JusticeForJapanさんの「MarkRamseyer教授の慰安婦記事に関するCarterEckertとAndrewGordonの声明に対する反論 」

justiceforjapan @justiceforjapan

Rebuttal to #CarterEckert #AndrewGordon statement on #MarkRamseyer 's #Comfortwomen article. dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?… 1️⃣Since legally speaking Koreans were treated equally as Japanese, one may describe Korean Comfort women by citing the contracts with Japanese Comfort women'sign.

2021-02-18 23:35:25
justiceforjapan @justiceforjapan

Some Japanese Comfort women served higher class soldiers compared to Korean Comfort women, but that is about their skills and their legal status was the same. Also note that Japanese name sign doesn't necessarily mean Japanese signed it, since some Koreans had Japanese names.

2021-02-18 23:36:40
justiceforjapan @justiceforjapan

2️⃣The statement pointed out one of sources in his paper was about not Comfortwomen 慰安婦 but 酌婦 Shakufu. But in a diary of Comfort woman station employee below, he made no difference in using these names to describe its entity. mainichi.jp/articles/20200… pic.twitter.com/sDZ0dCx3A5

2021-02-18 23:37:23
justiceforjapan @justiceforjapan

📗 During Japanese rule in Korea, Koreans were treated equally as Japanese. Korean politicians in Japan/Korea, Korean judges, mayers, and police officers. Thread twitter.com/justiceforjapa…

2021-02-19 00:50:10
justiceforjapan @justiceforjapan

@TimothyS Meanwhile, Koreans living in Japan were already able to be a local assembly member/national politician in Japan. Park Choon-Geum(朴 春琴/박춘금) won the election twice in 1932 and 1937 and became a politician. 👉Most of voters for him were Japanese. In a way, Koreans run Japan. pic.twitter.com/oi8z5tAx9v

2020-05-04 09:34:22
justiceforjapan @justiceforjapan

📗 Ads by broker for #Comfortwomen on newspaper in Korea were written with BOTH Korean and Japanese.(a mixture of Chinese letters with 🇰🇷/🇯🇵). Brokers particularly didn't make any difference. One can safely assume broker contracts for Japanese women were also applied to Korean. pic.twitter.com/c0sy0wcLXN

2021-02-19 10:11:01
justiceforjapan @justiceforjapan

1️⃣Missing the contracts with Korean, and only the template for Japanese was provided. Never heard Assimilation? I already answered that below. twitter.com/justiceforjapa…

2021-02-23 22:37:32
justiceforjapan @justiceforjapan

2⃣R's paper missing deception of Mun Ok-ju by broker But critics also failed to mention she was so poor not eating 2days, she decided to be a Kisaeng, cuz she knew she would make money by having SEX with men. She knew she wouldn't have a normal marriage. books.google.co.jp/books?id=PzXfF… pic.twitter.com/yRytJX3h6O

2021-02-23 22:38:36
justiceforjapan @justiceforjapan

4⃣Unable to receive all money she earned Being unable to get her earnings at the end of war is irrelevant to talk about treatment of CW since that happened to anybody with any job losing the value of Japanese military vouchers, government bonds and so on. twitter.com/yukin_done/sta…

2021-02-23 22:43:18
六衛府 @yukin_done

慰安婦に支払われた対価が軍票であろうが日銀券であろうが関係が無い。1946年3月3日付けで旧円の市場流通差止めがあり、日本国民が戦前に持っていた現金資産は、旧日本国債などの債券同様にほぼ無価値となっている。そもも占領地で国内正貨を使わないのが常識で進駐軍も日本で軍票を使っていた。 pic.twitter.com/sHpvWqU4Qo

2016-12-31 23:32:35
justiceforjapan @justiceforjapan

3⃣By tip? One cannot tell whether Mun Ok-ju made fortune exclusively from the tip or in addition to her earnings as comfort women. Being comfort women might've helped her to gather people giving a tip for dancing. In that case tip is part of earnings of being comfort women.

2021-02-23 22:40:20