G 7コーンウォールサミットでのXRの活動と争点、結末

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XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

英国エクスティンクション・レベリオン “私たちはG7サミットの計画を述べた。 「G 7レベリオン」は英国中で一連の行動を行い、コーンウォールでの3日間の抗議行動でクライマックスを迎える。“ twitter.com/xrebellionuk/s…

2021-06-03 12:51:18
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

We reveal our plans for @G7 summit ‘G7 Rebellion’ will kick off with a series of actions across the UK culminating with 3 days of protests in Cornwall. None of the G7 nations are delivering on the promises they made in Paris in 2015 xrb.link/o4L0ZE

2021-06-02 17:28:03
リンク Extinction Rebellion UK ‘We’re drowning in promises!’ Extinction Rebellion announces plan of action for Cornwall G7 Summit - Extinction Rebellion UK Today, Extinction Rebellion revealed their plans for the G7 Summit in Cornwall (11 - 13 June.) The series of protests - to be held across the UK in the run up to, and during the summit - will be focused on the failure of G7 nations to respect the global c

XRの人びと People of XR

XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

Advice to Young People as they face Annihilation | Roger Hallam | 2021 youtu.be/dnpOnO71wno via @YouTube ”大規模な非暴力の市民的抵抗(何千人もの若者が「成り行き任せ」を阻止し、逮捕されたり刑務所に入ったりすること)だけが、今必要だと誰もが知っている大規模な変化を生み出す手です”

2021-06-13 04:43:19
Earth Fast🌍🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 @earth_fast

Day 7 of Earth fast Sweden Anna Termine, 63 years old from Stockholm. “I am partecipating in the hunger strike for global XR Earth fast because I want the Prime Minister of Sweden to declare Climate Emergency, to inform citizens of the gravity of climate crisis #actnow pic.twitter.com/NFmYLzfLL7

2021-06-07 05:35:33
Simon Pirani @SimonPirani1

Big crowd in Canning Town yesterday, to stop the @SilvertownTn. Mayor of Newham, local Labour, trades council, teachers' & transport unions joining forces with @MumsforLungs, @ChokedUp_UK, Greens & XR. Time to stop that wretched, climate-trashing tunnel. stopsilvertowntn.com/june-5th/

2021-06-07 01:13:58
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

Believe it or not, most of us are still in the calm before the storm. #ActNow

2021-06-06 08:26:47
2020: The Walk @2020thewalk

I will join the XR @earth_fast. It is NOW or NEVER. Starting on the 28/08/21, it will involve many rebels voluntarily going without food as a form of non-violent direct action. #CitizensAssemblies #ClimateEmergency #ActNow #EarthFast #ExtinctionRebellion earthfast.info

2021-06-04 22:43:29
2020: The Walk @2020thewalk

The seas are rising. We are drowning in apathy. "I should have joined" - Most ghosts, 2059. #ExtinctionRebellion rebellion.global pic.twitter.com/w2ovsyQ5kW

2021-06-04 22:20:33
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

“I call it climate roulette. We are pointing a gun at our own children’s faces and we go on pulling the trigger until the gun goes off. “I don’t know how you feel about children, but I’m not letting that happen to mine.” scotsman.com/news/environme…

2021-06-03 19:23:46
Extinction Rebellion Berlin @XRBerlin

Vom 24.-28. Mai fand in Hamburg die #RebellionWave des Nord-Bündnisses statt. Von Montag bis Freitag gab es viele tolle Aktionen um auf die #Klimakatastrophe aufmerksam zu machen und hier kommt eine schöne Doku dazu. Uns steht das #WasserbiszumHals – Klimakrise in die Medien! pic.twitter.com/GDDcCVrxV2

2021-06-01 03:20:36
Earth Fast🌍🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 @earth_fast

The first XR Earth Fast action started outside the Swedish Parliament. Such brave activists who put our politicians to shame . Please share and come by to support them @ExtinctionR @XRebellionUK @xrgambia @uganda_xr @media_xr @ScotlandXr @ExtinctionR_SV @XRFamilies pic.twitter.com/Un4YQMqHMm

2021-05-31 22:19:22


安田 陽 @YohYasuda

IEA報告書"Net Zero"ではCO2削減の貢献度のグラフが掲載されています。1位風力、2位が僅差で太陽光、3位は電気自動車。いずれも既に商用段階。CCUSやDACS, 水素は貢献度は低くしかもまだ実証/試作段階。どちらに投資すべきかは一目瞭然。日本でこの優先順位や予算配分を誤るとガラパゴス化の懸念。 pic.twitter.com/xVI6fE2L7s

