反日する英語を話す人③英国の朝鮮半島専門の大学教授Kevin Gray@DrKevinGrayがいつの間にかツイートを消し逃げ出していた。何万ものツイートを消すには一日では終わらない。やってる事は仲間内や英字新聞から情報収集し、それを学術研究と思ってるようだ。(新聞記者と学者の区別ができないようだ)


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anything wrong, pls comment below, then i correct them

Kevin Gray @DrKevinGray

@chenchenzh they are at least a symptom rather than cause of the deepening animosity.

2023-03-19 22:02:51

Kevin Gray@DrKevinGrayはこれ以前のツィートを全て消した。2023/3/19時点のhttps://twitter.com/DrKevinGray




事の発端はKevin Gray@DrKevinGrayがハンギョレ珍聞英語版のドイツの慰安婦像の撤去に抗議する記事にリプライしたことから始まる。

「展示期間」が過ぎたから。The reason for the removal was simply that the "exhibition period" permitted by the university had passed.

Read the article first

リンク english.hani.co.kr German university quietly removes “comfort women” statue amid pressure from Japan The South Korean government’s plan to concede on compensation for victims of forced mobilization is seen as a factor in the university’s decision 49

そして次にBBCの記事「韓国と日本:狂信者の画期的な出会い」に対するKevin Grayのコメントに批判が相次いだ

BBC記者達の不勉強も然る事ながら、Kevin Grayの意見からは北朝鮮サポーターか中国の工作員と思われるような事実誤認が多く見られる

KARA @KARASAN@zirk.us(Mastodon) @karakar90892471

South Korea and Japan: A milestone meeting of frenemies 16 March by Shaimaa Khalil in Tokyo by Jean Mackenzie in Seoul bbc.com/news/world-asi…

2023-03-24 14:21:08
リンク BBC News South Korea and Japan: A milestone meeting of frenemies BBC correspondents explain why historic rivals are trying to rebuild trust - and who stands to gain. 1 user 478

Who is Kevin Gray?




KARA @KARASAN@zirk.us(Mastodon) @karakar90892471

Kevin Gray Professor of International Relations, University of Sussex. Researches both Koreas & East Asian development more broadly. WhoTwi archive.md/jIH7e

2023-03-21 12:33:17
KARA @KARASAN@zirk.us(Mastodon) @karakar90892471

@DrKevinGray @Byungheonkim2 @Yoonbangch 나는 메신저입니다. 블록은 반박할 수 없는 사람의 특징입니다. 그런 다음 트윗을 끕니다. I'm a messenger A block is a characteristic of an irrefutable person. Then delete the tweet. pic.twitter.com/mdwZOX6ARF

2023-03-15 16:29:31
KARA @KARASAN@zirk.us(Mastodon) @karakar90892471

何故、彼らはツイートを消し逃げするか? その理由はカンニングした答案用紙が零点なのを他人に見られたくない Why do they erase tweets and run away? The reason, don't want others to see that the answer sheet they cheated on is zero. pic.twitter.com/h12n05bd79

2023-03-24 16:25:01

以下はKevin Grayにリプライ



The testimony of Korean comfort women, which is considered to be the only evidence, was confirmed as a lie. Forcible recruitment and sexual slavery are pretexts for fraud. The support group was arrested and prosecuted for embezzling donations, sentenced to five years in prison, and one committed suicide (manager of Nanum's house).

Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @LAktwndOzCaWxNd

@DrKevinGray you are wrong According to Japan's definition of right-wing, 99% of Japanese fall under it.

2023-03-14 22:45:07
Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @LAktwndOzCaWxNd

@DrKevinGray If it is your research topic, you should learn the language first.

2023-03-14 22:49:24
Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @LAktwndOzCaWxNd

@DrKevinGray No thanks for info. I'm not sure if you can read Hangul I'm sending you this assuming that you can read Hangul because you wrote your thesis by copying and pasting from korean-WIKIPedia. This is an article about recruited workers by Korean researchers. mediawatch.kr/news/article.h…

2023-03-15 07:17:59
Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @LAktwndOzCaWxNd

@DrKevinGray your "the Japanese right's narrative"? this is my advice You earn your living through research, so do something decent. Look at the number of Japanese comments and "likes" on this neutral article news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/62bf1…

2023-03-15 07:55:53
Brian Kim @brian11kim

@DrKevinGray Yes. They should stop being arrogant and listen to us. Please give us nukes. washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/…

2022-03-16 23:15:59
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