G 7コーンウォールサミットでのXRの活動と争点、結末

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UN Environment Programme @UNEP

"By recognizing the right to a healthy environment, the Escazú Agreement is a powerful instrument to make peace with nature and build more just, peaceful, inclusive and sustainable societies." - @andersen_inger #ForNature bit.ly/3gGCEyl

2021-06-14 00:00:32
ipbes @IPBES

The evidence is clear🌿a sustainable future for ppl & nature is achievable but requires #TransformativeChange w/ rapid far-reaching actions of a type never-before attempted 📖#BiodiversityClimateScience from @IPBES & @IPCC_CH co-sponsored w/shop Report 👉ipbes.net/BiodiversityCl… pic.twitter.com/L8fLd8uu2L

2021-06-13 17:20:15
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

グレタ・トゥーンベリ ”「確かに新しい木を植えることは有効です。しかし自然のままの場所の方がはるかに良い。世界は、温暖化と生物多様性の損失を同じ問題の2つの部分として扱う必要があると、新しい報告書は警告しています。」 #気候破壊 #生態系破壊twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…

2021-06-13 04:20:03
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

"Yes, planting new trees can help. But intact wild areas are much better. The world needs to treat warming and biodiversity loss as two parts of the same problem, a new report warns." #ClimateBreakdown #EcologicalBreakdown nytimes.com/2021/06/10/cli…

2021-06-12 17:29:11
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

"Yes, planting new trees can help. But intact wild areas are much better. The world needs to treat warming and biodiversity loss as two parts of the same problem, a new report warns." #ClimateBreakdown #EcologicalBreakdown nytimes.com/2021/06/10/cli…

2021-06-12 17:29:11
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

Planting trees won't save us. We have to stop burning fossil fuels. theconversation.com/what-would-hap…

2021-06-12 08:07:02
grist @grist

A new report from @IPCC_CH and @IPBES says not all climate policies are good for biodiversity. bit.ly/3iuqQAi

2021-06-12 01:22:04
New Scientist @newscientist

Climate change and biodiversity loss must be tackled together or neither will be successfully solved, says a major report by two international bodies bit.ly/2RHI7uR pic.twitter.com/spaCtOPZvP

2021-06-11 05:27:29
Alex Steffen @AlexSteffen

As in "Unless the world stops treating climate change and biodiversity collapse as separate issues, neither problem can be addressed effectively, according to a report issued Thursday by researchers from two leading international scientific panels." nytimes.com/2021/06/10/cli…

2021-06-11 04:48:08
Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

Unless the world stops treating climate change and biodiversity collapse as separate issues, neither problem can be addressed effectively, say researchers from two leading international scientific panels. @catrineinhorn nytimes.com/2021/06/10/cli…

2021-06-10 23:02:22
ipbes @IPBES

BREAKING: #BiodiversityClimateScience from @IPBES & @IPCC_CH co-sponsored workshop report identifies key options for solutions to address #biodiversity & #climate crises together w/ their combined social impacts 👉ipbes.net/BiodiversityCl… pic.twitter.com/ha65cZrQu4

2021-06-10 22:06:13
Friends of EbA (FEBA) @FriendsofEbA

The @IPBES & @IPCC_CH #BiodiversityClimateScience report launches tomorrow! Tune in on 10 June, at 3pm CEST: bit.ly/BDCCSciencePub… twitter.com/IPBES/status/1…

2021-06-10 05:54:00
ipbes @IPBES

The first-ever collaboration of its kind... @IPBES & @IPCC_CH co-sponsored workshop report launches TOMORROW #BiodiversityClimateScience 🚨Join the livestream from the virtual media launch on 10 June at 3pm CEST 🚨 bit.ly/BDCCSciencePub… pic.twitter.com/8KOVoMr2Ss

2021-06-09 16:05:00
Dr Charlie Gardner @CharlieJGardner

Conservation forever in climate’s shadow 83% of councils declare climate emergency 15% declare ecological emergency These are twin crises, two sides of the same coin. They must be addressed together inkcapjournal.co.uk/less-15-of-cou…

2021-06-10 01:14:15
Biofuelwatch @biofuelwatch

Behind #NetZero pledges by companies is the reality that #BigPolluters can keep 💵 Buying carbon offsets instead of cutting emissions 🌳 Driving land grabs in the Global South 🏭 Extracting & polluting You can learn more about #NetZero greenwashing here: corporateaccountability.org/TheBigCon pic.twitter.com/XrIyR8gPS4

2021-06-09 20:48:53


小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「生物種の大量絶滅と生物多様性条約2021年」 togetter.com/li/1726990

2021-06-08 12:42:26
XR South West Britain @XRSouthWest

The UK government: 🦔 failed on 14 of 20 Convention of Biological Diversity targets 🌳 cut funds for wildlife & environment by £250m 🦗 allowed 41% of UK species to decline; many now face extinction  Help us fight for our vanishing wildlife ➡️ chuffed.org/project/g7-cor… #G7UK #G7 twitter.com/xrsouthwest/st…

2021-06-03 22:18:09
XR South West Britain @XRSouthWest

The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world with more than one in seven native species facing EXTINCTION and more than 40 percent in decline 🦔🕊️🦗🦇💀🦔🕊️🦗🦇💀🦔 We desperately need a new, GLOBAL deal for nature that protects and restores #G7UK #G7 pic.twitter.com/hsQhihqjvu

2021-06-02 22:47:15
リンク The RSPB New report shows the UK is the least effective G7 member at protecting nature A league table showing how much of the natural world is left in each of the G7 countries has the UK languishing at the bottom, and twelfth worst of 240 countries and territories
リンク the Guardian Investing 0.1% of global GDP could avoid breakdown of ecosystems, says UN report Nature’s financial value must be considered to avoid ‘irreversible’ degradation to biodiversity and land 1394
リンク U.S. U.N. chief backs new blueprint to end "suicidal" war on nature A new scientific blueprint http://bit.ly/UNEP-UNEA for tackling climate change, pollution and the accelerating loss of plant and animal species published on Thursday shows how to end the world's "suicidal" war on nature, U.N. chief Antonio Guterres said. 1


Kosuke Hatta 八田浩輔 @kskhatta

G7で一帯一路に対抗する中低所得国向けインフラ投資イニシアティブ。環境と人権が柱 reuters.com/world/g7-count…

2021-06-12 19:39:59
Green New Deal UK 🌍 @GreenNewDealUK

📢 @G7 It's time to honour your promise to fund $100bn for countries on the front line of the climate crisis. Global warming means over 2 billion of the world’s poorest suffer heat stress, crop failures, food & water scarcity. #G7PayUp pic.twitter.com/E3KxBdqu3c

2021-06-11 22:39:19
Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance @floodalliance

#ClimateFinance is insufficient, not enough is invested in #adaptation to #ClimateChange, and it's not targeting the countries and communities worst affected by the #ClimateCrisis. @G7, help us #ClosetheGap on adaptation. floodresilience.net/resources/item… #G7Summit @cop26 #COP26 pic.twitter.com/7Tu9HOhq4k

2021-06-11 17:40:51
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

Redirect all government financing, energy and expenditure from the development of weapons of war and nuclear weapons to combating climate and ecological crisis. Governments can chose to build a world that loves, protects and nurtures life, or one that destroys it. Not both.

2021-06-11 17:45:19
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