2021-06-19 12:03:57
安田 陽 @YohYasuda

IEAの報告書 "Net Zero by 2050" については、公開日翌日の5/19の時点でコメントしておりますので、よろしければこちらのスレもご参考下さい。 twitter.com/YohYasuda/stat…

2021-06-19 11:48:49
安田 陽 @YohYasuda

昨日(5/18)公表されたIEAの"Net Zero by 2050"、 iea.org/reports/net-ze… 注目すべき数値として、2050年の電源構成に占める再エネ比率88%が挙げられます(p.198)。 早速、先週の基本政策分科会で出たばかりの日本の「参考値」と比べグラフ化してみました。日本はこのままの議論でよいのでしょうか? pic.twitter.com/XUHTFI2NEn

2021-05-19 09:12:39
安田 陽 @YohYasuda

先月出たIEA報告書"Net Zero by 2050"、日本では驚きを持って伝える報道も多いですが、過去のIEAの報告書を追えば順当に上方推移しており特に驚くべきことではありません。先入観で情報収集を怠ると世界の流れについていけなくなります。#インスタ映えするデータとエビデンス instagram.com/p/CQSRN-3nx5r/ pic.twitter.com/n9AlQ9BWo9

2021-06-19 11:45:48
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ローレンツ・キーザー ”グリーン成長論者が、低成長下で国際運輸抜きでの過去10年間で20%という、消費基準でのCO2削減を成功として売り込むのを見てて可笑しい。1.5℃のために先進国はこれを1〜2年で達成しないといけないのに。 ゆっくり成功するというのは失敗なんです。 #degrowth " twitter.com/LorenzClimate/…

2021-06-19 05:32:32
@loke@kolektiva.social @LorenzClimate

Funny how green growthers try to sell a ~20% cons.-based CO2 reduction over 10 years (2010-19), under low GDP growth & ignoring int. aviation/shipping, as success, when for 1.5°C these countries would need to achieve such reductions in 1-2 yrs. Winning slowly = failure. #degrowth twitter.com/MaxCRoser/stat…

2021-06-18 20:30:06
@loke@kolektiva.social @LorenzClimate

Funny how green growthers try to sell a ~20% cons.-based CO2 reduction over 10 years (2010-19), under low GDP growth & ignoring int. aviation/shipping, as success, when for 1.5°C these countries would need to achieve such reductions in 1-2 yrs. Winning slowly = failure. #degrowth twitter.com/MaxCRoser/stat…

2021-06-18 20:30:06
Max Roser @MaxCRoser

Average incomes in Sweden increased strongly. And as the economy grew, CO2 emissions declined. This became possible partly because Sweden put a price on carbon emissions. You find the research here in my text 'The argument for a carbon price': ourworldindata.org/carbon-price pic.twitter.com/w7DxhFskFG

2021-06-18 16:49:21
International Energy Agency @IEA

Last month we released our #NetZero2050Roadmap – a key contribution to the conversation on how to reach climate goals. Explore the key findings in our interactive #dataviz! ➡️ iea.li/2SGGbD9 pic.twitter.com/OJgfQzG4Se

2021-06-18 17:16:15
安田 陽 @YohYasuda


2021-06-16 09:35:52
安田 陽 @YohYasuda

本日(6/16)日経新聞FTオピニオン記事。 「米バイデン政権をはじめ世界の至るところで経済学の定義が変わりつつある。細かい定量分析にばかり目を向けるのではなく、これまで「外部性」と片付けられてきた環境や保健、社会的要因などを重視するようになってきた。」 twitter.com/nikkei/status/…

2021-06-16 09:23:30
International Energy Agency @IEA

Our pathway to net zero brings substantial new opportunities for employment, with 14 million clean energy supply jobs created by 2030. But careful policy attention is needed to minimise hardships for workers in fossil fuel sectors where jobs are lost 👉 iea.li/3cxHcUS pic.twitter.com/Gynv9QBFrt

2021-06-12 22:45:03
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

High income nations donating vaccines to low- and middle income nations (once they've vaccinated most of their own populations) might be seen as a nice gesture. But it sure isn't solidarity. #VaccineEquity twitter.com/OurWorldInData…

2021-06-12 16:59:40
Our World in Data @OurWorldInData

According to our latest global COVID data these are the vaccination rates across the world: – High-income countries administered 63 vaccines per 100 people – Low-income countries administered less than 1 vaccine per 100 people [We keep counting at ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinat…] pic.twitter.com/jOF1KzAqyF

2021-06-09 22:21:39
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