これって表現の自由の否定だよね。中国ですか?恥ずかしい行為。雑誌ディプロマットの韓国人記者ミッチ・シン(Mitch Shin)。善良な人を騙す寸劇を演じる(騙されている日本人もいる)。彼に抗議しても無駄である。彼の行為を広く知らしめる努力が必要。This is a denial of freedom of expression. Are you in China? embarrassing act. Mitch Shin, a Korean reporter for The Diplomat magazi

This is a denial of freedom of expression. Are you in China? embarrassing act. Mitch Shin, a Korean reporter for Diplomat magazine. He plays a skit that tricks good people (some Japanese are tricked). It is no use protesting against him. Efforts should be made to publicize his actions. Blog article Reproduced people (young group B) https://f807s7fpkzqt.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-184.html 続きを読む

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Shin is the ringleader of the anti-Professor Ramseyer riot.


Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @LAktwndOzCaWxNd

@wae2eub @SemashiA @TKoizmi @doramati @chinshioshoku @mainohenning @tyskg5678 @dimitrisarch @Walride5135 @TimothyS @Byungheonkim2 シンは反ラムザイヤー教授暴動の首謀者だよ Shin is the ringleader of the anti-Professor Ramseyer riot.(The riots began in early February.) Harvard Professor’s Article Sparks Outrage Over By Mitch Shin February 16, 2021 thediplomat.com/2021/02/harvar…

2023-03-27 10:20:38
リンク thediplomat.com Harvard Professor’s Article Sparks Outrage Over Its Depiction of Japanese Military Brothels While U.S. scholars and politicians criticized the article, it was defended by far-right activists in Japan – and South Korea. 2 users 173


By Yong-Shik Lee and Chan Un Park February 23, 2021

Yong-Shik Lee は、Law and Development Institute の所長であり、ジョージア州立大学ロースクールの客員法学教授。チャン・ウン・パクは、漢陽大学法学部の法学教授。

リンク thediplomat.com On ‘Comfort Women’ and Academic Freedom: A Rebuttal Academic freedom does not protect outright falsehoods and distortions. 915

韓国在住者として、韓国側の事情が良く分かる記事です。以下の3件は JOSEPH YIの記事

As a resident of South Korea, it is an article that gives us a good understanding of the situation on the South Korean side.By Joseph Yi and Joe Phillips February 18, 2021

リンク thediplomat.com On ‘Comfort Women’ and Academic Freedom The recent controversy over a Harvard professor’s article showcases how limited the space for debate and discussion on the issue has become. 2 users 1066



KARA @KARASAN@zirk.us(Mastodon) @karakar90892471

この記事こそ、問題の本質を突いた鋭い記事です。 ハーバードのJeannie Suk Gersenにも言及している This article is a good article that gets to the heart of the matter.Harvard's Jeannie Suk Gersen also mentioned asiatimes.com/2021/03/debati…

2023-03-27 20:40:29
リンク Asia Times Debating Korea’s last taboo: ‘comfort women’ A February 18 essay published in English, co-authored by this writer, called for more open, self-reflective discussion of the “comfort women” issue among Koreans. A public uproar in South Korea and… 207

By Joseph Yi January 31, 2018

リンク thediplomat.com Confronting Korea’s Censored Discourse on Comfort Women Controversy over the comfort women is partly rooted in a Manichean worldview dividing people into innocents and oppressors. 78

Who is Mitch Shin

Assistant Editor @Diplomat_APAC

@PacificForum ココに投稿してみては
↑Click to see his other articles on comfort women
2019/9 Seoul, 129 フォロー中 387 フォロワー 3,406 tws


それよりも、前出のパシフィックフォーラムやISDP Korea Centerの影響が大きい?


read it first
Explanation of the progress of the erased paper

The Diplomat @Diplomat_APAC

Over the weekend The Diplomat published an article that contained inaccurate and insensitive statements about South Korean “comfort women.” This article did not meet our editorial standards and we are addressing the issue internally. We apologize.

2021-11-16 09:56:23
Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @LAktwndOzCaWxNd

@Diplomat_APAC 雑誌ディプロマットの新米特派員だった韓国人のミッチ・シン(MitchShin)が「反日種族主義」の著者である李宇衍=イ・ウヨン氏の寄稿を削除した事案。 シンは5人衆の一人であるデビッド・アムバラス(David Ambaras)との寸劇の末に内容が不適切として削除した 記事(日本語) japan-forward.com/japanese/89282/

2023-03-26 10:09:06
Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @LAktwndOzCaWxNd

@Diplomat_APAC この経緯は、Ramsyere教授の回答書中(January 4, 2022)で確認できる。 David Ambaras (co author to the attack in Appendix I) posted a screenshot of the article on Twitter: "Comfort Women denialists are despicable," he declared. "Why is @Diplomat_APAC publishing this garbage?

2023-03-26 10:25:40
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