouth @UN4Youth

President #Mugabe, #Zimbabwe to address the audience #youth11 on the theme #dialogue and Mutual Understanding

2011-07-27 00:03:44
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11 #Mugabe Pres of Zimbabwe next, listing youth schemes that have "proved Western powers wrong in their criticism"

2011-07-27 00:08:57
UNYouth @UN4Youth

"the youth in the developing world are as talented and innovative talents than their conterparts in the developing world" #Mugabe #Youth11

2011-07-27 00:11:26
Nessryne J @sasoukee

When u r president for 25 years u r dictator& when u r dictator u can't talk abt mutual understanding!That's a shame!@unyouthyear #youth11

2011-07-27 00:11:51
UNYouth @UN4Youth

#Mugabe calls upon Internanl Community to assist developing world in getting up-to-date technologies in order to avoid #brainDrain #youth11

2011-07-27 00:14:08
Nessryne J @sasoukee

What a great message for young people attending #youth11 to be addressed by #Mugabe on mutual understanding!! :(

2011-07-27 00:18:10
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11 Ecuador rep mentions my 'first job scheme', $3.3million dollars to motivate youth into the employment market.

2011-07-27 00:20:38
UNYouth @UN4Youth

Ximena Ponce, of Ecuador "in our country, the youth ae the masters of their own future" #youth11

2011-07-27 00:22:02
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